A son

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Jess's pov....

~6 months later~

"Yep, she's pregnant alright. The thing is... She's six months pregnant." The doctor announces to Wayne and I. His announcement had Wayne glare at me. I knew he would react like this, I just didn't want to accept the fact I was pregnant.

"Doctor, my wife hasn't been showing any signs. I haven't seen her have morning sickness and I'm pretty sure she has had her period." Wayne says as she shoots me another look to confirm and I nod my head but then remembered I was throwing up heavily a month in.

"Well, everyone is different. Some show no signs of being pregnant at all. That usually results in unexpected births and that happens more often than you would think." The doctor explains and Wayne nods his head.

"The good thing is, I can tell you the gender of the baby. Would you like to know?" He asks as he pulls up a chair and I nod my head. The doctor put a cold jelly on my stomach and I flinched a little but quickly recovered.

Wayne's phone blares through the silent room and he answers it. I roll my eyes at his behavior towards a special day. He sighs and just leaves the room. I can't believe he's going to be the father to.... This child.

The odd sound of beating made me look towards the machine it came from. There was this screen on the machine and as the doctor placed this thing I have no clue of on my stomach, I felt movement. I gasp and the doctor chuckles.

"He's a strong one, the sound you are hearing is his heart beat." The doctor says and for some reason, the sound of the baby's heart made my heart flutter. I watch and feel the baby move and I can't help the tears that escape my eyes. Wait... Did he say.... He?

"I- I'm having a son?" I ask in disbelief and the doctor lets out a hearty laugh. I did it, I'm having a boy. This is the end of the road for me, Wayne gets to have the son he wanted and I can leave and go home. I get to see Adam, hopefully.

He wipes off the stuff and I can't stop the smile that places itself on my face. Wayne probably planned on getting me pregnant a little later, but man was he fooled. It was a blessing that I was able to hide the fact that I was pregnant from him.

He had to go off on some business trip and of course, Reyes went with him. The only person that has been there and noticed my changes was Robbie. He made sure to help me and get me bigger clothes to cover my belly. 

The awesome thing was that I'm already heavy set, so it was just assumed I was only gaining weight because of the food I consumed. Wayne came back in and I can tell he was pissed but played face for the doctor.

"Congratulations, your baby boy is happy and healthy." The doctor says with a smile and Wayne's eyes widen before they focus on me and I smile brightly. I'm going home you sick fucker.

"Mhm, Jess get up, we have business to take care of." Wayne orders and I eagerly get up to hug the doctor and thank him for the help. He was so kind and it was nice to see a new face. Wayne was able to convince him that I needed to be seen at home instead of the hospital..... Not sure how he managed that but I'm happy with the results.

Once we both got far away from the room, Wayne harshly grabs me by the face. I reach up to pry his hands off but he wouldn't budge. You would think he would be more gentle with me after finding out I'm carrying his child.

"I don't believe you didn't know you were pregnant... You know, I wanted to experience it with you. I wanted to find out by the signs and you hid them from me." He whispers and I'm not sure why he is whispering. The grip on my face gets tighter and I yelp in pain.

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