Wayne's Wedding part 2

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Jess's pov....

"Tell her!" Wayne booms and the room falls silent. His mother stares at her husband with confusion and Gerald avoids her gaze. He holds his stare with Wayne's gun chamber before he drops his head.

"Gregory is my son." He says and Mary starts to let out a breath of relief. Did she already know he had another son? She seems fine with it, why is Wayne making it a big deal?

"Gerald, I know you think of Gregory as a son but-." She was cut off by Gerald's groan of pain and frustration. He lifts his head and turns towards her with that same look of seriousness he gave me earlier.

"He's my biological son." Gerald finished and the look on Mary's face told me all I needed to know. She wasn't fine with that at all. She brings her right hand to her heart before letting out a sob.

"Gregory is five years younger than Wayne. We were married the whole time Gerald. How could you have time to..... Who?" She didn't have that sweet smile or voice anymore. Her face is pale and she looks like she'll pass out.

"It was with Linda. We had the affair the whole time and I found time during the break at church." He says and she nearly falls to the ground as she screams with all her might.

"You bastard! You fucking hypocrite! How could you judge our son for a sin he has committed but you don't find committing adultery a problem? You committed this act in church.... With the pastor's wife, your best friend!" She screams and my eyes widen at the new information.

Wow, I am no one to judge but.... Fucking the pastor's wife has to be a one-way ticket to hell or something. Wait.... She had Gerald's son.... Did the pastor know the kid wasn't his? He did this to his best friend? This would of been a perfect Maury episode.

"Maybe if you lost some fucking weight, put more makeup on, and suck my dick more often... We would have been happily in love but you lack those qualities. I'm happy I fucked Linda, she gave me the perfect son and the best part was that I got to be there in his life and shaped him into a better man." He says as he pokes out his chest a little.

He looks back at Wayne and Wayne creepily has a calm demeanor. Wayne moved his gun to his mother and she opens her mouth to scream but he doesn't move the gun.

"Call me your son and tell me how much you are proud of me and how much you love me. If you don't, I'll kill mom and you'll be to blame for her death." Wayne says and he has no emotion on his face, but I can see his bottom lip quivering.

"W-Wayne..... Please." His mother visibly shakes and raise both of her hands to her mouth. This isn't right, she just heard terrible news and he wants to punish his father through her.

Gerald smirks at Wayne but doesn't open up his mouth to say anything. I can feel my blood boil as it clicks to me that this man would let his wife be slaughtered before he tells his son that he loves him.

"What the hell are you waiting for Gerald? He's going to kill your fucking wife!" I blurt out in anger and Reyes puts his hand over my mouth. I try to break free from his hold but his hand soon leaves my mouth and down to my neck.

"Shut the fuck up Jessica." He harshly whispers in my ear and I stand still and fight the tear threatening to escape. Gerald is so fucking cruel. How could he let his pride cloud the fact his wife will most likely meet her maker tonight.

"Fuck you, you're nothing but a prissy fag pretending to be into a women. You'll never hear me say anything positive about you, you are nothing Wayne. Get that through your fucking skull! I hate you so fucking much and I wish I never stuck my dick in that dry pussy!" He spat and Wayne let out a laugh before the gun went off and his mother fell on the ground with a large thud.

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