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Jess's pov....

I wake up to a massive headache and the shouting of Adam. I wince as his voice makes my head ring. I slowly get up and rub my eyes to get any gook I have out of my eyes to see more clearly.

"A-Adam, she is up!" I put my hands down and look at the blonde that helped Adam tape me to the chair. W-wait.... I look around and see I am back in the room he gave me. Fuck. I quickly get up and run towards the bathroom but a man appears and blocks it.

"Jess, you finally woke up!" Adam yells with excitement and I turn around to see Adam at the entrance to the room. His smile seems so evil and not genuine in the slightest. Well, I know he is gonna fuss about what happened earlier.

"My head still hurts. Can you all just leave the room?" I ask walking back to my bed. I lift my blanket to hop in but my hands are grabbed from behind me and my face is pushed down onto the bed.

They literally have me in the same position a cop would have a person before they arrest them.... I guess I deserved the slamming the face onto a hood of a car approach.

"Well Jess, I tried to be nice to you. I gave you a room, I let you shower, and I tried to feed you." Adam says in an unpleasantly calm tone. I can only see the headboard, I try to move my head but the person holding my head down keeps me in place.

"Adam.... What's going on?" I ask, I hoped he would answer me but the room is nothing but silent and cold. I hear the sound of medal clinking and I attempt to move my head towards the direction the sound is coming from but the hands above push me harder into the bed.

"Let me g-...... Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" I interrupt my own command as a stinging sensation spreads across my entire ass. I gained some strength and start to move around more forcefully. I wiggle, kick, and scream but instead of stopping.... The hits just came consecutively. One after the mutherfucking other.

"You wanna act like a fucking animal, I'll treat your ass like one!" Adam laughs and I scream louder to drown his laughter. He is a psychopath, Chris literally handed me over to a fucking psychopath.

Crack! Crack! Pop! Pop! Crack!

I thought the beating Chris gave me was crazy.... That has nothing on this. I never experienced anything like this in my life. I can feel myself slumping, my ass doesn't even feel like my ass. I'll be surprise if I still have an ass after this.

I finally let myself give out and seven more hits are landed before it comes to a stop. What did he fucking hit me with? Who held me in that position and watched this man beat my ass like that? This can't be fucking legal!

I didn't realize that I am now on my knees, completely free of the hands that pushed me into submission. I feel so many negative emotions... I know I kicked him in the balls but to get the beating that I got seems over excessive.

"Help her stand up to face me." Adam's voice brakes me out of thoughts. I don't have any strength to stand up, so when the hands grab my arms, I let them hold my entire weight. I'm literally jello in their arms, but I do not let Adam see any pain.

"Oh no, you cried?" Adam asks in a fake concerning voice. That threw me off because I didn't realize I let any tears escape at all. I sniff and ignore the embarrassment creeping up on me. He stood there with a black hoodie and matching sweats. Hmmm, he seems prepared for the cool temp in the room.

"You hit me, why would you hit me like that?" I spat and he just smirks and waves the belt in his hand. Wait a minute.... This dude hit me with a belt? I thought belts are for pants..... Who hits people with belts???!!!??

"Discipline, I bet you haven't heard that term in years." He sighs dramatically. I scrunch up my nose in disgust. Discipline would be taking my phone away and grounding me, hitting me is abuse for sure.

"No... Abuse... And... You, a white man by the way, hit me.... A black woman, with a belt.... Long story short, you fucking idiot, you're a racist." I shrug and if it wasn't for the fire on my ass that came out of nowhere, I would of laughed at the bewildered look Adam has.

"You will not pull that card with me. You see who I deal with, I'm not falling into that rabbit hole with your ass." He snaps. I raise and eyebrow at his statement, getting ready to pull some strings but the sound of a phone ringing beat me to the punch.

Adam scrunches up his eyebrows before reaching into his sweats and pulling out the phone. He scans the screen before letting out a huff and swiping the screen and holding it up to his left ear.

Adam's POV....

"What is it Ace?" I asked, but I'm pretty sure I know why he is calling. I hear whispers and I know Cody is near his brother. I roll my eyes at his silence and huff.

"Adam, I just wanted to talk to Jess. She is new to everything that occurred.... I just want to see how she is mentally doing." He finally says. I raise my eyebrows in amusement.

"What makes you think she's not mentally okay? You think I'm not capable of keeping Jess mentally in check?" I ask. I'm pretty sure he remembers me being the one who took care of Jess.

"Don't do that Adam, you know what I mean. I always check on Jess when she feels down, me and Cody are her emotional support." He says and I can hear the small gulp from Cody. She is here for a reason and she will find a loophole if she talks to Ace and Cody.

"What did Chris say?" I ask and the line falls silent. Bingo. I laugh and move my eyes to a visibly uncomfortable Jess. She must feel the sting.... Good, next time she will think before pulling shit like that on me.

"Bye Ace, she will see you when the time comes." I sigh before hanging up the phone. I don't wanna hear anything he has to say, he is being soft for a girl who treats the man who gave him everything like shit.

Jess's POV.....

Ace. Ace was on the phone with Adam.... He had to have asked if he could talk to me. I feel the stinging in my eyes at the thought of not being able to talk to Ace and Cody.

They have been the big brothers I didn't get. I told them everything.... Well, not the stuff of me being sexually active, I'm sure they had a clue that I was,  but everything besides sex, they knew.

"I-I want to talk to Ace." I mentally curse myself for stuttering. Wave of emotions hit me at the thought of being able to speak to Ace about everything. Maybe he can pick me up and help me get a place by myself until I turn 18. I can emancipate away from Chris.

"No." Adam says and I realize that he has been staring at me. I blink the tears I have away and bite my lip. I need some other type of pain to distract me from the pain my ass is feeling.

"Just let her sit down." Adam says to the two men holding me. I didn't even get a chance to look at them, and I don't want to. How can someone be comfortable holding another person down to get hit like that?

They sit me down on my behind and I couldn't help but yell in agony. Fuck! I quickly turn onto my stomach and lay down. Adam lets out a chuckle and walks out.

Adam's POV.......

"Don, where is all the women? I need one of them to help put some ointment on Jess." Don looks at me confused and pulls out his phone.

"You said that they can go home early for the week. And Cathy only went home early because her daughter is having the baby soon." He explains showing me the group chat in which I did tell the women they can go home early. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"If you want sir, I can get one of the guys to do it for you." He says typing on his phone and I quickly put my hand on his shoulder and shake my head.

"I trust you guys but.... It wouldn't be right to her. I don't want her thinking things are about to happen. I can see if she can do it herself or..... I'll figure it out." I quickly finish at the sound of Don's phone ringing.

He nods and answers his phone immediately. I hear the sound of a screeching woman at the other side and I laugh at him. He turns red from embarrassment and flips me off.

"I do pay attention to you!" He says and I shake my head and walk away from him chuckling. I wouldn't be able to handle that. I like the thought of me being able to do what I want, fuck who I want, and just have the space.

Okay.... Where is that ointment???

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