Snicker Bar

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Amber's POV.....

The man that prefers to be called 'daddy' is something else. He ordered me to wait in his room while he puts the little cutie to sleep. I wish I had a little sister like Jess, Jess is the most adorable little kid. It is sad to say that she cheered me up better than my therapist.

"Lay down." I jumped at the sound of his voice. I look at him to see that he was shirtless, I should have known that this is what he had in mind. I lay down and close my eyes to ease myself a bit because I am a little terrified about how this is gonna go.

My eyes flew open as a body laid next to me. I turned to look at him and he was munching on a snickers bar. What the hell? I thought we were gonna have sex... I don't know why I was so upset that this stranger isn't touching me.

"Is there something wrong Amber?" My heart skipped at the sound of my name leaving his lips. I don't know what came over me but I started to trace his chest and my mouth dropped when I started to outline packs. My fucking weakness.

"If you keep doing that, I will assume you want to have sex." He said and I noticed that he finished his treat and was now looking at me. His hazel eyes are more than beautiful. I didn't realize I was staring at him longer than needed until he kissed my neck.

My breathing hitched and my heart started to beat rapidly. Why is this man ruining my morals? I'm better than this, I don't sleep with strangers, nor do I have one night stands.

"I should go, my parents might be worried about me." I fibbed and he quickly got off of me and started to put on his clothes. Is he mad that I didn't want to sleep with him? I was about to voice my thought but he pointed at the door.

"I think you should leave, and don't come back." He said harshly and I quickly grabbed my purse and phone and scurried out of his room and eventually his house. Was he upset that I didn't want to have sex? That has to be the reason. It doesn't matter anyway,  he will find another girl to screw.

Adam's POV.....

I almost slept with an underaged girl! That bitch had the nerve to not tell me her fucking age. She doesn't care that I have a kid to take care of because I almost fell for that trap. Fuck. I laid down in my bed and grabbed another snickers bar from my nightstand.

"Can I sleep with you daddy?" I jumped at the voice and quickly tried to hide the candy in my hand. I hope she didn't fucking see it, it is her favorite and it's my last fucking one. I roll my eyes and shake my head at her, she is really pissing me off with that 'can I sleep with you?' Shit.

"You are six Jess, act like it and leave me alone." I said and I was waiting for her to leave so I can continue to my bar. But, she fully walked in and closed the door before climbing to the bed and grabbing my foot to help her climb up. Didn't I just tell her to leave me alone?!?

"What are you doing Jess?" I say with irritation and she lays on top of my chest and pulls up my blanket and covered us both before snuggling into my body. I huff with irritation and gently moved over to give her space to lay on the bed. I gently move her off of me and she quickly cuddled up next to me.

I slowly pull out the chocolate bar and I was about to take a bite but Jess interrupted me with her little voice. "You know daddy, it is not very nice to not share me some of that candy you are hiding." She spoke and I look down at her to see she has a smirk but her eyes are still closed.

"I raised a little detective." I mumbled but I don't know if she heard because the sound of her little snores escaped from her. I looked down at her to see that she is indeed asleep. Her baby hair is sticking out her ponytail and I know it is going to be a bitch doing her hair.

The sound of a window opening made me look at my window and there stood the two masked guys that paid us a visit not long ago. "Are you allergic to doors?" I ask and the second one laughed and I quickly pointed at the little girl curled by my side.

"Why are you guys back anyway?" I ask and they both looked at each other before looking back at me.

"We want a better life, and we thought about your offer and we'll like to work for you." The first one spoke. I smirk and nod my head, they both exhaled and I laugh at their nervousness.

"Thank god, I don't think I can eat out of anyone's trashcan again." The second one spoke and I carefully slid out of the bed and they both turned away. I was confused at first but looked down to see that I was in my boxers so I quickly grabbed my sweatpants off my chair and slipped them on.

"Something tells me that you both are homeless." I say and the second one spoke again, "Me and Ace has been homeless since we were 16." I looked back at them and I saw that they still looked away from me.

"You can turn now, I'll like to know your names and see your faces please." I say and they both turn around and both slowly took of their masks. They both looked like they were my age but the bags they had under their eyes made them look like they were in their forties.

"My name is Ace and I'm 23." I looked at Ace and he had grayish blue eyes and his hair was in some unkept spike style but it was okay on him. He had facial hair and it needed a little shave but it was still nice.

 He had facial hair and it needed a little shave but it was still nice

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"My name is Cody and I am 22."

Cody has brown eyes, pretty simple haircut and he also had some facial hair that needs some attention. So far, both guys look like they will be great help indeed.

 So far, both guys look like they will be great help indeed

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I give them a welcoming nod and introduced myself. "My name is Adam and I am 21, that little monster is Jess and we are you're new bosses." I say and they gave me a confused look on that but I motioned them to follow me.

"You will be staying with us, I need my men close and kept in shape. We will work on building your skills and it will take a bit." I say as I stop at a door and I open it and switched on the light, Ace quickly walked in and he was in awe. Cody was about to walk in but I stopped him and pointed to the door across and he walked over and opened it before switching on the light. He has the same expression as Ace.

"There is clothes in there that's should fit you, breakfast will be served and training starts after." I say before leaving to my room and I closed my door and locked it before switching off my light and laying back down.

"I handled that beyond calm." I whispered to myself before drifting off.

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