Mister Sir

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Jess's POV.....

I open my eyes to see that daddy's eyes are still closed. "Lazy birdy." I say as I kiss his long funny nose. I carefully wiggle out of his arms and sneak off the bed carefully. I don't want my daddy to wake up, he will make me go back to sleep.

I tip toe very quietly to the door and stand on my tippy toes to turn the door thingy. I heard a click and I look back to daddy, frightened that he woke up by the noise. I smile at his big body still in the blanket asleep.

"See you latter daddy, I make you some breakfast!" I whisper shout and I pull the door open and leave the room. I run down the hallway but stop by a door that had a noise coming from it. Is there someone in there? I tip toe to the door and put my ear to the door to hear a nose talking like daddy's nose does.

A door opened and I looked behind me to see that there was a pretty man. He stood there very still like my teddy bear but his eyes went very wide as he stood there. I smile and did a pose before standing still and widening my eyes. This is a fun game!

"Good morning Jess, I didn't know you would be awake." I frowned at the man because he lost the game too quick. Wait a minute, did he call me by my name? How did.... Who is.... Whaaaaaaaat?

"Um, Mister sir..... How do you know my name?" I ask and I got a little nervous and started playing with my fingers. His voice sounds familiar but I never seen him before, he is a very pretty sir. Mister sir started lowering himself to my height and he smiled, I smile back at him and I couldn't help but look at his pretty white teeth.

"Your daddy told me and my brother about you. We are going to be living here to help out around the house." He said and I tap my chin as I thought about what he said. He has a brother? Where is he? I thought Maria takes care of the house.

"Where is your brother Mister Sir?" I ask and he chuckles and points at the door I was listening to. "You can call me Ace and my brother is in the room you were ear hustling on." I felt myself turn red and I shake my head to make him believe I didn't.

"No, I hear nose talking in there." I say and his eyebrows squished together and he looked very confused. I look down at my fingers again and I hear him laugh and pick me up.

"Let's meet him." He said and I poke his cheek and watch him open the door. I giggle at the mister with the talking nose and I wiggle so Ace can put me down. He slowly puts me down and I run to the talking nose man and I use his feet to help me get on the bed. I crawled beside him and pinch his nose together to stop it from talking.

His eyes opened super fast and he was about to let out a scream but I let go of his nose to cover her mouth. "Shhhhh, mister talking nose, daddy is sleeping." I say and I smile at him with my biggest smile. He has very pretty brown eyes, I giggle as Ace picks me up and twirl me.

"Okay, let's eat!" Ace said and talking nose got up and rubbed eyes eyes. I do that when I wake up too! Ace held me in his arms and he walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

He stopped walking for a long time and I looked at him to see his eyes big and his mouth open. "This is so big and beautiful." He said and I don't get why he said that because it is just white.

"Ace, put me in my chair over there!" I said as I pointed to my own table with a tea party set. He gave me a smile and walked over to my table and nicely put me down in my seat.

"What would you like to eat?" He asked and I put my finger on my chin and started to think very deep on what I want. "I don't want no cereal, but I want pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruit, and apple juice!" I whisper happily and he nodded his head.

"Cody, look for some pans and utensils while I look for the ingredients." Ace said and I smile at nose talker's name. I grab my tea cup and sip from it with my pinky out, just like Maria taught me.

Cody's POV.....

Despite this little girl pinching my nose and almost killing me, she is adorable. I finally got my hands on some pots and pans and I set them on the stove for Ace to deal with.

"Cody, come have tea with me!" Jess yells and I smile at her learning my name so fast. I walk to her little table and sit down on the ground in a criss cross applesauce formation.

"Will you like two sweet cubes or one sweet cube?" She asks in a pish posh accent and I smile big at her cuteness and got into character, "I will have two sugars miss Jess." I say and she giggles and pretends to put two sugars in a cup and hands it to me.

"Want a scone Cody sir?" She asks as she sips from her cup and I nod my head and she sits her cup down and grabs a napkin before patting her lips with it.

"Oh golly gee, the scones are hot, no burn figures, okay?" She warns and I nod my head and she picked up the fake scone from a plate and placed it on the plate in front of me. I smell the plastic and look at her with a surprise face.

"Did you male these yummy scones by yourself?" I ask in shock and she vigorously nods her head and claps. I parent to take bites and I decided to throw in some over exaggerated noises.

"Mmmmmmmmmm, mmm-mmm-mmm." I moan and she copied me but she rubbed her tummy as she grabbed a napkin and patted her face. She handed the same napkin to me and I copied her actions before.

"Cody, come cut the fruit and give some to jess to hold her off until everything is finished." Ace ordered and I shoot up from where I was sitting and headed to the fridge where I would assume the fruits are and I pulled out what I could find.

I placed them on the counter and started chopping them into slices. I was able to slice green apples, mangos, and peaches. I left the green and red grapes, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.

I walk to the refrigerator and put all of the fruit back in and I was placing the grapes back in place when I seen the whip cream spray bottle. "Score!" I whisper yell and I grab it and close the fridge. I walk to a cabinet and pull out a pretty princess bowl and I placed the fruit in and sprayed whip cream on the top and walked it over to her table.

"Here you go Jess." I say as I hand her the bowl and she beams at her bowl before lowering her head and saying a quite prayer. She grabbed a spoon and scooped up a spoonful and placed it into her mouth. She chewed slowly and her eyes widen with every movement of her jaw.

"Glad you like it kiddo."

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