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Adam's POV.....

"There you go." I say as I grab the ointment from my medical room. I'm not sure why I have some, well, I did steal the wrong shipment twice last week.

I leave the room and lock it behind me. I don't care enough to help her feel better. She hit me in the head with a glass plate and stomped on my dick.... She should be glad I didn't make her sit on her ass all night. I just don't want to hear whining during dinner.

"Oh, hey Adam... Are we up for tonight?" I didn't realize I was spaced out by the medical door. I turn around to face Jamie.... I thought all women left.

"I'm not sure what you mean by that but I do have a request. Can you help Jess put the ointment on? Cathy isn't here and I obviously can't ask the guys to do it." I honestly don't care if she doesn't want to do it, she will do it.

"Well, I would but you told me that I can get some extra hours on in the kitchen today. I just need a little more money this week, I got an expensive medical bill." She rambles and I mentally groan, I don't have time for this shit.

"W-well, I can do it. Dinner will only be an hour late because I am the only one her-." I cut her off and shake my head. The last thing I want is for my schedule to get screwed up. I have a meeting to attend early in the morning.

"No, it's fine. Start dinner right now, I also want my usual drink." I say walking pass her to Jess's room. I pray Jess can just reach her ass herself and put it on. As I reach her door, I see that it is wide open. I step in and close the door behind me.

"Jess, I got you some ointment. You just gotta put it on yourself." I say, throwing the ointment on her bed, almost hitting her arm. Her head faced the opposite way, I couldn't see if she was up or not. She lays dead still.

"I c-an't m-ove, you made s-sure of that." She croaks. Well, she definitely lost her voice, her words are horribly broken by the cracks in between. Luckily, the room is quite enough for me to understand.

"There is no one here that can help put it on Jess. So, you need to try, I don't want you making a fuss at the dinner table." I say as I make my way towards her line of sight. Her pillow is visibly wet with her tears and her eyes confirms it with how red and puffy they are.

"If th-at's your co-ncern, I w-won't eat din-ner t-tonight. I'm not h-hungry and I don't want to be near you." She snaps. I tried the nice approach, she wants to get smart with me..... Fine then.

Jess's pov....

"Woah, what the fuck!" I say as Adam lifts me up and lays me horizontally on his lap. I try to move myself off of him but heholds me in place. Is he about to hit me again???

"Adam, don't hit me... I can't do anymore!" I manage to croak out and he stops all of his movements and lets out a long breath of air.

"You need this ointment Jess, I don't know how hard I hit you, I don't know how bad the marks on you are. This ointment can help heal whatever I did." He says calmly and I relax because he actually sounds genuine.

"Okay.... W-what do you need to do?" I slightly stumble over my words because I have a feeling I know what he needs to do. For the first time, I want to hear him speak to me.... I wanna distract myself from the pain and embarrassment that is yet to come.

"I have to pull down your pants.... Just to put the ointment on." He says and I nod my head. Goosebumps rises on my skin as his cold fingers pulls the clothing down.

"I might have to put a lot of ointment..... I didn't realize how hard I.... Let's just get it over with." He says quickly and I nod my head in agreement. I don't want to be exposed like this for a long time... I feel vulnerable.

I tense as the cold feeling of the ointment is on my behind. But I gasp at the feeling of Adam rubbing it on. It hurt like hell but he was actually rubbing it on gently.

Adam's POV......

I whooped her a bit hard. She has so many welts on her ass, if Chris saw this.... He would possibly kill me. I rub the ointment as soft as I can for her and I try not to press too hard.

Her ass is really soft and with every placement of my hand, it sinks in like it would with memory foam. I glide my fingers by her crack and make sure the ointment is placed on the welts there.

"A-Adam, can you just massage it in?" Jess asks and I wasn't too sure if that's what I'm supposed to do. But for some reason, I start to massage the ointment in. I use both of my hands to do this because Jess's ass is a bit big.

"Mmm." Jess moans and she rocked her hips on me, making my dick twitch. What the fuck? I quickly stop and push her off of me. Why did she do that? Why did I react that way?

Jess's pov....

I hate to say it but the way his hands feel on me is amazing. I feel a little pain on my ass but it doesn't overshadow how good Adam's hands feel.

I'm not gonna knock a free massage. I'm actually surprise that he is being gentle... I'm more surprise he accepted my request to massage me. I became so relaxed on his legs that I slowly start to slip.

"Mmm." I moan when he massages over an area that didn't receive attention yet. I scoot up so I don't fall on my face but I quickly had to stand because Adam abruptly pushes me off of him.

"What the fuck?" I yell in confusion. But he didn't answer me, nor did he look at me before quickly leaving the room and shutting the door. I pull up my shorts gently and slowly, the pain is still there but not as severe as before.

Hm, I can use a shower for sure. I'm still in the clothes I had when I ran away. I make my way to the bathroom and shut on the light. I look in the mirror and comb my fingers through my hair.

I'll just take a shower and then head down for dinner, even though I don't want anything flavorless.... I'll ask for all the seasoning they may have. I strip out of my clothes and turn on the shower.

Chris's pov.....

I stand still in the shower and let the warm water run over me. I try to wash away the guilt of hurting Jess the way that I did. I was so angry at her for not caring about her future sibling. Her comment about not caring if the baby dies made me think of her mother.

Her mother didn't care. She wanted to kill us and I stopped her from doing that. I thought Jess would be happy for me, happy that she can finally have a mother figure. But... She was so angry about me being happy.

I turn off the water and step out of the shower. I wrap my towel around my waist and step out the bathroom. I wonder if she will ever speak to me again... Will she ever forgive me?

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