Black and Gray

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Jess's POV......

The constant bumping of my head on glass woke me up. I am definitely not gonna drink for a bit, and it isn't because I barely remember anything. It is because of the throbbing headache I have.

"Fuck." I groan in pain and the motion of me slightly moving up and down made me feel nauseous. I'm a bit scared to open my eyes because I can see the light shine through my eye lids.

"First off, watch your mouth. Second, enjoy the hangover because it will be the last." Adam's voice made me fly my eyes open. I look around to see I was in a car and the asshole I barely met yesterday is driving. The audacity of this fuck to put me in the back.

I noticed I wasn't buckled in and I move to the middle to see what was up ahead. All I see is trees and a very windy road. You got to be fucking with me, this dude and me are all alone and he is taking me away from civilization!

"He actually did it, he really gave me away to a stranger." I whisper in shock, actually, I feel more sad about it. Does this mean he meant the things he said? Did he care about me? And the biggest of all..... Will I ever see him again?

"I preferred to have you be with your so called pimp, but your dad wants you to live in hell before your little 'whore heaven'." He snickers but I didn't find any of what he said funny. No way Chris believed me..... I never sold myself, I had sex but only with Austin.

"Let me out, I'm not going anywhere with you. I don't know you and we sure didn't have a good introduction at the park you weirdo." I say pulling the handle but it wouldn't budge. Is it broken? Why doesn't it open?

"Oh, yeah. You see.... I could care less what you want. You are going to be where your dad wants you to be. You will obey my rules and guidelines that I set for you." He calmly says and I just flip him off and wait for his eyes to meet mine in the review mirror.

"I see you don't realize that I have your life in my hands." He smirks and before I could ask what he meant by that, he slams his foot on the gas and the car jolted forward.

The sudden action makes me catch myself before I could fatally fly through to the front. I scoot back to the right and scream in fear. How can someone speed on a road like this?

"You're gonna get us killed Adam, stop.... Please!" I yell and he pressed his foot down on the brake. I violently jolted forward and hit my face on the back of the passenger seat. Ouch.

"See, I have it in my hands. Now, when we get to our destination, I want you to freshen up in the room assign to you. Then come back down to talk further arrangements." He says as the car starts back up and this time, it stays in a steady pace.

"What about clothes? Chris made me leave them." I say and Adam gives himself a face palm before shaking his head. Well, I know Chris stayed true to his words about my clothes.

"I have some clothes you can have, they may be large and boyish but.... You won't be seeing anyone to impress for awhile anyway." He slightly chuckles and it wasn't those chuckles that were calming. It was dark and definitely had more meaning to it.

"What about school?" I ask, and even though I hate school, anything would be better than spending all day in a house. Adam was silent for a second before shrugging his shoulders.

"There are no schools where we are going. Actually, we aren't around anything. My work requires a place that is hours away from people." He replies nonchalantly.

I huff and sit back. My face hurts, I'm angry, I have to piss, and I'm also hungry. I am basically being legally kidnapped and I have no...... Wait a minute. I pat my pockets and cuffs my boobs to see if I had my phone but it wasn't anywhere on me.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion but then I remembered me throwing it at Adam. Fuck me. I look out my window and watch as all the trees pass by. It's a bit pretty if I'm being honest, the trees are a pretty green but that is all I can see.

How far are we to only see trees? Pure wilderness is never a good sign for people like me. The first character to die, but it was a time coming since it was dumb to willing go there. I didn't willing agree, hell, I was planning on running away in hopes Chris would feel bad.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize we stopped. Adam slams his door shut and walks over to my door and opens it in a quick swing.

"Remember what I said Jess, I don't want any shit from you." He says before grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the car. I look ahead to the huge house in front of me.

I am actually impressed with the size. My house is big but this is way bigger, I guess it would be considered a mansion but it doesn't give off the vibe. Especially since the house is just black and depressing.

The sticks and dirt below is the only placement that looks normal to the rest of the area. I look around to the best of my ability and mentally scream at the surrounding trees.

"You must got a bunch of kids to want a place this big." I say to spark a conversation, the sound of sticks crushing beneath my feet made this situation even more real to me.

Adam scoffs and drags me to the front door of the house. I find it interesting that there is no gate or anything surrounding the house. I can runaway from here easily.

"I don't want kids. This place is big because I can fucking afford it to be." He snaps and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. He took that to the heart and it wasn't that big of a deal.

He opens the door and my eyes widen in shock. The door was unlocked, he is fine with his doors being unlocked out here? This action alone made it hard to believe I was safe.

He pulled me into the house and the sudden smell of cleaning supplies and coffee hit my nose. The house on the inside is just as black as the outside.

However, the inside has different shades of black and gray. It's gonna be hot as hell with all this fucking black. I flinch at the sound of the door slamming behind me.

"Cathy, take Jess to the assigned room we talked about." He says and a woman with gray hair neatly pulled into a bun appears. She is most likely around Maria's age, her green eyes are bright but lifeless, she didn't hold any happiness that I can see.

I look at her uniform and she was in a dark gray maid outfit but the skirt was long and covered her. The sleeves on her top are also long but it ruffles at the wrist. I look down to her shoes and cringe at the sight of her wearing dark gray heels.

"This way dear." A accent is strongly lacing her words, I couldn't pin my finger on the place the accent could come from. She walks me down a hallway and the hallway lead to a long spiral stairs.

The railings are black, I am impressed with the steps because they are also black but instead of traditional wood, it is hard like marble. The loud clicking of Cathy's heels echos. The stares can be super dangerous to walk up with heels, yet, Cathy walks with ease.

We pass a lot of doors and finally, we stop at a door that is dark gray. Cathy opens it before stepping aside. I walk in and I'm actually impressed that Adam managed to make this room elegant and depressing at the same time.

The bed is huge with a plain gray comforter and black pillows, the floor is gray marble with specs of black. There is a plain black desk but nothing is on it. I look to the walks to see the borig gray had nothing but paintings of black and gray splashes.

"This is a fucking joke. I feel more depressed in here than I did on the way to here." I say and I hear a little snort come from Cathy. I turn to her and give her a smile but she quickly looks down and just walks pass me to a door.

"This is your bathroom, you have clothes in there and some soap. Please don't take too long, boss wants you to meet him for lunch to discuss your stay." She says pointing to the bathroom and I nod my head and watch her scurry out of the room before shutting the door.

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