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Jess's pov.....

I'm too much of a wimp to go deeper into the woods. I barely made it pass the driveway and the sound of a stick snapping made me run to the side of the house.

Now, I'm just drawing shapes in the dirt and humming a made up tune. The sun goes down slowly and before I knew it, it finally had been taken over by the moon. 

I huff in annoyance that Adam hasn't run out the door to look for me. No one has left the house and all I can think of is that Neon lady being bent over by him.

The thought of him doing this all the time  to me hurts physically. It annoys me that I care but I can't control that. He pisses me off, I hate him most of the time.... But he has been so kind and loving lately.

Maybe it's his dick, but I can feel something between us. To me, it's starting to feel more than physical and that scares me because we had an agreement it will never be more than a simple fuck.

Would he feel the same way? Would he help me explore that feeling? And if we did explore that feeling, will the gains and losses be worth it? I huff in annoyance at all the questions I have and the lack of answers for them.

I get up from the side of the house and make my way back inside the house. I close the door gently and I tiptoe to the stairs. By the second step, a faint scream catches my attention.

I turn around and step off of the steps. Where is that coming from? The scream was getting louder as I inch towards the room that leads to the pool. Is someone struggling to get out of the pool?

I quickly open the door and make my way downstairs to help but once the pool comes to view, no one is in it. Confused, I inch closer to see if they had gone to the bottom. I couldn't see anything.

"No, stop!" A blood curdling scream made me jump backwards as if it came from the water. Water doesn't scream Jess, that is a man screaming and pleading. I follow the scream with caution, scared of what I will see but concerned about the reason for screaming.

"Shut the fuck up you fucking waste of oxygen!" Adam hisses and I hear what seems to be a belt hitting skin. The man I am yet to see screams in agony and I hear what seems to be a sob.

"P-please, I don't wanna die. I can't die, I have a family Adam, don't you have someone you would protect and provide for at all costs?!?" The man asks an inch towards an open door I never noticed before.

It was dark but there was a red light at the bottom. As stupid as I feel right now, I couldn't help but want to see the man's face and I want to know what's going on. 

"I don't." Adam says nonchalantly and the two words hit me like a fucking tetherball to the face. He doesn't have anyone like that? Not my dad? Maria? Cody? Ace? Why am I beating around the fucking bush? I'm not a person he would do anything for?

My feet carry me to the bottom of the steps and I stop at the last one and peek around it. My eyes widen and my throat dries at the scenery in front of me.

"Force his mouth open. If he won't give us what we want.... He doesn't need a fucking tongue." Adam spits and I grab a fistful of my shirt to calm some of my nerves. The man pleads but the neon haired lady comes to sight and she places some kind of device on him.

It was something out of a fucking movie. She stuck a circular thing in his mouth and connected it to a piece on his head. She then went to the other side I couldn't see and she moved what seems to be a handle.

She looks like a little kid turning that handle on a Jack-in-the-box. I watch in horror as the man's mouth spreads open wide forcefully by the object in his mouth. Blood starts to run at the corner.

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