Red Dress

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Jess's pov.....

"Mommy, your bruises are getting a bit lighter." William says as he rubs my back gently. I wince at the pain but I restrain from making any noises or movements. He's just trying to help me feel better and little does he know, his presence alone helps me.

"Daddy had a talk with me and we made up. I told him I'll never speak to him that way again. So, he shouldn't hit you ever again." His tone holds a tone I couldn't put my finger on but it seems artificial.

"William, it was not your fault. Your daddy gets angry all the time. Mommy just helped him release that anger. Don't pick a fight with your father, please." I whisper and the rubbing stops. I hope he isn't upset, I can't face that look right now.

"I'll protect you." He confidently says and I sigh in defeat, this kid is something else. His hands find themselves in my hair and he combs his finger through my hair like I do to him. This gesture warms my heart, the little things truly count.

Adam's pov....

"I say we storm the building when they're sleep. They won't see it coming and it gives us longer to prepare." Ace calmly says and Chris nods his head in agreement. I shake my head and Cody rolls his eyes at them.

"They are more guarded at night. So many people have attempted shit like this at night, thinking it would catch them off guard and it doesn't. So, we storm in when the fucking sun barely rises!" Cody argues and soon the entire office bursts into a shouting match between my men and Chris's bitches.

The sound of the office door opening stops our bickering and Maria enters with a smile. She has two big bags in her arms and she walks up to Chris's desk and sits them down. The smell of food fills the air and many stomachs growl in harmony.

"I thought you men would be hungry during the planning. You can't think or GET along on an empty stomach." Maria says and it didn't go unnoticed that she added base in her tone with the 'get'. We all nod our heads and she blows us a kiss before exiting the office.

"I'm not waiting anymore, I'm getting my girl regardless of the fucking time." I say, I look Chris in the eyes and I can feel the hatred oozing from him. I don't give a fuck and he knows that. She would have been here if he just left her with me.

"Actually, Reyes told me a time they all seem to be distracted." Nathan smirks and this statement gave him our attention.

William's pov...

"And see how I shot your uncle in front of your grandpa? Priceless!" My father cackles and I continue to watch the dramatic actions of my father. However, I was mostly amazed at my mom. She looks a bit different in this video.

Her hair is shorter, she was a bit more chubby, and mom seems fearless. She wasn't the obeying mom that I have now, she didn't seem to need someone to protect her. My father and I finish the video and he passes me a beer bottle.

"Last time you wasted half a bottle. Drink all of it and don't think about choking." He warns and I take the bottle and drink slowly. These drinks always make me feel funny, he loves making me defenseless.

"William, you'll understand why I'm so tough on you. No one respects a man that is weak. When I step down from my position, you are the one they'll look to. You have to be prepared to do all that is necessary to be the man in charge.... Even kidnap another man's girl and make her a wife and a mother." I'm not sure he wanted me to hear the last part because he whispered it.

"Your mom should heal soon.... Hm, I'm sure you feel like shit. Your mother would have been perfectly fine and not so bruised if you hadn't been too weak to defend her." His words were nothing but the truth. I was too weak and if I had said nothing, she would have been okay.

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