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Jess's pov....

I'm close to popping but Wayne seems to not give a single fuck at all. He left hours ago to "celebrate the coming of his son". Bullshit, he is using that as an excuse to get drunk and possibly hurt more people.

"I'm not shocked that everyone left. I'm starting to get the feeling Wayne has no good intentions for this baby." I stop in my tracks and my eyes widen at my wandering. Robbie leans himself on a wall at the end of the hallway. I have the urge to talk to him, I haven't gotten the chance since that day I found out the baby was a boy.

"He has no empathy at all Robbie. He didn't consider how it would feel for me to have a child so early. He just criticizes me about the way I eat, walk, and gained weight." I feel the tears threatening to slip and I'm so upset because I've become a big baby lately.

"I can't wait to leave this place and go back home." I sob and Robbie quickly walks to me and engulfs me in a big hug. Suddenly, I felt liquid between my legs and a sharp pain hits me out of nowhere.

"Ahhhhh!" I cry and Robbie pulls away and looks at me with confusion. The pain hits again but this time harder. I nearly fall to my knees. Robbie looks down and suddenly the confusion disappeared and he had a look of fear.

"Now? Of all times, now?!?" He whines and I'm not sure what got ahold of me but the urge to punch him in the face came over me. He really should shut the fuck up right now.

We slowly walk to my room but he turns me to the bathtub. I try to break away from him but he holds me tight and puts a reassuring hand on my back. I do as he says and enter the bathtub. The cool edges of the tub cools my hot body and I relax.

"I want you to sit here for a second while I go and get stuff we need to deliver the baby. I'll try to call the others but their phones are oddly off and I'm not sure why. I'll stay and help, I did this before and I don't mind doing it again." Robbie says with a kind smile and with tears in my eyes, I give him a smile. A sharp pain hits me again and the pain is so agonizing that I scream.

"P-please hurry Robbie." I beg and he nods his head and dashes out of the bathroom. I put a hand on my stomach and rub it gently. I wonder what William looks like. What color eyes would he have? Green or brown? Will his hair be curly or straight? Will his smile look like mine or will his smile look like Wayne's?

"Why do I even care?" I whisper to my belly and another pain hit me. And I know I'm in my emotions and this may be normal but I feel like that rush of pain was personal. The sound of heavy panting and shoes slapping the floor had me turn to Robbie and he had towels, water, scissors, a little cloth that looks smooth, and the last item made me raise an eyebrow.

"Why do you have hot sauce?" I ask and he sheepishly turn towards me and gave me a wink before turning around and sorting the item out on the counter. He's not gonna put hot sauce on William, right? That could hurt him and I swear if he's hurt I'll rip Robbie's thr-. No, I wouldn't hurt Robbie. What is wrong with me? Maybe it's still emotions from being pregnant.

"I'm surprise you don't get the reference. I'm sure you watched 'Are we there yet?' the movie. This is the 'Are we done yet?' and it's the part where she gives birth at home and the hot sauce is used for those that might pass out. I did this to my sister and it made her giggle... It was our favorite movie." He finishes and I do remember a movie like that. I saw it with my dad and we laughed a lot on the couch at home.

I smile at the memory because it had to be a night I remember laughing the most with my dad. I made fun of the movie being on a disc and he frowned at the jokes and repeated he wasn't that old. I ended up staying up and he fell asleep, proving my point.

Suddenly my entire body was hit with this wave of shock and pain and I knew it was go time. William doesn't want to be held captive in my stomach anymore and I don't want to be here anymore. Everyone wins, right?

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