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Jess's POV.....

I couldn't help but sneak out as soon as I got to my room. I refuse to look at anyone because at the looks if it, they all had to have known.

What father would date someone for three years and not tell his kid? That's some straight up bullshit, he can fuck off with that shit.

I messaged Austin to pick me up. I honestly want to forget about tonight and release. This actually helps because Austin said he wanted to try something new and I told him not tonight because of the dinner but now, I wanna see what he had in mind.

I did dramatically leave proof at home that I ran away, they wouldn't know where I would go though. I hope my dad gets worried to the point of no return because fuck his fucking feelings right now.

A pretty sleek black mustang pulls up next to me and the windows roll down. The car is unfamiliar so I walk farther from the sidewalk until the familiar sound of Austin's laugh fill my ears.

"Sorry Jess, I forgot to tell you that I just got a new car for passing the chemistry test." He explains as I walk to the car and enter. I left no room to talk and just kiss him, making sure I trail down to his neck.

"Ahhhh fuck, Jess!" He moans and I pull away and sit back. He hurries and steps on the gas. I try to get my mind off the whole new woman and it was working until another odd character popped in my mind.

That man. He was handsome, charming, but a fucking puker. I was stressing in that fucking kitchen with him, and the disrespect to look at me and then puke.... Like, I know for a fucking fact I ain't ugly.

I wonder how he knew me. He had to know me for some time because he had the nerve to call me a dummy. I don't know him though; he may just be a friend of my dad and heard stories about me.

"We're here." Austin says and I am grateful he knocked me out of my thoughts for a moment. I look around in confusion at the body of water in front of us and benches.

"A lake?" I asked confused and he chuckles before giving me a kiss on my lips, my attention wavers to the basket in his hand.

"Austin, why do you have a picnic basket?" I ask but he ignores me and walks down to a bench by the lake. The park is only being lit up by the moon and the stars, enough light for a serial killer..... Not two teens having a picnic.

I huff in annoyance and hop out the car. I shut his door and follow the path he took. I finally caught up to him to see that he laid down thick blankets and fake lit candles.

"This is..... Nice." I say, checking around to see if anyone was near and of course, it is empty and quite. He chuckles, I take the time to notice the candles were surrounding the blankets in a giant square.

"Come here, I know you skipped out on dinner." He says motioning me to sit on his lap. I smirk and slowly walk to him before having him between both of my legs standing up. I look down at his face to see he looked conflicted.

"Jess, come on.... I gotta tell you something after this." I slowly lower myself onto his lap and made sure not to break eye contact.

"Okay, well..... Let's eat and you can tell me." I say looking at his lips. I just want some oral distraction, not a conversation. I look back into his eyes and just by the way he grabbed my hips, I knew I had him.

He gives me a kiss on my lips and instead of continuing he stops. The sound of cries filled the once quite place.

"Au-Austin?" I was very much confused if he was being serious. The feeling of me being pushed onto the ground caught me off guard.

"What the fuck!" I yell as I sit up to see Austin shoving things into the basket while wiping his eyes.

"Jess.... I have a girlfriend now." He says without looking at me and to say that I wasn't shocked would be a lie. Why didn't he just say that in the car? Why bring me on this fucking picnic date?

"You aren't far from home.... I was supposed to be with her tonight.... Her dad is super sick and she needed me but I was being selfish." He rambles on before running to his car and leaving me and one of the blankets on the ground.

I stare at the light green cover in disbelief. The sound of an engine and screeching tires fills the air before it all goes silent.

I fall back flat onto my back and sigh. He could of at least dropped me off back home. I stare into the well lit sky and blink slowly to not freak out and cause a scene in front of mother nature.

Being so close to the lake made it so cold. I didn't feel like walking, so I just rolled up in the blanket and close my eyes harder to not cry about the events that happened tonight.

Adam's POV (3 hours later).....

"Where is she?!?" Chris yells for the millionth time. Everyone has been searching for hours now and he has been screaming the second he discovered Jess had ran away.

Ace and Cody barge in with defeat on their faces. They decided to drive to places they knew she would have gone and by the looks of it, she knew they would.

"Baby, you need to lay down before you raise your blood pressure and pop a dam vessel!" Ashanti says in anger and of course he doesn't listen and screams Jess's name. I wonder if he thinks she's a fucking genie and would magically appear.

Even though I think it is pointless to go and find her.... Due to the fact she knows nothing about fending for herself and would come back.... I hate to see Chris worried.

"I'll go out and find her, don't worry about anything. She will be home apologizing for this mess." I say walking out from the kitchen, not letting anyone respond.

I never let anyone speak after I do, the last word will always be mine. Maybe it became a priority to me, I refuse not to be heard.

It makes me angry that Jess has the balls to sneak away, she is a child. I feel that she needs to know her fucking place. I thought I made her realize that at a young age.

I was in so much thought that I didn't notice that I was in my car driving. That's pretty fucking dangerous but I do it a lot and it is something that benefits me at times.

With every house I pass and store, I look out to see if she was there and of course.... She wasn't. I'm getting a bit tired and there is no way I'm driving home tonight.

I really wanna grab a belt and smack the shit out of her behind for making me waste my fucking gas because of this shit.

I decided to keep going for another five miles before I start to see more of an open area. I was eventually passing a park and it looked like a place a teen would stop at so I stop the car.

The park was so dark but the odd thing out was little lights. I pulled into the park and made sure I put on my high beams, the bright lights shine on a person rolled up in some blanket by the lake.

Oh, this better not be her. I swear if this is her... I will go ballistic. She can't be dumb enough to sleep outside in a dark park alone.... Ain't no fucking way.

I get out my car and quietly close it before walking up to the person. It's Jess. I was about to yank her up and get her in the car but I feel like she needs to learn a lesson.

Anyone could have found her like this and did things they shouldn't.... I have to show her how stupid she was for running away.

I gently place my hands on the blanket and pushed her the opposite way as hard as I could to unravel her. She screams but I quickly run to her and cover her mouth before straddling her.

"Shhhhh, let's have fun." I say pinning her hands above her head.


Ummmmmm.... What does he mean by that???

Anyway, I want to thank y'all for getting me #1 in both #BWWM and #angermanagement ! I never been #1 for anything..... Like.... Absolutely nothing, this news made my day!

Y'all are so awesome!!!!

Again, this whole entire book is a warning.... I hope y'all understand by now..... It gets dark.... With light😭🤣

And yes, I know we all wanna punch Adam with his remarks in this book but trust me y'all, everything I write has reasoning and solutions, I promise 😭🤣😭

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