Cowboy Hat

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Adam's POV....

"Don, we don't have many bullets. We have to get the fuck out of here and get to the car." I say as I raise my hand to shoot another time. The gun clicks, letting me know I have no bullets left. I hand it to Don and he stuffs it in his pocket.

"We should have some rounds in the car. If I had known today would go like this, I would have ordered doordash." He says, I see his hand is bleeding, most likely from the glass on the ground.

"We have to go now." I motion him to follow me and we make sure we stay low. Bullets kept flying in and more glass shatters.

I make my way to Jess, she still sits up with no emotion. I mentally curse myself for even letting her out of the house. She shouldn't be in this fucking crossfire.

I'm not sure who is shooting up the place. I didn't realize anything until Don jumped from his seat. I was seconds away from death, not unusual for me, but I like to at least know I'm facing it.

Don pics her up bridal style and we make our way to the back door. The big pink door doesn't have a window for me to look out of.

I know there is a possibility that there could be men on the other side of this door. I'm aware that this could be suicide but I also know that most of the shots are coming from the front.

The shots seem more of warning, not really shots of wanting to start war. I would say no one got hurt but I did see the server from earlier crying about his family while holding his bleeding stomach. He'll survive.

I crack open the door and peek out. To my surprise, there wasn't anyone. I still have my guard up, this could be a way to give us false hope.

I carefully push the door fully open and press my back against the wall from the outside. I let my hands glide on the wall as I take steps to reach the corner of the building. Don follows me, he holds Jess close.

Once I reach the corner, I take a quick peek to see who or what was around. A clear path. All we have to do is get to the car and drive as far as possible... Without being noticed.

I was about to take another step but I stop and take in my surroundings. I don't hear any shots being fired, I don't hear screaming, and I don't hear glass shattering or wood chips flying.

It's so quiet, the only thing that can be heard is our breathing and possibly my heartbeat. The eerieness of it being quiet makes me slightly paranoid, I can't show that but I definitely feel it.

"They're waiting for us Don, it's too quiet." I whisper and I continue to look around the corner. I grow annoyed that he hasn't said anything and I turn around.

"You're so observant of the wrong things Adam. I thought you grew from that." I wipe all emotion from my face, despite a pistol being pressed into my forehead.

"And I thought bullets came after lunch, not before." I retort and his lips breaks into a smile. He takes off his ridiculous cow boy hat to run his fingers through his hair before putting it back on.

"Let's talk in the cafe, I'm in need of a coffee." He beckons as he moves his head slightly to the door I came through with.... Wait, where is Don and Jess?!?

"Calm your dick, sweet ass and thick meat is waiting for us inside." He cackles, smacking his knee with his free hand. I grit my teeth in annoyance at his "playful" manner.

I move away from his gun slowly and walk past him. Quickly, he gets behind me and pushes the gun barrel to my back. The pink door was held wide open by a short man, maybe Hispanic. His hair is short and the tattoos on his arm leave little space to put another tattoo.

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