Movie Night

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Adam's pov......

"P-please stop, I'll tell you anything!" The man yells but I'm so irritated that it took so long for a confession. I punch him in the face for the hundredth time before pushing his head back down into the water.

"Adam, we need information from him. Stop being a dick for a second and let him up." Don says and I huff in annoyance. I told Jess I would be back tonight and it's already five in the morning thanks to this fuck. She's gonna be pissed.

I let the guy up and the sound of his choking and gasps for air echos in the bathroom. Don pushes me back gently and grabbed the man by his collar.

"You know, Wayne is looking for that pretty girl you got. He told us how he wants to-." Don flings him back into the tub and held him under the water again. Wayne is looking for Jess? He's.... No.

I move Don away and held up the now laughing guy. It pissed me off that he thought this was funny. I couldn't control the burning anger I have, I lifted my fist and I start to pound his face in.

"Adam, stop!" Don yells but I couldn't and even though the blood splatters from his face or my knuckles, I couldn't stop. Wayne touched Jess, he made her participate in something she didn't want, he made me watch her while I couldn't do anything about it. I'll fucking kill him before he ever touches her again.

The sound of a hard crunch breaks me out of my blind range and I rise up from the more than likely dead man. His face is unrecognizable and the once clear water is tainted red. To make sure he is fully dead, I grab the knife in my pocket and push it into his skull.

"Now we have to come back out and find another person." Don says with anger laced in his tone. I understand why he's angry. He promised his wife he would be able to go and see her soon and I made his plans a day later.

"I'll call Theo and Dre to clean this up. We need to get a drink or ten..... Clean yourself up so we won't stick out like a sore thumb." Don says clapping me on the back and I nod. A drink won't hurt, I won't have too many.

Jess's pov.....

I stare up at the ceiling angrily. He fucking stood me up. I waited all night for him and he didn't tell anyone where he had gone or for how long. He told me tonight and the light is already shining through.

I hadn't slept a wink and that is pissing me off even more. I love sleep, it's the only escape I have from the mental pain I was caused. For a moment, I thought what Adam was doing was the cure to the pain but how reliable could he be?

Soon, the sleep took over me and I find myself dreaming of being under Adam. It was amazing but deep down in my subconscious mind, I knew it wasn't real and it never would be.

I'm not sure how long it's been but I'm woken up to someone shaking me. With a groan, I open my eyes but immediately squint them from the bright light. When they are well adjusted, I glare at the annoying boy in front of me.

"Jackson you fucking looney bin. Why are you waking me up so early?" I ask and his face twisted into a confused expression. He reaches his hands into his pocket and pulls out a phone.

"Well, it says here that it's four o'clock..... And it sure isn't four o'clock in the morning." He sasses and my jaw immediately drops in shock. I was asleep for so long.... I know I had fallen asleep super late but I slept the whole day away without any interruption. Well, until Jackson.

"Ugh, how in the fuck did I sleep for so long?" I ask myself out loud and Jackson chuckles. I stand up and stretch my body until all the cracks ended. I smack my lips and head to the bathroom.

"You can leave now, I'm gonna take a shower." I say and the only response was the sound of my room door closing. Adam must have stayed somewhere else..... He would of woke me up... Right?

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