Mom and Dad

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Jess's pov....

It's been a month since I was forced into the limo and a month since I spoke to Adam. I just cry into my pillow and eat here and there when Maria comes up to hand me the meals she had cooked.

Cody sometimes comes up and tells me that Adam called but my father won't let anyone answer it. He took all of my electronics to a friend of his that can make sure Adam and I wouldn't have contact.

"Jess, your father wants to speak to you." Ace says as he bursts through my door. I glare at him and roll my eyes. He's an asshole and I don't want him around me. He didn't care if Adam was dying or not, he didn't care that I wanted to say my goodbyes.

"Yeah, sure. Now get the fuck out of my room." I say, still sitting down on my bed. Ace's face twists into a look of anger and he steps in and slams the door behind him. I jumped at his sudden outburst but I quickly shook that off.

"Stop treating me like that Jess. I did everything for you and here you are treating me like I'm the bad guy!" He shouts and I got off my bed and stood up.

"You are the bad guy. You treated Adam like he was nothing, you didn't care about his well being. What about all the things he did for you? You're such an ungrateful bastard!" I yell at him and before I know it, Ace charges at me and I try to back up but he just grabs me and pushes me onto the bed.

"I really hope he died. He is disgusting and you'll never see him again Jess." Ace spat and as much as his words tore me apart, I couldn't help but be disappointed in Ace. He has never spoken to me like that and I'm confused about this rage he has.

"Why are you so upset? You're so angry that you would talk to me like I'm a waste of space... You are willing to make me feel more guilty than I already am?" He just closes his eyes and steps away from me.

"I was in your shoes once. A person I believed loved me..... She took everything from me and then destroyed that concept for me." He whispers, just loud enough for me to hear. 

I hate that he thinks his situation is my situation. Adam loves me and has proven it countless times. If I was just someone to fuck, he would have continued that relationship. Instead, he wanted us to be more and he started treating me like he wanted that.

"The shoes you were in and my shoes are completely different . Whether you like it or not, I'm going to be with Adam. I won't let this stop me and let's be honest, you and the others can't stay in this house and watch me forever." I whisper back and Ace scoffs at me and walks completely away and out the door.

"And who is to say I won't stay here to watch you forever?" My dad asks me as he comes to view. I sigh and firmly press my lips together. I don't want to argue with him today.

"Fine. I didn't come here to talk about a man with no morals, values, and loyalty." He nonchalantly says and I cross my arms and shake my head at his words. Adam has all of those attributes, I've seen him display all of them.

"I wanted to ask if you would like to help decorate your baby brother's room?" He whispers and I watch the sudden change of his body expression. He looks nervous and anxious, a little worried... The usual emotions I've grown up with.

"Sure dad." I say with a small smile and he perks up at my answer and with a wide smile, he quickly nods his head and runs out. I have to butter him up, I need to see Adam... I'm losing my mind.

As the day started to come to an end, I decided to join the other grown ups in the living room. They all smile and some guards that my dad hired to keep Adam away nod at me.

"Jess, I was just about to-." My father is cut off by the sound of something booming and popping. Everyone stood up and my dad grabbed my hand and Ashanti's hand.

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