Steak Knife

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Jess's pov....

W-what? Postpone my what?!? I quickly get up from my seat but I'm violently pushed back down by two of his goons. I struggle to escape their grasp but there was no point, they are stronger than I am.

"William must grow up without the burden of his mother making him soft." Wayne says and I glare at him. I hope he can feel my hatred, I hope he can because I'm not going down without a fight.

William is my son. I carried that baby until he was ready and I raised him the best I could with a bruised face and a bloody nose. If he thinks I'll just accept this, he's a dam fool.

All of this courage I have seems to be opening up places in me I locked up. I can feel the old me clawing her way out and for the first time in forever, I'll let her. I turn my head to the side and I latch my teeth into one of the men's hand.

"Ahhh, you son of a bitch!" He yells as he pulls his hand away and I take this as my moment to grab the steak knife on the table and stab it in the other guy's hand. He screams as well and pulls himself away from me.

I hurry up and run to the other side and snatch up another steak knife and a fork. I'm not playing with any of them, my son will have his mommy. A group of men surround me, I hold my weapons up and prepare myself to get in the biggest fight in my life. I might accidentally murder someone... Could I live with myself after that?

"Jess, either you give up your life or I'll end William's life and make you give me another son." Wayne threatens and his words cut deep. I would never let them hurt my baby for me. The fear of dying and leaving William behind is high but living and not having William with me is far more unbearable.

"You're a fucking pig Wayne. I swear I'll fucking haunt you." I spat before dropping the silverware. I'm quickly snatched up by the goons, they drag me to Wayne and force me on my knees. I hang my head low and avoid his gaze.

"You look so fucking hot in this dress. For this effort, I won't kill you in front of William. We'll just tell him you committed suicide." Wayne says and I raise my head up to meet his eyes. He smirks and starts to unbuckle his pants. I know dam well he doesn't think I'll give him head.

"I'll make it a quick death if you can make me cum." He taunts and he is a fucking fool for thinking that would change anything. I smirk and pucker my lips at him, he smirks back at me and leans down. I then spit the biggest loogey in his face.

"You stupid bitch!" He yells and he raises his hand, I close my eyes for the impact but the sound of glass breaking and gunshots filled the air. What the fuck? Warm liquid hits my face and I quickly open my eyes.

"My hand, my hand, Ahhhhhhhhh!" Wayne yells and my eyes widen at the now bloody cuff of his suit. His hand is gone and blood is squirting everywhere. I touch my face and almost gag that the liquid on my face is Wayne's blood.

More shits are heard and I watch as bodies hit the floor. Wayne is hot again and I watch as a bullet goes through his shoulder and another close to his chest. He quickly makes a run for it and managed to leave the dining area.

We're under attack? This must be another gang, they straight up massacred these people. It's a blessing they did this but when if I'm next. I was scared to move because they might notice me and shoot. I look towards the now shattered windows and another wave of bullets flew.

I quickly lay flat on my belly and cover my face. Maybe they'll think I'm dead if I stay still. The sound of stomping and boots smacking the floor, made me shake a little. A hand touches my back and I swear the touch felt so familiar.

"Jess, baby, get up for me." My heart skips beats and I stop breathing for a second. I'm hallucinating, no way that's the voice of.... Wayne must of killed me or something and I'm in some kind of sick and twisted death dream.

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