Say it

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Jess's pov.....

It's been two months since we made it back to Adam's and it's been great.... For the guys. I watch as William and Adam play another game of football with Robbie and Cody. They have been playing football the entire time we've been here. I didn't know William had interest in any sport.

I can admit that I'm a bit jealous of the time they are spending with each other. William only comes to me to tell me he is going out to play or to come down for dinner. Adam hasn't spoken to me and only gives me quick glances. I'm so close to yelling at him but it would make me seem like a bitch.

I should be happy he's spending time with William but I'm confused with his end goal. If he's not going to be with me.... What's the point setting up William to adore him? As soon as they came out of the car that day... They have been inseparable. Is it bad that I want that too?

I hear laughter and shouting coming from outside. They have decided to play another game. I lay down in my old bed and groan in frustration. This is not what I imagined coming back. I dreamed I would be fucking Adam endlessly and I also dreamed William being cautious of Adam. I guess Adam has a way with charming others.

I find my need to be fucked alarming. I haven't felt horny in years. Sex was more like a punishment when I was with Wayne. But, now that I'm close to Adam, I see it as a reward. I crave to be with him, I crave to be touched by him again.

Fuck it. He wants to play these games with me, so be it. I know what it'll take to have him crawling to me. I get up from my bed and quickly search through my closet for.... A convincing outfit. My eyes beam at the new clothes I had a maid buy for me.

Okay, I just need a shower and my routine. It took an hour and a half for me to feel complete. I look in the mirror at my outfit and I felt like my old self. I felt like I was looking into some portal that had my best self on the other side.

I decided to wear some black jeans shorts, a black crop top with the words ' Chilvary is Dead' in white, and white and black tennis shoes. I brush my hair and decided to put it up in a messy bun. If my plan works, it wouldn't matter that my hair is messy, it will mess up again.

I put some chapstick on my lips and quickly make my way down stairs. Okay, I'll just pretend like I don't see him and I'll let my childish rampage take its course until Adam realizes he misses me. Before I knew it, I was outside and the guys were in the middle of tackling before they noticed me.

I purposely sway my hips as I make my way over to them. I feel Adam's gaze but it's not enough. I decided to walk up to Cody, this is because Adam is aware Robbie likes men. I smirk in satisfaction with my strategy.

"You got buffer Cody." I tease, touching his arm and I was only guessing but Cody actually felt buffer. He blushes and flexes his arm before chuckling. I also chuckle and I made sure to keep my hand on his arm a little longer than necessary.

"I've been working out lately. It paid off, I'm more capable of doing jobs." He says and as much as I wanted to listen to him, I couldn't help but smile at the feeling of Adam's burning gaze. Hm, Cody is too innocent.... I know who would tick him off more.

"We should invite Ace, I haven't seen him in awhile.... I miss him." I say and that did it. Adam mumbles something under his breath before storming away from everyone. Cody looks confused for a second before he squints his eyes at me.

"Jess." He says my name accusingly and I just smirk and start to make my way towards the house. Cody says something before having everyone continue the game. I actually wanted to play a little, I thought he would last longer.

Once I was in the house, I make my way to my room and I close my door. I place my forehead on the door and sigh with disappointment. He didn't yell at me, grab me, nothing. I know it made him mad.... Why isn't he doing anything about it? I turn around and gasp at the angry Adam sitting on my bed.

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