Snapchat 👻

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Jess's pov....

Adam has been out all day and hasn't checked on me or said a word to me since yesterday. He is being cruel about the situation for no reason. I'm not his girl, so why does it matter if I'm with another guy? This is complete bullshit.

I'm still pissed at him for leaving me horny. I had to use the sex toy thing and it wasn't the same as his. Hell, it's smaller... But the vibration did some justice. I also can't fight the urge of wanting to slash some tires to get him to stay.

I want his attention..... How could I get it? Well, I would have to be near Jackson again. The thing is, I genuinely enjoy Jackson's company. He's probably the only guy close to my age range anyway.

I quickly make my way to Jackson's room. I knock on the door and the sound of groaning and curse words can be heard. I smirk knowing I'm already irritating him.

The door swings open to a clearly fucked up Jackson. His eyes are low, his hair is messy,and he looks pale. Why does he look like that? He had fallen asleep before me and he was perfectly fine.

"Don't worry, I woke up to some messages on Snapchat last night. Let's say.... I got totally carried away with alcohol." He gloomily says and he moves so I can enter his room.

I immediately notice the empty bottles around the room. I should have stayed last night. He needed comfort and I was upstairs upset about the ache between my legs.

"Let me see the message. And don't think about giving me any bullshit excuses on why you can't." I say with my hand held out. He sighs and reaches in his pocket, once he pulls out his hand, he places the device in mine.

"My password is..... Jamie." He grimaces and I can tell that is the dick that made him go crazy with the alcohol. Jamie is lucky I can't put my foot in his ass. I type in his name and press on the Snapchat icon, I see Jamie is on the top of the list. I click it and read.

Jamie💔: I made a sextape with my new girl. This should prove to you that I don't give a fuck about you anymore.

Jackson: Why message me at all Jamie? I get it already, you don't want me. Why go the extra mile?

Jamie💔: Because I can!

*Video attachment-

My eyes widen as the video of a girl with bleach blonde hair giving a guy with jet black hair a blowjob. My face twists in disgust and I exit the messages.

Jackson drops to his knees and covers his face. My heart drops and I quickly make my way to him. I wrap my arms around him and rub small circles into his back.

"She can't suck dick right. That bitch choked way too fast on a dick that small." I say and he lets out a broken chuckle. I get up from the floor and retrieve his phone, I gotta distract him.

"Jamie wants to send videos.... Let's send him something back." I say and Jackson's face twists in disgust. I roll my eyes and pat the bed next to me. He hesitantly gets up and sits next to me awkwardly.

"We're not having sex you dummy. We'll take a picture of me laying on you shirtless... Oh, how about you pretend you're sleep and I'll take the picture?" I smile evilly and he laughs and nods. I don't care how immature it sounds, Jackson deserves to feel like he won.

I get up and Jackson takes off his shirt. Jackson is truly flawless, his body is beyond flawless and muscled. I take off my shirt and bra. My nipples harden immediately in the cool air.

He lays down and I crawl over him and lay on his bare chest. Hopefully I'm not too heavy. It's been awhile since I've been on top. I feel my cheeks heat up and I curse myself out for even thinking of that.

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