What he did

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Austin's pov.....

I smoke another cigarette before heading to third period. The halls feel so different lately, especially since I walk them because I have nothing else to do.

I space out again for the millionth time. I can't stop thinking about my visit with Brandon. Who would know that a person in such pain, would run their fucking mouth with no caution.


"Brandon, your big brother is here. I'll leave you two alone to talk." She says and I slip her the hundred dollar bill. She is well aware this is not my brother, money talks. She closes the door and the room is left silent.

"This is not a good time Austin. I don't feel well and I'm not in the mood to be questioned." Brandon groans and I glare at his pathetic body laying on the hospital bed... Just useless.

"We lost because of you. All that studying and practicing private cases for nothing." I spat and for the first time, I actually take note of his appearance.

Cuts, bruises, and light scratches cover his face. He seems pale, like flour and powdered sugar. His lips are blue, and the bandages that cover his chest has a little bloodstain.

The bloodstain is on the outside, I wander what bled on him to drop there. His blonde hair is a mess and I secretly enjoy the view of him being frail. Teaches him right for missing out on our competitions.

"You should check on Jess. I don't know if she was shot or not. I passed out before I could see if she was okay." He says distantly.

How could he have seen Jess? Jess hasn't been around in awhile. Is he pulling my fucking leg? I glare at him and my fist ball up as I fight myself from punching him.

"Jess would never be around a pathetic excuse of a person. You don't fit in her world like I do." I spat and for the first time since I stepped in, he turns to look at me. His annoying emerald eyes dances with amusement and anger.

"Could have fooled me. I seemed to fit in her world quite well when I ate her out in the bathroom that day." His words are cocky and that pisses me off but not more than knowing he touched Jess. No, no fucking way she let him.

"I think that concussion got to you. Stop making up shit to get to me you little fuck. I'll fucking pull the plug on you, so shut the fuck up." I warn but his smile got even bigger.

"She wanted me to tell you. You should of heard her moans, fuck, she tasted so fucking good. I like it when she pushes me closer to her." He licks his lips at the thought and I wanted to grab his tongue and yank it out of his mouth.

He touched something that was not for anyone else. No one but me. She is fucking tainted, all because of this fucking idiot. I charge towards him but stop in my tracks at the sound of the door opening.

"Hey Brandon, your mom and dad is waiting to see you." Brandon nods his head and that was my que to leave. Fuck him and most importantly, fuck her. That ungrateful bitch decides to throw away our history for some head.

She thinks she's so clever. I know everything about her and she dares to disrespect me like that? Oh, I'll destroy her from the inside out.

~End of Flashback~

My jaw tightens at the memory. Everyone still talks about the videos I leaked of her. I made sure it wasn't the ones with my face and because of that, people feel comfortable calling her a slut in front of me.

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