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"Eh, eh, eeeeeehhhhh!" I groaned at the sound of cries and I lift up my head to pat her back to sleep but she wasn't on the bed. I quickly got off the bed and looked around to see the door was locked so that can only mean one thing. I ran to the other side of the bed to see a teary eyed baby, her body was on the pillow but her head was not.

"Fuck, come on Jess." I said as I pick her up and rub her head, next time I am going to put her in her crib. She calmed down and I notice that she moved her nose on my chest. I gently move her head and put her cheek on my chest. She did a little snort and moved her nose back to my chest but this time her mouth was sucking on my right nipple!

"Shit, don't do that!" I yelled and she shook before making a pouty face. I knew that she was on the verge of crying so I laid her on the bed and walked to my dresser and pulled out a black t-shirt. I can not have her sucking on my nipples, I looked down at her to see that she was grabbing the sheets and playing with them.

"I hate to break up your little game, but it is breakfast." I said picking her up but she had a handful of the sheets and she wouldn't let go. I put my fingers on her little hand and detach the sheets from her. I hold her in my arm and walk to the door, I unlock the door and swing the door open.

"What the fuck." I said as I seen a bunch of gift baskets by the door. Who in the fuck? I don't even care anymore, I am hungry and so is Jess. I walk past the gift baskets and walk down the hallway and downstairs.

"You better hope that your mom made enough titty milk for you." I said as I make a face in disgust at the mention of her mother and the image of her breast shooting, I walked in on her, worst thing my eyes had to endure.


I was eating a bowl of cereal and walking around the house. I am extremely bored and have nothing to do, ever since Jess came Chris doesn't hang out with me as much or even have an decent conversation with me. I wanted to go out and commit a crime, I bet that will get his attention.

Taking another spoonful of my fruit loops, I walked up the stairs to see Jess's bib on the ground. I rolled my eyes before picking it up, when did I become the fucking maid? I walk down to Chris's room and open the door.

"Chris this was on the-" I stopped my sentence at the sight of Angela with no shirt or bra on, but she did have a baby on one of her exposed breast that Chris was caressing. I dropped the bowl of cereal out of shock of what I am witnessing. Chris pressed on Angela's boob and milk squirted out making me throw up.

"What the fuck Adam!" Chris yelled and I ignored him because my full focus is trying to stop my body from emptying out my guts. I stopped and took a deep breath and looked at Angela to see that she still didn't cover up and that triggered my stomach and I threw up some more but I also was choking.

"Shit, Adam are you okay?" Chris asked concerned as he pat my back and I shook my head because that bitch makes me want to throw up my eyes. It finally stopped and I was able to breathe normal again.

"You're cleaning this shit up Adam." Angela said and I can hear the attitude in her voice so I put up my middle finger and lucked away from the mess I created. Why does Angela have to be so fucking disgusting? I felt my legs give up and I almost fell but Chris caught me and pulled me more into the room, avoiding the throw up and sat me down on the rocking chair.

"Adam, was the milk bad?" Chris asked and I knew he was referring to the bowl of cereal I had. I shook my head and his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion and I hope he is not oblivious to the fact that his bitchy girlfriend is topless, it isn't about her breastfeeding the baby, it is the boob that shot milk! I am fucking traumatized!

"Ignore him Chris, he never seen a woman breastfeed a baby." Angela laughed and I didn't even want to give her a glare, fucking witch. I can see her turn green with dreads and black nails. What does Chris see in her? She is rude, ratchet, a cheater, and she is abusive. I seen her hit Chris and he got MAD when I tried to help him.

"It is normal Adam, pretty soon you will have a girl that you will fall for and plan to have children and she has to breastfeed the baby and you might have to be in there. You will know exactly what she looks like without clothes and you might even want a share of the milk because I heard that it tastes just like cantaloupe." He said giving me a wink.

I nod my head and Chris pat my shoulder before going into the bathroom. He came back out with fabuloso, a scrubber, a towel, and a mask. "Here pit the mask on so you won't throw up again due to the smell." He said  and I groaned

|||||Flashback ended|||||||

"Actually I don't trust the milk, she tried to get rid of Jess." I said lowly to myself and I dump the breast milk in the sink. It is hard trying to multi task with a baby, I don't have any milk for her. I went upstairs to go see if she had some milk to drink, can I use regular milk? I was about to go back down stairs but one of the gift baskets made me stop because it had a container that clearly read 'Milk for Infants'.



What are your thoughts on the video?

For me I believe that a baby shouldn't have to wait to eat because people don't want to see a boob. It is natural, it is really funny that there are women who feels disgusted by this.

Get a fucking life, you see a boob every fucking day.

Anyway, have a good day or night😄😴

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