Front door

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Chris's POV.....

"Fuck, he hasn't paid me back my commissary Chris.... Should I go and beat his ass?" I looked at the small man that paid me for protection.

"Nah, I'll beat his ass. But, I need a place to do it because..... I have a daughter and she needs me." I say as I wipe my nose and strap on my shoes. I look at him and gave him the sign before stretching.

"Court in session for George!" Tony yells and I walk to the bathroom and wait for everyone to come in. The gang all comes in and they all wear an evil smirk. But my main focus was on George, his skin was pale and his blonde hair looked like he was running his hand through it in stress.

"George here, decided that he was not going to pay Tony back his commissary. He owes my defendent three packs of noodle, four honeybuns, pepperoni slices, and sugar cubes." I say as I look at George with a smirk.

"George has not paid back what he owes for weeks and he has just bought commissary and still has not went to Tony to pick his items." I say and just like that the pod boss nods his head and I sucker punch George and give him a beating he will never want again.

"Get the hell out of my cell!" I yell as he crawls away from me. He slowly gets up and limp his way out. I put on my shower shoes and grab my towel. I need a shower, his blood is on me and it's sticky.

"Good job Chris, you hold your reputation well." The pod boss says as he walks out the room and everyone gave me a compliment before leaving to the day room. I know I'm not an animal, but I can't help but do animal-like things to survive.

I look at the picture on my wall and smile at the new picture of my daughter. She is six and beautiful, just like her-. I shake my head and all to the shower.

Adam's POV....

I shove popcorn in my mouth as I watch the movie in front of me get juicy. I frown as Jess stands in front of me with a floral dress that Maria had to have got her because I hate how short it is.

"Hey daddy, I want to watch the movie with you." She says as she plays with her fingers and I nod my head so she can move out of the way. She smiles and claps her hands before sitting on my lap and curling up on my chest.

"Jess, how are you watching the movie in this position?" I ask as I roll my eyes and she shakes her head and remains quite. Ugh, it's been a year since that phone call with Maria..... And I'm still learning to give Jess the soft and caring love she deserves.

But I do miss when she was five because now that she is six, she acts like she is sixteen. I look down at her to see that her hair was up in a bun and little loose strands of hair out. Her eyes were covered by her eyelids and her eyelashes are very long and curled.

"Daddy, when can I go to school like the girls on TV?" She says as she opens her eyes and her big doughy brown eyes met mine. I scrunch my eyebrows and look forward to see that there were girls heading to school in the movie. She must have came in here and watched it when I was doing paperwork.

"Jess, school is dangerous. You are not going to a place that is full of danger. I have to keep you safe from any form of danger." I say as I focus back on the movie, I shove another handful of popcorn in my mouth and chew.

"Daddy, do you love me like the guys love people in the movies?" She asks and I rolled my eyes at her question because I am trying to watch a movie. I didn't answer her and I hear her huff and groan as she got off my lap.

"Daddy!" I watched as the screen go black and I felt my eye twitch. I know for fucking well that she did not just turn off my fucking movie. I turn to her and there she sat on the other side of the couch with the remote on her lap.

"Daddy, what I am asking you is important. I need to know if you love me like the men does in the movies." She says and I huff as I wipe my nose and I look her in the face.

"Love is stupid." I say before reaching over and taking the remote. She reached for it but I smacked her hands. I give her a glare before I turn back on the TV and rewind the film.

"If you didn't love me, just say so." She says lowly before I feel her leave the couch and walk away. I would call out for her and tell her that I personally don't express my emotions well but she is a kid and wouldn't understand.

Chris's POV......

"You are a murder Chris. I don't care how good you have been these years, you are still a murder." The coward pig says as he cuffs my hands. I just smirk because he knows that I will not do anything to jeopardize my chance on leaving this place.

"Stop trying to get a reaction Duffy, he ain't gonna give your pale white ass a reaction." The other officer stated as he locked the cell behind me and I smile at his words and winked at Duffy.

Jess's POV....

I hate him! All he does is push me away and only worry about girls on TV. He doesn't let me do what I want and he won't let me be like the other kids on TV. School doesn't look dangerous, going to play dates doesn't seem dangerous, and loving someone isn't stupid!

"I'm leaving." I say to myself as I pack my bag. I made sure to grab Teddy and my favorite candy I hid from daddy. I look at my room and breathe out loudly. I'm sure gonna miss it.... Even if I'm always going to daddy's room at night, this room is fun for day time naps.

I didn't even have to sneak, he wasn't paying any attention to me. I frown and walked to the front door. I hope he knows I can reach this! I unlock the doors and swing the door open to make a run for it but a man stood there and I stopped.

"Adam, why did my daughter open the front door!"

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