Under His Roof

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Jess's pov....

My head is throbbing and my body feels so heavy. I groan in pain and open my eyes, I quickly shut them due to the intense light shining at me.

I tried to lift my hand up to rub my head but I couldn't move my arms. This made my eyes fly open and everything that happened came back to me.

I looked around and noticed I was tied up to a very large bed. The bed is surprisingly soft. However, the brown cow theme of the room is a fucking eyesore. I eye the obviously butchered head of a bull on his wall and the pictures with him sitting on a pile of both dead people and dead animals.

He is more crazy than I thought. I kiss my teeth as I think of the plans Wayne has for me. He didn't actually plan on marrying me, right? I barely know the guy and the first time we met was not a normal introduction.

The sound of a door opening made me get out of my head and into reality. Wayne comes to view with a towel hanging dangerously low on his body. It's a fucking shame he's crazy.

His blonde hair loosely sits on his shoulders and of course, his demonic grin plasters itself on his face. He runs a hand through his hair as he makes his way towards me.

"Why do you look so upset, kitten?" He sarcastically asks and as he stands in front of me, I turn my head away from him. What did I agree to? He grabs my face harshly and forces me to look at him.

"You're under my roof now kitten. When I ask you a fucking question, you answer it. You hear?" He snarls and it sounded a little intimidating once his country accent kicked in. I never truly noticed his eyes and to my shock, they were beautiful and I mean a beautiful green.

"I'm upset because I don't know your motive behind all of this." I whisper and like a fucking switch, he grins and kisses me on my lips. He starts to untie me and it didn't register to me how right they were before.

"I already cleaned you up." He says as he crawls on top of me. I tried to create us some distance but once he straddled me, I knew I was done for. I gasp at the feeling of him near my entrance. I looked down and I nearly cried at the fact I only had a T-shirt on.

"Do you want me to stop?" He purrs and I nod my head vigorously. I don't find the need to lie right now, I want him off and that's that. To my surprise he actually did just that. He wraps his towel over his waist again and I take this time to look at his face. I don't see any emotion.

"You know, I wanted to kill everyone. I had you and it's actually a sloppy move on my part. Your dad and everyone there saw my face and could be on the hunt." He says and his eyes met mine and they seemed to be dark.

"But, if I killed them, I wouldn't have anything to convince you to obey my commands." He continues and I scrunch my eyebrows at his words and sit up to face him. Convince me to obey him? 

"You were injected with a little too much. Let me clarify what I'm saying. When you don't obey me, I will slaughter everyone you care about." He threatens and there that stupid grin appears.

So, they will never be safe if I fuck up and don't go with his flow? I could be the reason my father, Maria, Ace, Cody, and Ashanti die? He doesn't have feelings for me, he wants to control me. He wants to break me down and I don't know why.

"By the look on your face, I can tell you understand me. So, let me go over the deal I have for you kitten." He says excitedly before sitting on the bed next to me and pulling me on his lap. I try to look ahead but he grabs my face harshly and turns it to him.

"You will do whatever I ask you too, you will pretend you're in love with me. You will do anything in your power to make me happy. You will marry me, and you will bare me a son." It was the last one that shocked me and if it wasn't for the strong hold on my face, I would have fallen backwards.

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