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Adam's POV...

I can't believe I agreed to come here. I wasn't the one that knocked her up and my sperm reached its match. All I hear is yelling coming from the room and I'm not going in there to see an fucking baby get pulled out of a women's vaginal area.

"It's all your fucking fault, Chris!" Angela yelled and I rolled my eyes as I heard Chris yell back about them both agreeing not to have on condoms.

"Well, those fucking days are over Ahhhhh!" She yelled and I wasn't fazed about her yelling because I hear worse messing with Chris's dumbass.

"I told you how my brother died using a condom." He whined and I cringe at him because he is a grown man whining and not for himself but for a woman to fuck him without a condom. Chris can be fucking pathetic sometimes.

"Fuck you, you never had any brothers just one sister who I don't fucking see!" She cried out and I looked to the side to see if anyone was coming up here but nothing but our spiral staircase.

"I told her we weren't gonna do it at the hospital since me and Adam got kicked out of there..... Plus this doctor is private." He explained to her and it makes me mad that he always explains himself to her. I will never explain myself to anyone because people are idiots that will die one day.

"Oh my god, I think she is ready to come out!" She yells and I glare at the closed door that she was screaming behind. She couldn't keep that to her fucking self?

I hear the doctor telling her to breathe and push and I crinkle my upper lip at the thought of Angela laying down on her back (as fucking usual) and listening to the doctor as sweat ran down her face and Chris holding her hand looking down at her lovingly.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Her screaming didn't interrupt my thoughts but the sound of crying did. I heard Angela laughing and I grimaced at her dumb laugh that for some reason didn't sound genuine.

The door swings open and hits the wall, not forgetting to leave a fucking mark. I ain't paying for the shit this time. Chris has a bright smile on his face and without a word he beckons me to enter the room.

I don't want to but I live with Chris and have nowhere to go so I don't want to be on his bad side. I stood up and walked into the room, the air smelled like blood and sweat.

"Open the fucking window!" I said and Chris rolled his eyes as he grabbed a fan and plugged it up. I thought I said window, he never fucking listens.

"My little angel is getting cleaned up with the doctor so when she gets here you can hear the big news I have for you." He says wiggling his eyebrows and I want to punch him in his throat but cries fill the room again.

I looked behind me and there stood the doctor with a squirming and crying baby. I couldn't see her that much due to the blanket covering her but I could see her little arms moving around and her feet kicking off the blanket.

"I can tell she will be a handful." Chris chuckled but I stared at the baby who was giving grown man problems. Chris took the baby and she was giving him the same problem.

"Dam it, Angela please take her." He said giving her to her mom but the cries got even worse and I smirked because even the baby knows her mom is a fucking devil.

"Shit, Adam come hold her right quick so Angela can stand up and take a shower before breastfeeding her." Chris commands and I want to say 'No' but he has a look of seriousness so I walk towards Angela and stop right by her.

"I hope she doesn't smell like your vagina," I said and Angela flipped me off before giving me the baby and now I have a crying baby in my hands. I cradled her in my arms and slowly rocked her and the most magical thing happened.

She shuts the fuck up! I walk a little bit and look down at the baby whose eyes are closed but her little hand reaches out and her little fingers touch my face. I felt the world stop and my focus was on the little girl her little mouth moved and I smiled as little spit bubbles escaped her mouth.

I raise my finger and wipe them away but before I can put my finger down her little hand grabs it and holds onto it. I kissed her head and she lay still with soft little snores escaping her little pink lips.

"How did you get her to stop crying?" I snap my head up to see Angela, Chris, and the doctor looking at me with amazement. I shrug my shoulders careful not to do it too hard to wake her up or hurt her.

"Can we tell him?" Chris asks Angela with a big smile and I squint my eyes at the couple. She rolls her eyes and nods her head. Chris kisses her and walks to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"We've decided to make you Jessica's godfather." He said and I was confused about what he was talking about. He saw my confusion and chuckled before pointing at the sleeping baby in my arms.

"Her name is Jessica Rosette Carter." I love her name so props to Angela and I am happy she has Chris's last name.

"Are you sure Chris because not a lot of fifteen-year-old boys become godfathers?" I ask trying to see if he'll change his mind or laugh at me and say how he was just playing around.

"Adam, if anything happens to us I want you to take care of Jessica and keep her safe because you are the only person I can count on."

If only we all knew that something was soon to come.


I hope you liked it and you are willing to stay!! This is my first story and I want to know your thoughts on it... Thank you for making reading it.

Author's announcement:

Reminder..... This book entirely is a trigger warning.... I seriously advise those who can't handle it, to stop reading the book now.

It's toxic, controversial, and to many... Demented.

I love comments, tell me how you feel! Express your concerns for characters and express the hatred and love as well.

It's a safe space here.

I am aware that there could be spelling errors. I will reconstruct once finished.

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