The Visit

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Adam's POV....

Its been seven months since Chris has been taken away from me and Jess, and I can't say that it hasn't been hard on us. I need Maria to watch Jess so I can drop off Chris some snacks like usual. They said that it has to be box full and nothing over the top so I stacked everything in a clean manner so all of his goodies can fit.

I was barely slipping on my shoes and I ruffled my hair a little bit so it doesn't look like I just had sex. Nope, still looks the same. I shake my head and run down the stairs to see Maria cooking up some eggs. "Morning Maria, I hope your not busy today." I say cutting right into discussion and she turned around and raised her eyebrow.

"Nope, I just have to masturbate after watching 'Magic Mike' and I will be free for the rest of the day." She said and I opened my mouth in disgust and she grabbed a plate and started piling food onto the plate. She placed it in front of me but I just stared at the steaming food.

"Why aren't you eating your food Adam?" She asked and I look up to her to see if she was joking but she was genuinely confused. "I'm not eating after hearing you talking about masturbating." I said and now I am trying to distract myself from placing an image in my mind.

"Shut up and eat your food before I give you a clip!" She said as she smacked me in the back of my head. Her hits feels like twenty football players hopped on my head. I started to eat my food as fast as I can so I don't throw up thinking about her.

"Where is your best friend?" Maria asked and I know she is referring to Jess because Jess has become very clingy and she won't sleep unless I am beside her with my full attention on her. I just think that she is just use to me and don't have other babies around.

"She is upstairs asleep, I was able to escape her grasp she had on me and I feel like a beast for not waking her up." I said flexing and Maria shook her head and rolled her eyes. "What I tell you about showing those sticks you call arms?" She asked and I frown at her and I look at my arms. One day I will be buff and show off all my goodness.

"Aaaaaeeeeeehhhh!" My eyes widen at the cries coming from upstairs and Maria started shooing me away and put the box in my hands. "Hurry up and leave before she sees you." Maria commands and I give her a quick kiss on the cheek and run to the door. I open it and carefully but quickly  ran to my new and improved car. I popped the trunk on the keys and placed the box in before slamming it down and hopping in the car. I pull out and zoom down the street.

~skip car ride~

I walk up to the doors to the prison and the cop stares at the box in my hand. "I am visiting my brother." I said and he nods before opening up the doors and letting me in to the dull place. I scrunch my nose up at the smell and walked carefully to the scanners.

"Anything medal on you?" The guy asks and I shake my head and give him the box before walking through. "You spoil the fuck out of your brother, I can't believe you managed to stack this in a way to fit." The cop said with a chuckle. I honestly just want to see Chris with no small talk with the men that locked Chris up.

"Can I see him now, I have to get back home to my niece?" I ask plainly and the cop cleared his throat and shooed me away. I grab the box and head to the door that has the sign 'Visitors' on it and two cops that are armed standing on each side.

"Get Chris up and ready, his brother is here." The one on the left said into his walkie talkie and the device answered with a simple 'copy'. "Go in." He told me and I didn't give them another glance as the door opened and I step in with confidence. I decide to sit by the window because I know Chris loves looking out.

"I knew you would sit by the window again." The cop next to the window said and I shrug my shoulders and place the box on the table. "Can you blame me?" I said and he shook his head and got back to observing the rest of the room which was slightly empty. Just two prisoners with their family.

The sound of chains made me face the place where it was coming from and Chris has the same expression he always do, dead before he sees me. Once his eyes met mine a big smile broke out on his face. Once he was out of his chains they walked him over to me and I follow his movements. He sits down and chuckles.

"You look like a dork smiling at me like that Adam." He said and I chuckled and shake my head. "You're one to talk, I got you so much snacks this time." I said and he put on his serious face and started to look through the box.

"Thank you, I've needing more snacks." He said and I find it weird that he needs snacks and not want snacks. "Gave you more gum since you always use them up so fast." I said and he wasn't paying attention to me at all, he was counting everything.

"You can count those when our visit with each other is finished Chris, what's wrong with you?" I whisper the last part but I am sure he heard because he stopped counting and put everything back sloppily and gave me a small smile.

"I'm sorry, I just really needed that stuff." He said and I roll my eyes and chuckle. "You're such a fat ass Chris." I said and he rolls his eyes and dramatically started looking everywhere before playfully glaring at me. "That's the worst thing for you to say about me in a prison Adam, these men haven't seen a woman in years." He said and I busted out laughing and Chris chuckles.

"They like men with long hair." He said and that made me stop laughing and shift in my chair. "Shut the fuck up." I say and now he was the one laughing, he looks more free and not so worried about his fucking snacks now, he is Chris. The man that became a father, a brother, and most importantly, he became my family.

"How's my princess, is she giving you a hard time?" He asked and his eyes had more light in them than he was when he was laughing. I nod my head but I don't want him to feel guilty so I decide to tell him how she acts to cheer him up.

"I took her out to get some new clothes because she is getting big and she isn't talking yet but she would whine for the things she wants." I said and he chuckles and moves the box away from him and cross his hands. "She is starting to eat baby food but she has a hard time eating the ones I buy." I said rolling my eyes at the baby's behavior.

"What are you buying her?" He asks and I give him my 'does it fucking matter' look and he glared at me so I start to list off all the shit I bought. "I got her the carrots, peas, turkey and gravy, okra that Maria made, broccoli, and squash." I said and Chris looks beyond disgusted and confused.

"Why in the fuck is all her choices veggies, and did you really tried to feed my baby okra? You don't even like that shit." He said and I shrug my shoulders and shake my head. "I didn't have a choice, it was either Maria made it into baby food or I had to eat the shit and I have to be alive to take care of her." I said and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Get my baby some fruit, stop ruining her childhood." He said and I nod my head and look out the window to see a black van. "Chris, look at that." I said and out of nowhere Chris yelled and tackled me to the ground. The sound of the glass shattering and bullets flying filled my ears. I closed my eyes so nothing could get into them and I felt my body being dragged away from where I was.

"Adam, it's not safe right now. I should of known they would come soon, don't come back until I call you to come." Chris whispered in my ear and I opened my eyes to see that there was cops shooting out the window and cops on the ground. But I was more focused on the fact that Chris is telling me to stay away.

"No, when if you don't call me for a long time?" I asked and he shook his head and started to push me towards the door. "If it is to protect you and my princess, I will stay away as long as I can, but I will try to contact you Adam." He said and I felt another pair of hands grab my arms and I was being pulled away from him.

What the fuck is going on?!?

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