Fucking Corn dog

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Jess's pov....

"I hope breakfast is up to your standards Ms. Carter." Cathy gently says as she sets down the last dish on the table. My mouth waters at all the options on the table.

Waffles, toast, fruits, eggs, sausage, bacon, yogurt, french toast, hash browns, muffins, and all the toppings you could want on the waffles.

"Wow, this looks amazing Cathy! I haven't seen a breakfast table like this sense...." I stop before I mention home. No point crying over spoiled milk.

I grab two waffles and dressed it up with whip cream, strawberries, and chocolate drizzle. I scoop a large spoonful of eggs and slap some bacon and sausage to my plate as well. I feel like a kid in a candy store, everything on the table is absolutely delicious and well cooked.

"Don't eat too much sugar Ms. Carter, you'll get a toothache and or a stomache." Cathy scolds and I pout at her taking the chocolate syrup and placing it at the far end of the table. I pour me some lemonade and put a few slices of strawberry inside.

"Wow, this is the biggest breakfast I ever saw here." Don says before bending down and giving me a hug. I would have been shocked if it weren't for the food distracting me. I stuff my face with the waffles and moan in satisfaction.

"Adam asked kitchen staff to make it. He seems to be in a.... Odd mood." My attention is taken by the worker's deep voice. The blue head man reaches over and steals a bacon before taking a rather slow bite.

"Mmmm, fuck that's good." He moans and I nearly choke. I take the time to admire his rather lean build and spiked hair. His face is shaved clean, and his sharp jawline exposes itself even more when he chews.

"Your mom wanted you to help her clean the pool later. I think you should just do it alone Jackson.... Your mother has been working herself to death." Don says to the man I now know is Jackson. What a handsome name for a handsome guy.

Jackson rolls his eyes and scoffs at Don's words. Don shakes his head and picks up some toast before storming off. Jackson throws his head back in frustration and groans.

"You know, it's rude to stare and not introduce yourself." He says as he straightens his head and fixes his eyes on me. I shove another bite of my waffles into my mouth and raise my left eyebrow.

"Okay..... My name is Jackson. You are?" He asks as he walks over to the seat next to me. He pulls it out and sits down, he doesn't break eye contact with me and I refuse to do it as well.

"Why would you need to know my name.... Jackson?" I ask in a fake innocent voice. He looks me up and down but it wasn't in the usual lust, it was more of a look of pure amusement.

"Look here darling, no need to flirt with me because it will be a dead end. I would be more attracted to Don than I would you." He says swiping a sausage from my plate and easily shoving it in whole. Did he do that on purpose?

"Well, message has been received. You can leave my presence now." I say rolling my eyes. Instead of doing what I ask him, he leans in so close that our noses touch.

Jackson smells really good and he doesn't have a manly scent at all, I swear he is wearing some type of strawberry and cream scent. I'm not sure how I look to Jackson right now but he smirks and moves his lips to my ear.

"As a top, I have to stay on top of things. So, I'll eventually find out your name." He whispers and I would be lying if I said he wasn't hot. Why did he have to like men?!? I open my mouth to speak but I didn't get a peep out.

"Jackson. Jess....." Adam's voice booms through the kitchen and both me and Jackson shoots up from our seats. Adam starts to approach us but neither of us moved. Maybe because it's fear, regardless of the fact that he isn't showing if he is angry. Why would he be angry though?

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