First Word

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Adam's POV....

It's been a month since I last seen Chris and I am worried. He told me that he was gonna call me soon and I didn't feel right leaving him in a place where someone is dumb enough to shoot up a prison.

"Adam, I have to leave to go see my grandson's eighth grade graduation so lock up all the doors and windows because I might not come back until tomorrow or maybe longer because my daughter is planning parties this month." Maria said as she pat me on the shoulder, I just nod my head and continue to stare at the blank TV.

"Get your ass up and do something productive like play with little Jessica." She said and my view of the TV was blocked by a smiling baby. I hold her so she doesn't slip and she giggles. "I gotta go, see you later." Maria said before the sound of her keys hitting each other filled the room and ended with the sound of the door opening and closing.

I look at Jess and she was already looking at me. Her big brown eyes had a sparkle before she raised her little hand and grabbed my nose before giggling. Her laugh was so contagious and made me laugh with her. She all of a sudden stopped and I look around to see if she saw something but nothing around would of made her stop so quick.

"Dadda!" My eyes widen at the sweet squeaky voice. She just said her first word! Oh my gosh, I need to record this. I lift her up and pulled out my phone out my pocket before sitting her back down and swipe the camera icon up. "What did you say Jess?" I asked and her eyes widen and her little hands tried to grab my phone so I held her a little bit more tight with my one hand.

"No Jess, just say what you said a second ago." I told her and she tried to grab my phone again but I pulled it back and she frowned. "Dadda!" She yelled again and I laugh again at her, she said her first word. Man, Chris is going to be so-

"Happy." I said out loud before I stopped the video and saved it. I can't even show Chris the video and that kills me because I know he would die just to hear his little girl to call for him. I snap back into reality as I feel a wet and sloppy kiss on my cheek from no other than Jess.

"Eww, what did I do to deserve this?" I ask as I wipe off my face and she whimpered before grabbing my nose and kissing me with an open mouth on my nose. I frown as her slobber started to get on my lips, she giggled and kissed my nose again.

"Dadda!" She yelled again before wrapping her little arms around my neck. I smile and wipe my face on her clothes, she smells like baby powder. Better than her smelling like she took the biggest shit in the country.

"I can't believe that you're calling for your dad, he is gonna be so proud of you." I said and she sneezed and giggled before rubbing her face into my shirt. I roll my eyes because I know that she is wiping her nose on my shirt.

I grab the remote to the TV so I can turn it on and see what is going on in the news but the sound of my phone made me drop the remote and I look at the dinning table where it laid. I picked it up and flipped it open to see that it was the number from the jail. I quickly put it up to my ear and I sigh in relief as the voice of my best friend speaks.

"Hey Adam, how are you doing?" I smile wide and shake my head, I am beyond at peace. "Well, I was doing nothing until your baby girl surprised me today with something I think you'll love." I said and I heard nothing but silence, I pull the phone away a little bit to see if he hung up but the phone showed the number.

"Chris, you there?" I ask and he hummed and coughed before speaking. "I want you to know that.... Jess is in you're care now, I won't be getting out until she is 21." He said and it was like someone stabbed me with thirteen blades repeatedly.

"That's not true Chris, we can-" I was cut off by him laughing and it wasn't a true one, it sounded more like a painful one. "Chris, we can always visit you so Jess can know who her dad is." I say as I rub her head and I notice that I was looking at the wall ahead and I tear my eyes away and look at the little baby who didn't have that smile anymore.

"I don't want her to see me like this, let her know I am her dad but I don't want her to see me in here." He said and I knew that he already made his choice, he had to think this through and for awhile. I stay silent and tried my best not to yell at him for giving up on us.

"Chris, you're the only family I trust with my life." I whispered and he was silent and I knew that he was thinking about those words. I sat there waiting for him to say that I was right and that he was just losing hope but instead he remained silent before sighing.

"That is exactly why I am leaving you with my princess, I trust you more than anyone and I know that you wouldn't deny this plea from me." He said and I really admire that he isn't crying or choking on his own spit, he is trying to be strong.

"You're something else Chris, but I promise to take care of her and treat her like a princess." I said and I already knew that he knew that I was serious because when I promise something, I never brake it.

"Thank you so much Adam, I don't know where she could have gone without you." He said and I heard the sound of the guard yelling and the phone hung up.

"Bye Chris."


The most saddest shit......

But also some happy shit in the beginning!

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