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Jess's pov....

We all look at each other with confusion. More people are coming? Maybe Ashanti has some family coming over and wants us to meet them. My thoughts are confirmed when she holds up a finger to us and runs out the kitchen.

Hm, she seems super excited. I couldn't imagine being excited to show anyone that I'm pregnant. My dad would lose his fucking mind and he would probably beat my ass like he did that night.

"сюрприз младший брат." A very well detected accent emerges through the silence and the voice belongs to a very beautiful woman. Her short black hair complemented her pale skin and she had the most creepy but beautiful gray eyes.

"Oh, to translate to those around..... I said , 'Surprise little brother." She giggled but it was sarcastic and unamused. I raise an eyebrow at her accusation and turn to my father. He stands completely still, he doesn't blink, he doesn't seem to be breathing either. 

"I invited your sister. I wanted to help you build the relationship you must of ha-." Ashanti is cut off by the roaring laughter of the woman. She hunches over with a dramatic laugh before giving her knee a small slap. The fuck is funny?

"You think I would have any relationship with this fucking piece of shit? He's a murderer, a horrible parent, a fucking trader who deserves to be out in the fucking ground!" She booms and her words made me angry. NO ONE speaks to my dad like that.

"I think you should hop your ass in the vehicle you came with and leave this property before my foot ends up in your ass." I say calmly and her fake smile drops and she faces me completely.

Her eyes narrow at me and for the first time, her expression is soft and she seems taken by surprise. I cross my arms and stand my ground.

"You've grown up so beautifully. I'm surprised you're still alive after your dad left you with a fucking 15 year old when he went to prison." She says looking me over with a smile.

"W-what?" I ask because the only words that stuck out were my dad being in prison. Like.... My dad? The real estate guy who loves wearing matching pajamas with his daughter?

"Shut your mouth Vera!" Maria orders and Vera's face turns into a disgusted expression. She turns to Chris with balled fists and the scary thing is..... Chris is still frozen and his eyes are wide and blank.

He's not denying anything that she is saying. No one is denying it and that made me sick to my stomach. I didn't know I had an aunt, I was led to believe my dad was an only child. 

"You still have Maria around? After all that she did with you.... You kept her. I knew it, I knew you both planned to kill our father that night!" She boomed and there goes another secret I had no idea about.

Maria knew my grandpa and apparently, she and my dad ended his life. How could I be so clueless about these things? Why did they hide so much of this from me? Why raise me to be this normal girl if my life includes situations that are not normal?

"Vera, you have said enough. Leave and do it quietly and respectively." Adam's voice broke through some tension in the room and my heart skipped a beat. Did he hear what she said? My dad killed my-.... Wait, Adam killed someone too.

"Wow, you've grown Adam. I should thank you for watching over Jess. You were only fifteen and you had the role of being a godfather to an infant." She says pouting her lips sarcastically. 

"I'm so surprised you even lasted six years. I'm not surprised you left her and I'm not surprised you are the cause of her  depression at that age. Yeah.... I got eyes and ears everywhere you fucking dick muncher!" She booms and my heart shatters.

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