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Jess's pov.....

It's been three days since Wayne sent me to my room. He hasn't spoken to me, I'm fine with that but I'm going crazy not knowing if Gregory is okay.

I lean back on the headboard and stare down at my bare legs. Wayne told some of his goons to take all of my clothes away as punishment. This punishment wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to see anyone.

A knock on the door pulls me from my trance and I quickly grab a pillow and hug it vertically so it can cover the front of my body. The door opens and a new goon comes in. I've seen him around but he mostly stays behind the scenes and observe.

He wasn't tall, like, I'm pretty sure I'm taller than him. However, I don't believe that Wayne would let someone weak join his.... Gang? Organization? Flock? Business? I'm not sure the name to call all of this but I just know this man is no one to look over.

I look him over and realize that this guy is like a fucking doll. His sharp jawline is shaved clean. His face has no blemishes or cuts, his eyes are brown and wide, they make him look innocent. His hair is interesting, it's in a bun and half of his hair is dyed green and the other half is black. I can tell that he is physically fit, just lean.

"Don't worry, I don't bite.... Unless you ask me to bite you." He jokes and I squint my eyes at him. He brakes into a smile and my eyes widen at how perfect they are. Also, his voice is deep and smooth, like cutting into butter smooth. I am being distracted by this man, he is being too nice and that often means trouble.

"Well, my name is Robbie and I'm just here to keep you company." He turns around and opens the door, he peeks his head out and looks both ways before closing the door back. He paces towards me and I open my mouth to scream but he places his hand over my mouth.

"Jess, don't scream. I'm being honest with you, I am here to just be your friend." He whispers. His eyes show sincerity and I can't help but believe him. I'm so confused why a member of the snakes would want to befriend the leader's wife. I nod my head and he slowly let go of my mouth.

"I joined to support my pregnant sister. She is a month pregnant and the father is somewhere being the deadbeat that he is. She was homeless and soon we both were and I couldn't sit there and watch her eat out of a trash can anymore. This job helped me get us a big house and a nurse that watches over her until night and a guard to protect her." He says and I imagine a beautiful girl that looks like Robbie eating out the trash.

"I say those things to say this... I do not agree with the things that has been happening to you. I can't stop it but I sure can make your stay here feel a lot better. I'm not hitting on you or trying to get in your pants either, I definitely like men." He whispers the last part and I start to think of a friend of mine, a friend I miss so fucking much. Jackson.

"Okay Robbie, I'll be your friend." I say with a big smile and from there, we talked for a long time about each other and I sadly found out that both Gregory and Gerald were murdered at the wedding.

Adam's pov.....

I bang on the front door with all my might and curse at anyone that's inside. All I want is to see Jess, I just want to make sure she is okay and.... Who am I kidding, I want her home with me. I know she wants that too.

"I'm not leaving until you open this fucking door!" I yell again and I bang on the door even harder. Cody comes up and smacks his forehead. He tried to keep me from coming over here but I won't listen.

"Adam, Chris forbids Jess to ever speak to you. He doesn't want her near you at all, she's his daughter Adam.... You have to move on." Cody says and something in me snaps and I turn towards him and punch him in the face. Cody falls back into the bushes and slowly gets out. The door flies open and Ace ran to his brother to help.

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