I can't help it

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Jess's pov....

I slowly turn my head to see Ace, Cody, and my livid father holding a gun. The look on his face brought many emotions like fear, confusion, and shame. He looked sick, like he was going to vomit.

"Chris, let me explain." Adam says and he gently moves me off of him and he stands up. My dad gives a dark chuckle before pointing the gun at him and I quickly get up and jump in front of Adam.

"Chris, No!" Ace screams and he quickly moves my dad's arm and force the gun away from us. I jump at the sound of the gun going off. One of the plants at the side of the wall splatters everywhere and a clear hole in the wall is visible.

"Jess, don't do that again." Adam says and he wraps his hand around my wrist and gently puts me behind him. I didn't want to be behind him, I wanted to be beside him. I tried to do exactly that but his grip got tighter and it held me in place.

"You are so fucking ungrateful Adam. Everything I did for you.... Everything you have was because I let you have it! And this is the fucking thanks I get?" My father booms and his voice sounds so chilling, so foreign.

"I love her." Adam sounds like he was choking on his words, his body tenses as he admits to my father that he loves me.

"You're both confused. Your love for Jess isn't supposed to be what I just witnessed. She's your fucking goddaughter, and at this fucking point, that title is revoked. Jess, get over here now!" My father orders but I don't listen to him. He's too angry and I won't let him hurt Adam.

"She's eighteen Chris, she can be wherever she wants, and she wants to be with me." Adam says and this time, he says it like he's challenging my father. I use my other hand that is not in his hold to rub his back and he seems to slightly relax.

"You must think there will be a you to stay with. I'm going to kill you Adam, your life will be no more when it comes to my daughter. I'll just erase you from her memory like I did before." My eyes widen at my father's words and I know it triggered Adam because he let my wrist go and balled his fists.

"Well then, hurry up because the only way you're going to take her away from me.... Is to kill me." I gasp at his words and I wrap my hands around him and lay my head on his back. Why would he say that? Why would he throw his life on the line?

"Adam, stop it. Please, I'll just talk to him. Dad, stop it! Don't do this!" I plead to the both of them but by the way I can feel the rage radiating off of Adam, I knew I was being ignored.

"How about you stop being a pussy and fight me like a real man." Adam snaps and I let out shaky breaths at his words. He wants to fight my dad? What good would that fucking do?

"Fine with me. I'm not showing any mercy Adam, I'm going to make sure your last memory of life is a painful one." My dad says cockily and his words brought images to my mind that shook me to the core.

"Jess, go with Ace and Cody." Adam orders, I shake my head but before I could protest, arms wrap around me and I am lifted by Ace. I kick and scream but no one pays attention to me. Ace places me on my feet and holds my back to his chest tightly. Cody comes to us and we watch the stare down between my father and Adam.

"I'm not confused...... This wasn't the first time. The first time I was confused but-." Adam wasn't able to get the rest of his sentence out because my father charged at him and punched him in the face.

Adam stumbles a bit but quickly gains his balance and threw a punch to my dad's gut. Fists were flying and both equally were getting clean shots of the other. I held in my breath as they continue to punch.

"Fuck you!" Adam yells before he tackles my father to the ground and continuously punches him in the face. I gasp and scream, as I see the blood escaping my father's nose.

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