I know what love is

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Jess's POV....

I hate him! He always mean to me when I say truth. I can't say truth or lie! I stand up from my table and knock off my tea cups and pot off the table and they hit the ground.

"Go ahead and break the shit if you want to because your little ass ain't getting any more fucking toys!" Daddy yelled and I cover my mouth and scream into it because I don't want a spanking.

I heard heavy footsteps coming my way and my eyes widen at the belt in my daddy's hand. I back away from him slowly and I was stopped by my table.

"I suggest you clean up this fucking mess." He says in a low tone and I couldn't help but get even more angry. He is always so mean to me. I tried to be quite... I couldn't do it. He started to walk away and that is where I let the words go.

"N-no daddy." I say with a tiny shake. He stop really quick and slowly turn around and look me in my eyes with a scary look. I step away from my table and just like that, I ran really fast away from him.

"Hey, get your fucking ass back here Jess, I'm not gonna play these games with you!" He shouted but I already was in my room with the door closed and locked. I should be safe in here.

I shake at the sound of his footsteps and the sound of the doorknob jiggling. I ran to my closet and climbed up to my top shelf before hiding behind the big boxes on the shelf. He will never find me here.

"I know dam well you didn't lock this fucking door! Open this door right now Jess, I am gonna whoop your little ass!" He yells and I shake my head because he won't be able to find me to do that.

"L-leave me alone before I call cops on you daddy!" I shout and everything was silent. I smile in victory but it was cut short by the sound of my door cracking and I think wood hitting the ground.

I cover my mouth from screaming before closing my eyes and laying still.

Adam's POV....

"You wanna call the cops? Let me give you a fucking reason to!" I yell as I toss her blankets off her bed to reveal that she wasn't there.

"Jess, get the fuck out from where you are hiding and come here!" I yell and her silence angered me. She knows dam well that this stunt she is pulling will put her ass in a week of difficulty due to her ass being sore.

"Leave me alone now!" I look toward the direction I heard it from and I charge to her closet and swing the doors open to find her not there. I squint and moved her dresses that hung on the hangers and I was shocked to see that she wasn't there.

"Jess, I won't give you a spanking. I just want to talk to you." I softly say and I knew that she would come out if I pretended not to be angry. I heard a little gasp before the sound of a box falling.

Jess's POV....

He won't get mad? No, he is lying!  I cover my mouth harder and I started to feel a bit funny. My leg hurts really bad and it is hot in here. I move my leg and before I could stop , the shoebox I had fell and my legs were showing!

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!" I scream in shock as I am pulled from my hiding spot and my eyes go big as I see daddy's eyes. I give him a smile and a small wave but he looks at me evily and before I knew it, I was bent over his lap and my bum was being spanked very hard.

"Daddy, I'm sorry!" I scream but he kept going and at this moment in time, I wish his hands were feathers so it won't hurt as bad.

"The hell if you are, call the fucking cops!" He yells over me and I start to not feel my bum anymore. I let my body hang on him and give more slaps were given before daddy stopped and laid me down on the bed.

"Go to sleep." He said before walking away from me with angry steps. I cry into my pillow and I know my butt hurts but my feelings hurt even worse.

"Why don't you love me?" I cry and I hear the steps come back and I hold my breath. Daddy was in front of me and he bent down so I can see his eyes.

"You wouldn't know love if it bit you on the nose Jess, I show you love." He said with a voice that didn't tell me if he was sad,mad, or happy. But I know that he is wrong because I watched a movie where the guy explained what love is.

"I know what love is..... You don't show me love at all." I whisper and just like that, daddy got up and left calmly.... Like he didn't care!

Adam's POV......

Her words cut deep, am I failing Chris? She has to know that I love her, she is apart of someone that showed me true love. I am showing her the love that Chris would have gave...... The love I was given. She has to know that the world is tough and she has to be prepared.

Ugh, I need to call someone..... Maybe Maria can help. All this work with this kid is causing me extreme stress. I walk into my room and gently close the door before pulling my phone out my pocket and dialing her number.

By the second ring her voice filled my ears.

"Hello?" She says with pure happiness in her tone. I don't know why me calling her would make her happy but I guess it is fine.

"Hello Maria, I need to ask you something about me and Jess's relationship." I say and I made sure to wipeout any emotion because I don't want her to think that I'm scared of..... I don't know.

"What did you do Adam?" She accuses and I can imagine her squinting her eyes and having her nose flare. I roll my eyes and walk to my bed before laying on my back and listening to her cuss me out in spanish.

"Maria, we both know that I don't know what you are saying. I didn't do anything, I just want to know if I show Jess love?" I frown at her silence and my eyes squirt as she takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Adam, you treat Jess like an experiment, she needs soft love. You always act cold and sharp and give her that... "Tough love" and you can't do that to her. Stop treating her like she was born to be an emotionless monster." I was lost for words at her honesty and I couldn't do anything but pull the phone from my ear and hang up.

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