Teenager things

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Jess's POV.....

"Seriously Jess, you're just gonna leave after that!" Austin yells and I just continue putting on my jeans.

"Austin, you act like this is something new." I say hooking my bra together. I can feel his eyes burning into my back.

"Exactly, all that happens is me flirting with you, you flirt back, I bring you to my house, we make out, I eat you out, and then you fucking leave!" He yells and I shrug my shoulders and throw on my shirt.

"What do you want me to do Austin?" I ask. He should know by now that I just don't do that couple shit.

"Look, I know we will never be together. But can you just.... Stay a night some time?" The crack in his voice made me turn around and look at him.

"Jess, I need you. Things in my life has been bad.... I didn't want to tell you but... My grandpa died a week ago." He says with tears in his eyes and that broke my heart.

I wish I had a grandpa, I always heard people talk about their grandparents and I just listen with jealousy. But maybe I'm lucky because I don't have to go through the heartbreak with them dying.

"Fine." I say as bland as possible. He smiles and walks over to me. I knew what he was about to do and I quickly grab his remote from the night stand and hop the bed.

"What show do you wanna watch?" I ask with a tight smile.

Chris's POV.... 

"She was suppose to be here three hours ago Ace!" I yell in panic. When if my daughter is in a fucking ditch or she is in some creeps basement being tortured.

That thought alone made my body quiver and I started to feel lightheaded. If any of these thoughts were to be true..... I'm not a good father...

"Chris, you know she does this all the time. She is out there doing her teenager things and not caring about anyone or anything." Ace says as he waves a beef jerky stick.

I shake my head in denial. I told her to be home on time and not a second late unless she had an important reason to be late.

"I wouldn't worry Chris, she is probably at a friends house gossiping." Cody says as he walks into the room. I watch as he open up the fridge and take out a pickle.

"Mmmm, hot and spicy!" He says and that made me laugh. Ace and Cody help calm me down all the time when it comes to Jess.

"What type of gossip does 17 year old girls have?" Ace asks and that made me think.... What would a group of girls talk about... Other than.... No.

"Boys, se-." I grab the banana that was on the island and threw it at him. It hits him in the face and he somehow drops the pickle.

"Yo what the fuck Chris!" He yells dramatically. He slowly kneels down and picks up the pickle before biting it.

"Jess doesn't worry about any of those things. She probably took some friends home and made a couple of wrong turns." I say before taking a deep breath.

She should at least arrive home in an hour. It's only 6pm.

~9 hours later~

Jess's POV....

I tip toe around the lawn to climb up the tree that is next to my window. I knew I was potentially in trouble because the 3pm quickly turned to 3am.

I managed to climb up and not make too much noise with the leaves. I stretch my left leg to the window seal and successfully transferred myself from the tree to my window.

I stick my foot through my open window and slowly place my feet on my floor.

I sigh in relief but it was quickly cut short by the lights flickering on and blinding me.

"Jessica Rosette Carter!" My dad shouts and I quickly shut my window to not have him embarrass me throughout the neighborhood.

"Dad, please go to bed." I say tiredly and  I turn to my bed to see Ace and Cody in it at the edge of the bed.

"Well, he could of been sleeping if you were here on time Jess." Cody says with a 'duh' tone. I shut my eyes and rub them in anger.

"You have an attitude? How can you have an attitude Jessica? What were you doing that was so important that you didn't call me or come home?!?" My dad yells, it pisses me off when he gets loud.

"Dad, it was very important. I just lost track of time and you took my phone for nonsense last week." I accuse and his face softens in realization.

"Nah, fuck that. What does that have to do with you not attempting to contact and sneaking in at 3am? The math ain't fucking math'n." Ace says and I roll my eyes because he gets that lingo from his girl.

"Ace, what the fuck are you talking about? What math is not in?" Cody asks confuse and I hold in a giggle. Cody is beyond clueless with everything.

"Well, basically I'm saying things aren't adding up with the situation but in a much cooler form. Deja taught me the phrase and there are so much more I can sho-." He was caught off by my father.

"Enough! Answer his question Rosette!" He demands and I hold myself from rolling my eyes at him. I know how to get out of trouble, no need to be in trouble deeper.

"My friend Lilly's grandparents died last week and she broke down in front of me. I'm not gonna leave her by herself in depression..... Bad things happen when people leave those in that state." I say as the fake tears fall from my eyes.

The room fell silent and I look into my dad's eyes and I saw his face completely relax and softened.

"Alright pudding. Get some sleep." He says and I nod my head and wipe my tears. Of course he fell for it, he always does.

"Chris, are you really letting her get off that easy?" Cody asks in astonishment and my dad looks at him with a confused expression.

"I'm not gonna punish her for being a good friend. I would do the same for you, Ace, and I did it for A-." My dad stops speaking and his face washes all emotions and he just turns around and leaves.

Who did he help? What was the name? Did my dad have a new friend or something? I became curious but I didn't have a second longer with Cody and Ace before they kissed my forehead good night and left.

Hey y'all! It's been awhile and yes, we finally are here to her teenage years!

Yay! She is 17....  Our little girl is all grown up😭😭

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