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Jess's pov.....

I sit in awe as I watch my husband and father joke with each other. The men decided to go hangout on the other side of the garden and I couldn't be mad at that. I also smile at Ace and Cody joining in on the laughter.

I turn my head a little and I frown at the sight of Aiden picking at his cake. I get up off my chair and the words of my dad hit me like bricks. Aiden just wants to spend time with me.

"Hey." I say as I pull a seat out and sit next to him. Aiden gave me a quick glance before slouching further into his seat. He stabs his cake a couple of times before dropping the fork and pushing it away.

"Shouldn't you be with Adam?" He asks, attitude is clear in his tone. I raise my eyebrows in amusement. I give him a shrug and he rolls his eyes and turns away from me. Ouch.

"I was wondering if you would like to spend a month with me?" I ask and this causes him to turn around and face me. I give him a smile but he frowns and shakes his head. Tough cookie, he might be as stubborn as I am.

"That sucks, I would have loved to take you to Disneyland. Just you and me though, William hates Disneyland." I say, faking disappointment. I'm not lying, William isn't a fan of Disneyland, he prefers the true tales and not the sugarcoated versions.

This made him perk up in his seat with a smile. I knew this would get him, he loves Disney. I saw his room and it's nothing but Disney characters. I kind of wish William liked things like that. He prefers race cars and sharks.

"Just you and me?" He clarifies and I nod my head. His smile grew bigger and he picks up his fork and takes a big bite of the cake. I open my mouth to ask him if he likes it but a little girl pops up and taps Aiden.

She looks like a little porcelain doll. Her blonde hair is in a neat bun. Her pretty grey dress flows at the bottom, exposing her cute little ballerina shoes. Her big blue eyes hold hope but also fear.

"Uh, hi... I'm Lani.... Would you.. uh... Can we dance together?" She asks and my heart melts. I think she's the daughter of one of my dad's guards. Aiden looks at her and he gives her a slight nod. He gets off the seat and as soon as he did, Lani grabs his hand and pulls him to the spot where the kids dance.

"There you are, can your best friend please get some time with you?!" I jump at Jackson's outburst and Nathan laughs. I flip them off and they both pretend to clutch their pearls in shock. Here we go with their dramatic asses.

"You can't fuck us Jess, you just got married. Such a dirty girl." Jackson says in a Russian accent that he fails miserably. Speaking of Russian, my aunt is somewhere with her new boy toy. My attention is brought back to Jackson.

"So.... Are you gonna tell him during the honeymoon or before the honeymoon?" My cheeks heat up at the mention of the news I purposely haven't mentioned to anyone but Jackson and Nathan. I bite my lip and shake my head.

"If I tell him beforehand, we won't go anywhere. He'll lock me up and just worry about me all day." I whine and Nathan giggles. I come to like Nathan a lot, he's funny as hell and knows how to have fun. He's also a great listener and most importantly, he loves Jackson more than anything.

"We both know he'll break your fucking back during your honeymoon.... He'll break through the fetu... Oh, hey Adam!" My heart dropped to my ass at the mention of my husband. I turn around and my body relaxes at the sight of Adam with a sleepy William in his arms.

"Sadie wore him out." Adam says once he got to me and I chuckle and shake my head. William has no clue how much that girl adores him. She's told me countless times that I'm her mother in law and no one can change her mind.

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