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Adam's POV....

Maria was leading me to the kitchen but stopped in her tracks.

"Oh no, I forgot the gift I got you in my room." She says before cursing in Spanish. I was opening my mouth to tell her I don't need one but she already walked away.

I chuckle to myself before heading to the delicious smell of enchiladas. I stop walking once I see a woman eating her Popsicle.

I didn't want to interrupt what she was doing at all. She was indeed beautiful, her boobs were being outlined in her tight dress. Chris is lucky to have a girlfriend like her.

She let the frozen treat dig deep into her throat and I couldn't help but imagine the treat being skin flavored.

"Something tells me this is not your first time." I say with a smirk on my face and the girl looks to me and my dick twitches at the beautiful face in front of me.

I let my eyes scan her body As she stands up and walks over to me. That dress is obviously expensive but I swear she wants it ripped off. Could she walk around like that.... Chris must give her too much lead way because too much skin is showing.

"I would have to admit that it isn't my first with a Popsicle at all." She says holding out her hand for me to shake.

I grab her hand and shake it, making sure we hold eye contact. I watch as her eyes trail my body. Maybe she doesn't belong to Chris.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but.... You're Chris's girlfriend, right?" I asked shamelessly and I almost laugh at her expression. Her face twisted up in disgust and she shakes her head vigorously.

"No, that's quite disgusting given the fact he-" She was cut off by the clearing of a throat. I turned around and rolled my eyes at Chris's dramatic entry.

"I see you've already got to talk to Jess." He says glaring at me and I scrunch my eyebrows, highly confused.

"No, I actually haven't. Where is the little dummy anyway?" I ask, not really caring but still curious. Chris's face changes to an amused expression and he let's out a chuckle.

"I-Im Jess." A small voice says and I look into the direction of the woma- well, girl that was deep throating a Popsicle. My stomach churned and I couldn't stop the vomit that escapes my mouth.

Jess's POV......

I watch the man that flirted with me throw up all over the floor. He is lucky I was able to dodge any of his puke getting on me.

"Am I missing something, who are you?" I asked the guy but as soon as he raises his head to look at me, his eyes went wide and he puked again.

I would be lying if I said I didn't feel disrespected. My dad laughs and so did Maria. I don't see anything funny at all.

"I'm happy to see I didn't have to start the fun." The room fell quite at the unfamiliar voice. I look pass the puking man and my father to a woman with a big smile on her face.

She was pretty to say the least. She had a natural ponytail that puffed at the top. Her beautiful and most likely expensive white dress complimented her glowing brown skin. I'm not sure if she was wearing any makeup up but the gloss is popping.

"Ashanti!" My dad says with excitement,  he pulls the woman into a hug but what really got me confused was the kiss that followed after.

"Chris, no!" Maria squeaks and as he pulls away from her, the slobber of their kiss stretched before he wipes it off.

I take my time to process the action of my father with this woman. I feel blank. Why would he just kiss someone like that out of the blue. Who is she and why was she just allowed to walk in here.

Could she have been recognized? Everyone was a bit too comfortable about this strange lady chiming in. I noticed that everyone was looking at me but my focus was on the now uncomfortable woman.

"Who are you and how did you get through the door?" I asked firmly, the woman gives me a confused look before reaching in her pocket and pulling out something.

"Well, with the key your dad gave me." She says in confusion. Which is really funny because everyone seems to be okay with that but me.

"You gave this..... Stranger a key to the house?" I ask my father as I finally pulled my eyes away from her to look at him. He didn't say anything and even though he didn't show any fear, I can feel that he is in fear of something.

"Pudding... This is Ashanti, my girlfriend of 3 years." He says cautiously and it's not that he has a girlfriend.... But the fact that he had one for three years without my knowledge is a fucking joke.

The room was still silent, we all just stood there...... Inhaling the putrid puke smell and scattered around the kitchen. I blinked three times as long as I could.

Chris's POV......

I watch as my daughter did her cooling off coping skills. She seemed to be a little upset but not angry. I wish she told me how she felt so I can do or say anything to make her feel better.

Her eyes met mine and I had hope that she would speak and possibly let everything go and just be happy for me. But her face changed into a blank stare and it was directly on me.

"You always want to know what goes on in my life, yet you failed to tell me about your life and the events happening. Maybe because I will no longer be apart of that life, right? I feel betrayed and in the dark, I'm not hungry anymore and I don't want company. Goodnight." She says with disappointment.

"Jess, I-". She didn't acknowledge me as she walked pass me to get to the route of her room. The night couldn't go more wrong than this.

"Maria, please help me get the puke up." Adam asks still hunched over.

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