Babies are sex tickets

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Adam's POV...

"Hurry the fuck up and turn you dumbass!!!" I yelled frustrated with the person in front of me who miraculously was able to be in possession of a car. I heard a little noise come out of Jess's mouth and ignored it because she has been doing that the whole car ride.

"Hmmmmmwaaaaahhh!" Jess yelled and I am so close to throwing her ass out the window. Chris better have a fucking plan to get out that fucking building and it better be fast because I don't think I can take this shit. Now I know for sure that condoms are a must have.

I smile as I get close to the parking lot of the grocery store and I hurry up and turn into the property an swerve the car into an parking space. Smiling, I take the keys out of the ignition and walk to the back of the car to find Jess sucking on her pacifier.

"Why were you making noise, you seem satisfied?" I said rolling my eyes at the confused baby, her eyes widen at me and then out of nowhere she gives me a bright smile. I raise my right eyebrow and then she started to move her hands and feet while smiling.

"Calm down Jess, I need to get something to eat for the house and maybe get you some more of that baby milk." I said unbuckling the car seat and picking it up, I close the car door and walk to the nearest basket and put the car seat on the top of the basket.

"Shit, I didn't make a list." I growled and Jess eyes widen before she stuck out her tongue. She isn't as innocent as she looks, she has to know what I am saying because her expressions are always responding to my statements. I walk up to the automatic doors and enter the busy store, I don't have the patience for this.

"Hello sir, welcome to Costco!" The big blonde bitch said and I roll my eyes and continued to walk straight to the aisle with meat. I started piling ribs,chicken, and ground beef into the basket before making my way to quick and easy foods. I pile up some chicken nuggets, fries, DiGiorno, fish sticks, burritos, and mozzarella sticks.

"We do need some fruit and bread." I said to Jess and she gave me a big smile and a burp. What am I going to do with her? I shake my head and pushed our way to the fruits and I grab three packs of green apples, two packs of pears, four packs of green grapes, and four bundles of bananas.

"I wonder if you can have some banana in your milk." I said to the mysteriously quite baby, she was just staring at me and for a second I was scared but I was soon washed with relief when she blinked and smiled at me again. Just across from the fruits was wheat so I collected some loaves of bread and I also gathered bagels.

"She is so cute." A feminine voice said beside me and I turned to see a woman with curly hair and big boobs. Dam, I looked down to see curves and my buddy in my pants decided to wake up. I quickly hid myself more into the basket and I gave the woman a smile.

"Thank you, I can say the same to you." I said looking her up and down before setting my eyes back to her lips and to my disappointment, she didn't really have lips but I'm sure she is skilled with her mouth because the clothes she is wearing screams 'I lost my virginity at thirteen'.

"Are you flirting, I don't think the mother would like that her man is flirting with another woman. Would she?" She asked as she traces her curves with her right hand and my eyes followed. Please don't be a prostitute because I won't give a bitch a dime from my pocket.

"First off, me and the mother aren't together because she left, second, yes I am flirting but don't get it twisted lady because I just need simple sex for the night, and third, you better not be a prostitute because I am not giving your ass anything." I ramble and she stood there and all of a sudden she grabbed my private part and started to palm me through my jeans.

"I'm not a prostitute but tonight you can Treat me like one." She said and I tilt my head back and I close my eyes as I let out a moan. She stopped and I felt a kiss on my neck and she loosened her grip. I faced her again and she was staring at Rose. I turned my face to Rose to see her frowning but she gave me a smile once she seen me.

"So when do you want me to come over?" She asked and I pulled my eyes away from Jess and on to the lady and smirked, "I'll come to your place." I said and she nodded her head and pulled her phone out and I did the same.

"Put your number in." She said and I grabbed her phone and gave her my phone to put her number in and I know once I'm done with her, I'm deleting the number..... or I can keep her as a back up fling if I don't succeed one night. She blows me a kiss and walked away with her hips swaying.

"Cougars." I said rolling my eyes and I pushed us out the aisle and into the path  that leads us to the cash register.

~skip to home, the food is put up~

"Thank you so much for watching her Maria!" I yelled at my old babysitter that use to watch me when Chris went on drug deals. I pull out of the driveway and zoomed my way onto the streets to meet my fling for the night. Once I was at her address I sprayed on some cologne and stuffed a couple of condoms in my pocket before driving up to her house.

I didn't even get a chance to observe the house because the door opened up and there she stood with a pink lingerie and it was way beyond see through. "Come on you naughty boy, you're daughter needs her daddy to be home soon."

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