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Jess's pov...

"Are you fucking serious? Maybe move your fucking dog out the parking space you stupid prick!" Adam yells at an old lady. She turns and I erupt in a fit of laughter when she flips him off.

"Adam, why are you mad? I'm the one driving." Don says between a chuckle. Adam groans and leans back into his seat. The woman finally made it to her beat up van and Don was able to get a parking spot three cars away from her.

We all hop out and I make my way towards the street to get to the mall. I stop to look at it and it seems so simple and dead. It's just brown with very dark tinted windows.

"Come on Jess, we can't be out too long." Adam says and I gasp at his hand touching the small of my back. He ignores my reaction and continues to guide me to the automatic doors of the mall.

My jaw dropped once we stepped a foot in. The mall is absolutely far from being simple and dead. It's packed and people roam with name brand bags in their hand.

"Never judge a book by its cover." I whisper to myself. I felt a large hand on my waist and I look up to see Adam looking around before guiding me to the first store.

I look to see that the first store is a clothing store. I squeal and run to it in excitement. I didn't care that I left Adam and Don, I really want to be in something more fashionable than Adam's shorts and t-shirts.

The first thing that catches my eyes is the jeans. I quickly look for my size and the more I move the racks, the more I frown. These sizes are for really skinny people, people that are deemed flawless.

"Jess, I got a better store. This store is trash and only for those who don't mind throwing away a perfectly cooked pizza." Don shouts and I turn away from the jeans and give him a smile. He always knows what to say.

Adam's pov.....

I watch as Jess fills her hands with a bunch of clothing. I'm not sure what she got after jeans, I just hope none of them show too much. I can't handle a house that is mostly full of men that will gawk at any showing of the skin from the opposite sex.

"Your card is a gonner Adam." Don snorts and I shrug my shoulders. She could purchase this entire mall and it wouldn't put a dent in that card. Plus, I have many cards, many accounts, many ways to get more money for them.

"Hopefully this shopping spree is enough for her to want to start over." I say back to him as I watch Jess's face light up at a t-shirt. Don chuckles and that makes me face him.

"Maybe, maybe not." He says patting me on the back and walking away. He holds out his hands and Jess smiles in relief before dumping all the clothes on him.

She seems so happy and comfortable with him. Could she ever feel that way with me? Why do I even care? I don't care. I do but not in the way I should care. I groan at my thoughts and rub my face with both of my hands.

"Adam, are you ready for the next store?" I put my hands down and a smiling Jess came to view. She looks so.... I stop myself and nod my head to her question. She just looks happy, nothing but happy Adam.

Jess's pov......

"These would go great with anything!" I admire the cute black sandals with black glitter all around. I add them to the little basket that was provided and continue my shopping.

"Jess, love... I really have to take a shit. Adam is gonna help you until I get back!" Don whisper shouts behind me and I jump in surprise at his outburst.

"Okay." I simply answer and I continue to look through the massive choices of shoes. I make my way over to the sneakers and I bite my lip at the amount of choices. My eyes immediately are drawn to gold and white Jordans.

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