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Adam's POV...

I sat in the waiting room with a sleeping Jessica in the car seat on the floor next to me. My legs were shaking as I put my elbows on them while pulling at my hair that I was sure was going to fall out.

"Sir, are you the relative of Chris James Carter?" I stopped my movements and looked up to see an old but young-looking cop. I nod my head and he smiled before holding out his hand.

"Officer Brad." He said still with that stupid ass smile on his face. I looked at his hand then back at him and glared. He cleared his throat and put his hands by his sides and I lifted an eyebrow because I knew that meant he was recording us. What the fuck for?

"I would like to ask you a few questions." He said taking out a notepad from his front pocket and a pen. Baby noises came from below and I saw Jessica moving and a frown placed on her lips. Ignoring him I unbuckled her from the car seat and picked her up. I put my right hand under her and my left hand supported her back.

"Shhhh, I got ya just hold on a sec."   I mentally rolled my eyes at myself for talking to the baby as if she could respond. I gently rocked her and her face relaxed, someone clearing their throat took my attention from the peaceful baby.

"Do you need a cough drop?" I asked sarcastically and he glared at me before taking a few deep breaths. I noticed that he had grey hair so he can't be in his late thirties unless he is stressed out. His eyes were brown but filled with determination, his skin was kind of wrinkly but not that noticeable until he came up close, and of course, he had a mustache.

"I NEED you to answer my  few questions." He said back and I heard the sass in need but I ignored it. The smell of baby powder filled my senses and I looked down to see Jessica sleeping with her mouth open. How in the hell does her breath smell like baby powder?

"How are you and Chris related?" He asked and I looked up at him to see him writing down what I am assuming is the question. I didn't know what to say at first but my memory sparked as I remembered Chris's training.


"I want a hot pocket," I said reaching over Chris's shoulder but he smacked my hand making me retreat. I gave him my best 'Are you fucking insane?' look and he shook his head.

"You know what time it is and it is not lunch." He said with an eyebrow raised, I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. We always have to do the same routine every fucking day! I want to change something more exciting than everyday life things for us.

"It's already training time?" I asked and he nodded his head laughing at my noticeable frown on my case and disappointment of the time.

"Hey don't be such a pussy, that is for girls to have!" He said sternly and I stopped my noticeable disappointment and stood straight and tall. He rolled his eyes and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You know where to go, I'll be up there in a second." He said as he gave me a pat and not a second later I ran up the stairs and into the questioning room. I always wondered why he would have a questioning room but he never told me why.

"Hurry up, I thought you were already sitting down." I looked back to see Chris glaring at my slow pace and I quickly walked up to the table and sat down. He followed my actions but he this time without glaring or laughing his face and eyes held curiosity.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked and I looked down at the table because I didn't want him to be mad that I was questioning his rules and decisions. But I know that I will be in serious trouble if I don't answer his question and, he knows when I am lying.

"I was just wondering why we have to do training and why do you have a questioning room in the first place?" I answered but it came off like a question. I looked at him to see him staring right back at me and he had a cold stare.

"Do you really wanna know?" He asked and I nodded my head desperately wanting to know the mysterious reasons why he had these rules and other stuff. He sighed before starting.

"Before I took you in, I had issues with these issues, actually I still have these issues but it's cooling down a bit." He said and I noticed that he wasn't looking at me. Why?

"My issues caused me to get into a lot of trouble and I started to get mixed up with people that had more severe issues than mine." I tapped my fingers on my thighs waiting for him to speed it up and get to a good part.

"I was depressed by my mom and dad disowning me because I wasn't 'book' smart like the other fucking kids in the classroom." He spat and I could hear the venom in his voice. He got out of his chair and went to his box, he pulled out the thing he was selling not too long ago.

"I'm sorry buddy, you know that I hate it when you're around this stuff but this is the time I need it." He said and he put it between his lips and dug in his pockets. He pulled out his lighter and raised it to the 'medicine'. He lit it up and inhaled.

"To speed things up buddy, I got into a gang, and just in case we ever get caught by the cops we need to know what to say and how to say it, we have to know their thoughts, and we have to know our inner weakness that will break so we can toughen the shit out of it." He said and he took a quick three puffs before twisting the burning side in his astray.

"Want a hot pocket or a box of pizza to yourself?"

End of flashback...

Adam's POV.....

I will always remember that and now I know why the training was so important. I will not disappoint him, I got this, just remember training.

"I am his half-brother on our mom's side."


Hope you like😉

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