We all will be in some deep 💩

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Chris's POV.....

I walked down the stairs and with each step I felt the anger in me rise. At the last step, I took a deep breath put on a fake smile, and walked the rest of the way I heard noise from the kitchen.

"What did you bring?" I asked as casually as I could and she jumped a little and gave me a little smirk. She walked to me and I did my best not to grab her by the hair and punch every ounce of blood that was in her body.

"I brought steak, mashed potatoes, and mixed vegetables." She said and she gave me a peck on the lips and it hurt me that I didn't kiss back and I think she noticed it.

"Baby, are you alright?" She asked and it hurts me that she sounds so sincere, she should be in an fucking movie not a fucking little spy that wants to end the family she built for more than 10 years!

"I was folding our baby's clothes and I heard a phone ringing." She looked beyond confused and I almost cried as she pulled the face I normally laughed at and called her out on.

"I looked down and it was yours." Her face fell and she looked beyond scared but she covered it up and licked her lips before shrugging her shoulders.

"So, where is Adam so we can eat?" Did this bitch- did she just- no, fuck this! She is trying to change the subject like I'm gonna let my knowledge of knowing that you are trying to kill me slip, fuck this shit her ass gotta be felt with now!

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I grabbed her by her hair and swung her to the ground and she screamed but I couldn't even see her, all I saw was red and it started to fade to black.

I started to see color again when I heard banging on the door and shouts but I looked down at the girl that took my heart and stomped on it. She looked at me with hate and I noticed that her face was bloody before I realized that her hand was loose she grabbed something on the floor and swallowed it.

"I never loved you or that dumb bitch of a daughter, I set you up." I shook with anger but before I could punch her I was grabbed and shoved onto the floor. I looked up to see policemen running into the house and blue lights flashing.

"Hands behind your back!" I did what he asked and I turned my head to Angela to see that they were giving her CPR but I know what that bitch took and I can tell anyone that she ain't coming back.

I was picked up off the floor and then I heard Adam talk and that scared me to death because I knew that he was in a hell of a ride. I tried my best not to look at him because it would hurt me to leave him. I took him in when no one cared and it hurts knowing I have to let him be on his own but this time he isn't all alone.

Adam's POV...

Why is he fucking ignoring me? I tried to walk to him but a cop stopped me and I glared at his hand because it was too close to Jessica's head. He quickly took it off put each hand on a hip and stared at me before looking down at Jessica and I held her a little bit closer.

"Who are you and why didn't you come down when that lady was screaming?" I examined this fucktard because he looks awfully like a Pillsbury doughboy.

"I am his brother and I was too busy with the baby's crying so I didn't hear shit," I said plainly he lifted his eyebrow but quickly put it down and I bet it was too heavy to hold.

"We need you to come down to the station for a few questions." I shrug my shoulders and walked my ass out of the fucking house and to my car but I was rudely stopped.

"In the police car and don't worry, we got a car seat for the little one." I turned around and this time it was fucking Edward Scissorhands! You got to be fucking kidding me with bullshit!

"I'm not under arrest so why do I have to go into an uncomfortable police car?" I asked but I had no emotion on the question or my face the dude looked frightened he nodded his head and scratched it.

"I'll just follow you then and we'll go from there." He said and I gave him a dirty look before opening up the car door and placing Jessica in the car seat. I hate that Chris made me get one just in case he ever decided to want to use it but the worst part about this is that It killed my chances to fuck in the backseat.

She made a little noise but she was still asleep and I hope she can keep her little ass in that stage. I closed the door as softly as I could but hard enough to lock and jogged to the driver's side and hopped in.

"You better hope your daddy has a plan because if he doesn't we all can be in some deep shit," I said I know that Chris would've scolded me for saying a cuss word to his daughter but I am mad because he knew I called him and I fucking bet he down there killed her.

Chris's POV...

"Why did she swallow those pills when she could have walked freely out of the hospital after treatment?" The detective said and I just stared at the table because one word I say wrong can get me life in prison.

"So you aren't going to answer my question?" He asked as he got up from the table and I took the time to look around the interrogation room it was dull, the window was dark and you couldn't see through it but we all knew other detectives were observing our conversation.

"Do you want to" he was cut off by someone barging in. I looked back to see a younger officer and he licked his lips before fixing his position to a more straight and ready one.

"Sorry sir, but there is a man with a baby claiming that they are family with the suspect." He said and my heart dropped, why didn't he just fucking leave or run away? When if my baby girl get taken away from both of us? He better fucking remember his training or we all will be in some deep shit.

The pic is Angela!

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