The Cell

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Chris's POV....

I've only been here for five fucking minutes and I already am ready to leave and go home. This place is a fucking disease bomb and everything is in filth. It stinks, its loud as fuck, and if I hear another fucking person catcall me, I will probably smash their heads into the bars. I am in my cell sitting on my so called bed which seems to me to be a fucking cloth stuffed with beans, and I am staring out into space.

"You're not gonna talk to us for your whole sentence?" One of my cellmates ask and I don't even know their names, not that I want to because I don't plan being here for long. I will try to get the fuck out of here as soon as I can.

"You need back up just in case anything goes wrong." Another one said and I know they are right but I plan on just laying low and minding my own business so things won't get out of hand.

"I know you're young, they like young men and the fact that you are a pretty boy puts the icing on the cake." The third one says and hearing that made me want to throw up because I remember stories I've been told and I don't plan on experiencing the same things. But, I am not stupid enough not to think that there is no catch to their services.

"What's the catch?" I ask as I look away from the wall and I never really got a clear look at my cellmates and I notice that they all look exactly the same. They have dark brown skin that  glistens a little bit from sweat, their eyes all looked the same which was a very dark brown that could be mistaken for a black, their face was rough by the dark stubble on their chin, their heads were clean with no sign of hair, and they are very buff.

They all smirk and give each other glances before settling their eyes on me. "Just give us some of the food you're family brings in and be loyal to us when we need you to throw hands." The first one said and I was okay with giving them food because I know Adam will hook me up but fighting might get me in trouble.

"Don't we get extra time for fighting?" I ask and he chuckles before standing up and walking up to me and sat next to me on the bed. "Only if we get caught, I know you wanna go home and trust me, we all wanna go home but there are rules to prison, you gotta play dangerous to be safe." He said and I let his words sink in before nodding my head.

"Okay, I will do it." I said and he gave me a huge smile before patting me on the back and getting up to go with his twin like friends. "Wait." I said before they walked out and they all turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you all brothers?" I ask and the one that sat next to me started laughing and nodded his head. "We are triplets." He said before turning around and walking out with his brothers following. Dam, they all ended up here in the same prison, how?

I lay down on the hard bed and turn my head back to the wall. "I'm only doing this for you princess." I whisper and I imagined her sipping from her bottle and giving me a lazy grin. Oh, what I will give just to see my princess give me her smile.

Adam's POV....

"You're such a dick!" My one night stand yelled as I slip back on my clothes and shoes. She is mad because after our third round, I went to go take a shower so I can get her smell off of me. She has old woman perfume and I don't like that shit at all.

"I have to get home to my daughter, so give me a call when you change perfumes and maybe I might stay for another round." I said walking out of her bedroom and the sound of footsteps made me turn around to see her running towards me and I tried to hurry and run down her hallway but she grabbed me by my shirt and slammed me into the wall.

"No, you are going to stay and watch a movie with me and we will cuddle and you will ENJOY it." She said raising her voice with 'enjoy' and I cringe because I now know that I hooked up with a psycho bitch and there is no escape. Didn't she say to treat her like a prostitute?

"I told your crazy ass that I just wanted sex and you were totally fine with that!" I yelled as I tried to pry away her hands but she then grabbed my dick and I stopped moving and my eyes widen in shock. This bitch is crazy!

"There is no way you don't love me, you were being sweet and complimented me through the whole process so don't you dare bring up what I said before!" She yelled in my face and I notice that she was starting to cry and she put her head on my chest.

"You are like an animal in bed and the things you say while being an animal makes me want you over and over again. I'm not letting this dick slip away, not again." She said as she fell to her knees with her hand still grabbing my penis.

"Fuck, let my dick go!" I yelled and she  shook her head and began massaging my dick through my jeans. Oh hell nah, I refuse to stay longer in this house! I try to remove her fingers but she squeezed making me yelp and I feel the air being knocked out of me.

"You're not going anywhere unless I know that we are together!" She yelled and I started to see spots and the last thing I remember was sliding down the wall and this crazy bitch gave me a kiss.

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