This is the Last Time

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Jess's POV.....

I grab my now throbbing hand and spit on the ground near Chris. I was just so angry and fed up. I'm not gonna cry and be a sore loser, but mostly, I was upset that Maria had to witness the both of us out of character.

"No Maria, I have a place to go. I know a very good guy that can dick me down and give me a very good place to stay since I'm a whor-." I wasn't able to fully get the word out because Chris's hands wrapped around my neck.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!" He screams and I try to pry his hands off but he wouldn't loosen his grip. Lucky for me, Ace and Cody helped and I was let go.

"Did you choke me because I punched your dumbass or because pretty soon my back will get blown out by some pimps?" I laugh out and Chris tries to get to me again but Ace and Cody holds him back. Where the fuck was this support earlier?

"You think I'll let you get off that easy? I'm still on the birth certificate Jessica!" He yells trying to push Ace and Cody off. I shrug my shoulders and walk over to  the opposite side of the living room where I stashed a bottle of vodka.

I remember sneaking in late from a party with Austin. He was a bit tipsy but drove perfectly. I on the other hand was smashed but managed to fool Chris into thinking I was sleep walking that night.

"Jessica, if you fucking drink that... I will whoop your ass so bad you will suffer from injuries." Chris's threat interrupts my memory. I raise my right eyebrow at him before lifting the bottle up to my lips and start chugging the strong drink.

I will definitely regret this later but it's worth getting him upset. It will also help me sleep the night away later as well.

"Let me fucking go, I'm gonna hurt her!" He shouts again and I take the bottle away from my lips and smirk at him.

Adam's POV......

I watch as Chris tries to kill Jess and Jess drink like a fucking pro. What a fucking demon she has become, I hope I wasn't responsible for this because.... I threw a party once.

"You're not my dad, remember? So shut the fuck up!" She snaps and I raise my eyebrows as she literally gives a sloppy blowjob to a bottle. She needs her ass whooped.

"I suggest you put that bottle down before I whoop your fucking ass."

Jess's POV.....

Of course, asshole of the hour wants to chime in all of a fucking sudden. Hmm, he wants me to put it down, okay. I act like I was gonna put it down on the floor before raising it back up and throwing it at him.

And to my dismay, he catches the bottle and the whole house went silent. He just slowly lowered the bottle and examines it like he never seen one before.

Ace and Cody let's go of Chris, who looks awfully terrified, and inches towards Adam. He holds up a finger towards them. Giving them a look I can't quite see.

"The both of you know dam well,  trying to keep me away from things will end up hurting you in the end." He basically threatened them. Are they afraid of him?

I felt a little uneasy. I know for a fact he gotta be pissed, who wouldn't be? I quickly pull out my phone and dial 911 but I didn't push the call button, not yet.

"I'll call the police if you touch me. If any of you touch me, you're going to jail for child abuse and I'll just leave to a better family who won't hit me." I challenge.

"You can call them all you want Jess. Those officers won't be here before I permanently make sure your face is rearranged. They also won't be able to stop me from making sure you can't take a shit without a bag being attached to you." He growls and I back up enough to make some more space in the room.

He slowly takes large steps towards me and I threw my phone but it missed him. I turn around to run but his hands wrap around my wrist tightly. I yelled in pain but that only made him squeeze harder.

He pulls me into him and just like the park, he lowers his head down to my ear.

"Keep fucking with me Jess, I don't show mercy." He whispers and I literally shake in fear. He has a strong grip, I try to pull away but the pain got worse.

"I have an announcement." Chris says. I look his direction with so much pain on my face but also anger. I could fucking care less about his announcement, fuck him.

"You wanted Jess to have a place to stay Maria, so I'm giving her one." He says and Maria runs up to him and give him a hug.

"But not here, she is gonna live with Adam until she is 18 and able to legally fend for herself." He quickly finishes, my eyes widen in shock. He lost his dam mind.

"No fucking way!" Me and Adam yell in unison. Huh, so we do share the same feelings on this, good. He let's me go and basically stomps his way towards Chris.

"I'm not watching her disrespectful ass Chris. What the fuck did I do? Just whoop her ass one good time and she'll act right!" He protests. I just try to find any escape route to avoid any outcome.

I saw that there was a clear pathway to the front door so I slowly inch towards it but Ace and Cody appears out of nowhere and block it. Absolute traitors. Chris and Adam are having a screaming match, Maria is yelling at the both of them to lower their voices, Chris's girl is just observing them, Ace and Cody won't move out of my way, and I'm getting annoyed.

"It's final Adam. I know you did this favor for me already, but I need you more than ever right now. Please, this is the last time and you and I will never have this conversation again." He pleads. Adam puts his hands in his hair and pace back and forth. He better not fold.

"Fine, but she gets discipline the way I do it. No more of that soft shit, I will not take disrespect." He angrily says and Chris nods his head and turns around. Wait, did he just give me away to a fucking stranger?

"H-how could you do that? I don't know him, you're selling me off? After everything you just told me, everything you just did, you wanna end it on this note?" I feel in shambles right now, my heart feels like a million knives stabbing into it.

"You leave tonight Adam. I know it's a long drive but I can't have her here. There are some motels along the way, again, thank you for this." Chris says before walking out of the Living room and into the kitchen, completely ignoring me.

"Jess, you didn't eat. I'll fix you something for the trip, you can eat in here instead of the kitchen." Maria sighs before rushing into the kitchen. I hear harsh whispers and pans being slammed onto the counter.

I sit on the chair that is far from Chris's girl. I didn't want to be near her or deal with her. I feel like it's all her fault to begin with, she just interrupted us before our night could start and started announcing shit all calmly. If anything, I want to hop up out of this chair and beat her ass.

It was like she could read my mind because she quickly got up and walk the direction of the stairs. I don't know what just happened between me and Chris.... I just know that I will never call him dad, ever again. I'm not patient but I know enough to know what he did was extreme and uncalled for.

"Your dad didn't mean it Jess." I snap my head in the direction of Ace's voice. He was to the left of me, playing with his expensive rolex before lowering himself to my height.

"I'm not excusing what he did... But I know him enough to know that something in him cracked. He never done this before, I know Adam has but not your da-." I cut him off, not because of him explaining Chris's actions but for the mention of Adam. What does he mean by Adam doing it before?

I open my mouth to ask but I was cut off by the obnoxious clearing of a throat. I turn my head to the culprit and there stood Cody with wide eyes. He was staring straight at Ace and gave him a look that could Kill.

"Ace, it's not our place to say shit. We need to go and get groceries for Maria..... Chris said so." Cody urges and I noticed that Cody didn't give me one look the entire time. What are they hiding and why?

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