Snake 🐍

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*Trigger warning ⚠️*
*There is a scene of forceful sex*

Jess's pov.....

I straddle Wayne and meet his eyes with my own. He puts his left hand on my waist and the right hand on my ass. I grab onto his shoulder for support, he is slim but muscular.

"After this... You'll let us all go?" I ask, I need to know that I'm doing this for the sake of us living. He nods his head and a big smile plasters itself on his face.

I take a deep breath before smashing my lips on his. I can tell I caught him off guard by the way he tensed up. He slowly starts to loosen up and that was my green light to give him my all.

I bite his lip as I snake my hand up to his hat and take it off. I throw it behind him and slightly rock my hips against his. He moans but I capture it with my lips and grab a handful of his hair.

I had a little trouble trying to ignore the eyes burning into me from everyone around. I'm not sure I want to know what Don and Adam feels.... They can't help, they are forced to watch this encounter like a fucking porn flick. I clear my mind of any distracting thoughts.

I detach my lips from his and attack his neck. His coffee scent made me comfortable enough to poke my tongue out and drag it along his his neck and jawline.

I start to grind on him. The feeling of his well hard cock on my underwear was proof that I'm doing well..... Not that I questioned my ability. Austin gave me well enough practice to know I'm one hell of a satisfier.

"Fuck, she sure wants to go home." His words were clear but he barely got it out without moaning. He snakes his hand to my hair and pulls me away from his neck to attack mine.

He rocks his hips against mine and my body betrays me as I feel my underwear dampen. He licks and sucks on my neck but he doesn't find the sweet spot, thank God. I throw in a fake moan to make him think he found it and he smirks against my skin.

He pulls away from my neck and suck on my already hard nipples. I feel ashamed of this, but I couldn't just let Adam or Don die because I couldn't do something so small for them. I would have done this for a less of a scary situation.

"Fuck." I moan closing my eyes. Sadly, this one wasn't a fake one. In some screwed up way, I'm glad I was given a choice because.... These dudes could have just..... Used me right next to Adam and Don's dead bodies. The only pain I was put through was the slap.

I open my eyes and my eyes met the chubby lady who caught me in this same act earlier. She put her finger to her lips and shushed me. I felt relief, I know she's okay but.... Her fingers are stained with blood.... Brandon's blood.

She quickly but quietly scurries off deeper into the kitchen. I pray Brandon is alright, he didn't deserve this, hell... None of us did. These lunatics decided to pick on innocent people.... I'm protecting more than just Adam and Don.... I need to hurry and get Brandon help before he.....

The negative thought fueled me to be a bit aggressive. I wrap my hand around Wayne's neck and grind even harder. I was grinding so fast and so hard that I had a little fear that his dick would bust out of his pants and magically enter me.

"Get on your knees." He orders but it was more of him pushing me off and slamming me to the ground on my knees and not me willingly doing it myself.

He grabs my chin and forces me to see his hand jerking his dick at a fast pace. I was disgusted that he would think I would want his penis in my fucking face. I refuse to put it in my mouth, he can go fuck himself if he thinks I'll do that.

However, his dick was something that caught my eye. There was a snake tatted on it. The colors of yellow and green makes it noticeable. The split tongue of the snake stopped before the head of his dick.

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