New Level of Hurt

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*This Chapter Contains Abuse, and to be quite honest, it will happen in other chapters as well. Do not read further if this is sensitive to you, I am also not glorifying abuse!*

Jess's POV.....

"Well, looks like I got some tea to spill as well dad." I say with a big smile on my face. My dad smiles back at me and pulls me to follow him. He sits down on the couch and I sit next to him.

I see that he purposely sat down next to his pregnant girlfriend or whatever she is. I hope he sees that she can't be a factor... It's not right to replace my mother.

He told me that my mom was his everything and when she died from cancer, he couldn't fill that spot she was in. He said the only woman in his life that mattered would be me. Obviously, this bitch is not me.

"Honestly dad.... Fuck you, fuck that bitch on the couch next to you, and fuck that baby. I feel so fucking betrayed right now and you have the fucking audacity to smile. How do you even know that baby is your baby?!?" I shout and I found it amusing to see his smile slowly disappear with each word. It was the gas to make me keep going.

"You are probably with some gold digging ass bitch who doesn't care about you. How could you even have another child?? You can barely keep up with me. Oh, since we are spilling some tea...." I pause for a moment, do I really wanna air out my dirty laundry? Before I could answer myself, it all slipped out.

"Your daughter has been having sex, ditching school, and doing whatever the fuck I want. If I can get away with this shit and run all over you, how can you have another child? You failed me, you failed my fucking mother, you are a failure. And to be quite honest that bitch and her baby could die and I wouldn't flinch!" I yell and I made sure it was the loudest I could.

But, as soon as I said that last part... I felt guilty. That was a bit far but he needs to feel what I feel. I'm angry, I'm anxious, and now... I'm guilty. He sits there with no emotion and if I didn't know any better, I would have assumed he was lifeless.

"You're a whore." His words are barely above a whisper so I hope that wasn't what I heard. I let out a breathy chuckle but it was cut short by my dad rising up and looking down at me.

"You are a fucking whore just like your mother and maybe one day you'll end up like the bitch." He says and my jaw dropped at his words. I felt small, at this point and the silence of the bystanders around are loud and tense.

"If you wanna run around and be a whore, that's on you. But, don't you ever talk about my future wife and child ever!" He booms and I flinch from his tone, a tone I never had to hear before. I stood up to walk away but I was roughly pushed back down.

"Chris, don't-." The woman leaned over to help me while putting her hand up towards my dad. Did.... Did he just push me? I gulp in fear and confusion. He never put his hands on me, ever.

"Ashanti, I'm begging you to please get away from her. I don't want you in the way of this... It will end badly." He says and I break myself from the blankness of confusion and look up at him. There is no way he just said that.... What does he mean by that?

"You don't put your hands on me. What the hell is wrong with you?" I was just hurt by his actions towards me. He could of just let me walk away and grounded me. I am honestly feeling like shit right now, being called a whore by my father..... Is a new level of hurt.

"That's what happens to whores like you, they end up getting with a guy who beats her ass in private and in public. You wanna be a whore, I'll prepare you for that life!" His words holds so much anger, anger I never seen him have.

"Stop dad, you're scaring me. Please, just let me go to my room." I say getting up again but this time, I was grabbed by the back of my neck and swung into the coffee table. My head hit the edge pretty hard and my body got a nice impact with it as well. Luckily, the table is all wood and not glass.

"Chris, she is your daughter!" I heard Maria scream but I swear I could hear ringing along with her voice. I feel like I deserve this but don't at the same time. Like, I was being a bitch but this was just too far. My plan on being a bitch backfired.

"Daughter? Well, how do I know that she is my daughter? We all knew her mother was a fucking whore, hmm, mother like fucking daughter." He spat and I close my eyes to avoid the tears that threatened to escape.

I felt myself being picked up by my shirt and that made me open my eyes to see it was my dad. His eyes were dark and blank, he didn't look like the man that was in his place before. He held my gaze before his face was full of an evil smile.

"You wanna know some tea Jess?" He asks and I raise my hands to push him away but he didn't budge at all. He really wants to keep on with this? This is getting out of hand, it isn't the events I thought would happen. I look around to see if anyone could help but they all were looking down. The man that I am aware is named Adam, is holding Maria back.

I look over to the side to see my dad's new girl looking down and rocking. My eyes travel to Ace and Cody and they both were on the couch with blank stares. I don't feel upset at anyone, this isn't their fight to fight. I close my eyes for five seconds before turning my head to focus on my dad.

"Tell me the tea Chris." I say with no emotion and I could've sworn I seen some regrets in his eyes before it all was swallowed by his dark and heartless stare.

"Your mother never wanted you, she wanted to kill you. Unfortunately, I stopped her. I killed that fucking whore." He spat but then he had the audacity to laugh. I am in shock, I feel like a worthless person right now. My own mother didn't want me? My own father regrets saving me.

"I want you out of my fucking house, I don't give a shit about you. Don't take anything from here either, I bought that shit." He spat before dropping me onto the ground. I could care less about getting kicked out at this point. I slowly got up on my feet and made sure I didn't look at him.

I turned around and started to walk. I feel numb about what he said, I was tricked into believing my mother cared about me. Like, did she want to abort me or something? My head hurt and I definitely have bruises forming. I just wanted it all to go away.

Adam's POV.....

The old Chris showed off tonight for sure. I didn't think he would do this to Jess but it is what it is. She made her bed and have to lay in it. Maria was sobbing loudly and I slowly let her go. Big mistake.

"Chris, she is a child! You can not abandon a child to fend for themselves on the street! That is neglect! Remember what your parents did to you? Don't be them Chris, I beg of you!" She screams as Chris continues to watch his daughter walk away. I can tell she hit her head pretty bad by the way she struggled to walk straight.

But all of a sudden, Jess turns around and runs up to Chris. Everyone was to slow to stop her from lifting up her fist and punching Chris.

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