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Jess's pov....

It's been a good hour since Adam has left the table and also an hour since I threw away the soup. I can admit that I'm scared about his last words to me.

I bite my bottom lip one last time before deciding to head up to my room to go to bed. I'm gonna take a nice hot shower, I feel so messy and icky right now.

Once I make it to my door, I stop in confusion. The room is dark and the door is open. Did I turn off the light? Hell..... I didn't close my door? Ugh, Cathy must of had me shook.

I enter my room and close the door, not forgetting to lock it. Adam could have some sly shit planned and I don't want to be woken up with a beating. I don't even bother turning on the light, I just need to shower.

Chris's pov.....

"I want to know the cultures of my child, why can't you be upfront with what you're mixed with?" My beautiful but furious fiance asks and I groan in frustration.

I don't like to talk about irrelevant things and she knows that. What does me being black, white, purple, or orange have to do with anything? I'm okay identifying with the group that is most accepting and that's African American.

"I'm just black. Why are you in denial about my race?" I ask and she presses a finger on my chest and glares at me. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she looks. I'm a giant compared to her and those beautiful brown eyes complete the warmth in me.

"You should be proud of who you are. Why only claim one side just because the other or others don't accept you?" She asks angrily and I hate that she is upset because more than likely, she will upset the baby.

I feel defeated in this argument that truly has been one sided. I've been trying to calm her down and change the subject but she won't let go of it.

"My mother was African American and my father was Russian. However, he never had an accent nor did he ever speak the language to me. And he would often say my mother cheated on him with a black man.... So.... Yeah. Why claim something that doesn't want me to?" I say and she lowered her hand.

I never told Jess about my parents, hell.... She doesn't know that I have a sister. A sister that hates my guts because I killed Jess's mother. Jess doesn't even know she has Russian blood within her..... I mean... She might.

My father hated me and told me many times that he wasn't my father.... I still loved him and ignored his words. I had thought he was angry and needed someone to be mean to. I hated when he would smack my mother around because of his doubts... So, I took the abuse instead.

"I have some work to do.... I'll see you when dinner is done." I give my fiance a kiss on the forehead and leave without another word.

Jess's pov.....

I let the hot water hit my body. I've been in the shower for some time now and the steam fogs up the bathroom. I shut off the water and carefully hop out.

I don't even feel like getting dressed. I remember Adam warning me not to be naked in the room. I thought that was odd until the constant busting in my room trend happened.

I should be safe tonight, I locked the door and I'll cover myself in the blankets. I wrap a towel around me and head to the sink to brush my teeth. I rinse out my mouth and smile, clean as a whistle.

I yawn and turn around towards the very dark room. I shut off the bathroom light and blindly make my way towards the bed. Before I could even lay down, arms wrap around my waist and the smell of expensive cologne and mint invades my senses.

"Don't scream, it's just me." Adam whispers and I shiver, and for the record, it wasn't because it was cold. I shivered because his lips touched my ear. I nod my head, even though I'm more scared of him being in here than anyone else.

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