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Jess's POV.....

Dinner is as awkward as ever. Today we have unseasoned steak and dry mash potatoes. I cut into my steak and groan at the bloody meat.

I sit alone at the end of the long table and Adam sits at the top. I watch the blood from the meat make its way to my potatoes.

"Can I get this well done please?" I ask and I look up at Adam to see he was already staring at me. He rolls his eyes and stuffs a piece of his steak into his mouth.

"Everyone is off to sleep for the night. Stop being a baby and eat." He snaps and I glare at him. I didn't do anything bad today.... Except for spilling the soap and he doesn't know that. There is no excuse for him to be a dick.

I never know when he will lash out on me. I don't know why it is so hard to just be nice to me. He talks like he knows me and not just knows me through my dad. He speaks to me like it's normal to do so.

Now that I think about it, I know nothing about Adam. I wanna know how I can play his game, get out of trouble more easily, and I wanna know why he is the way he is.

"So... My favorite colors are blue, black, and purple. What's your favorite colors?" I awkwardly ask, I couldn't help the awkward smile that pushed its way to my face.

Adam raises his eyebrows in amusement and blinks slowly. At this point, I wish I can go back in time and make myself shut the fuck up. I look down at the food and mentally sigh.

"I obviously like black and gray." He answers. I raise my head back up to look at him. He cuts another piece of his steak but doesn't pick it up to eat it.

"Are we engaging into some type of question game?" He asks and I nod my head, even though I planned to ask him questions and not the other way around.

"Alright, tell me how you got to that park so quickly." I swear he is demanding me to tell him and not really asking. I don't really want to tell him anything that will get my ass bruised. Honestly, I'm confused about him caring about that.

"My best friend picked me up and took me there." I vaguely say and Adam just nods his head and leans back into his chair. I'm quite surprised he is participating, I expected him to laugh in my face.

"Um.... How do you know my da-... Chris?" I ask, I am still angry at Chris and will not call him anything that relates to a father for awhile.

"Just know that he took care of me when I was young." He says, he quickly takes a shot of tequila before biting into a lime. My dad took care of him? Why? I open my mouth to ask him more about it but Adam beat me to it.

"Why were you naked in the jacuzzi?" He asks smoothly and I immediately feel my cheeks heat up. Why must he bring it up? I bite my lip as I think of a decent enough excuse. I sigh in defeat.

"To be honest with you, I just didn't have anything to hop in with... So, I just took the chance with being nude." I say looking down at my fingers.

"So.... You mentioned Chris took care of you.... Why would he do that? Did you not have parents?" I ask as I look up to see his expressions. Maybe I am coming off interrogative, I just find that detail odd.

"No, I didn't have parents that.... No, I only had Chris." He says chugging the bottle of tequila. I eye him curiously and watch him run his long fingers in his hair.

"What do you plan on doing when you turn 18?" He asks and that question alone freezes me up. I don't know what I want to do, I don't really know what I'm good at. I guess my silence is loud because Adam speaks again.

"Maybe you can be a soccer player. You sure know how to aim and kick some balls." Adam jokes and I chuckle at his statement. His lips stretch into a wide smile and I stop and stare at him. Adam.... His smile makes him look so... Gorgeous.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing him smile more. I love that we can just talk without him immediately looking for a reason to beat my ass.

"You should smile more.... And maybe be a bit more nice." I blurted out and I immediately slap my hands on my mouth and my eyes widen in fear. Why would I say that it loud???

Adam's smile immediately disappears and he slowly gets up. My heart pounds and my body freezes up and I feel myself growing sweaty. He's gonna hit me, I had to open my fucking mouth!

"I'll start being nice if you can start behaving." He says walking away from the kitchen. Once he is fully out of sight, I lower my hands and relax.

I decided to copy his actions and also get up. I just want to go to bed and.... Well, I don't need energy for anything because I'm not allowed to do anything. There is a huge land space outside to explore and I haven't gotten the chance to. I do now....

I slowly make my way to the front door. I do my best not to make a noise and alert anyone. Once my hand reaches up to the nob, I unlock the door and twist it. But instead of me pushing it open, the door pulls open.

A very big man stands in front of me. He has a hoodie on but the dim light helped me make out some features. He has a full on beard, if I'm not mistaken, the beard is a dark red. His eyes are dark brown and his skin is slightly pale... More pale than Adam.

"You don't wanna get lost out there. There are animals and bugs out there that would eat you from the inside out." His voice is really deep but it is smooth and calming. He gently pushes me inside and closes the door silently.

"I'm more than sure Adam didn't tell you to leave the house. I won't tell him.... This time at least." He says with a small smile. He looks me over and sniffles.

"From the stories I hear about you, you don't seem like the type to be a mute.... Well, I'm Don." He says holding out his hand and I place my hand in his and he gives it a firm shake.

Why is he being nice to me? When if Adam knows I tried to go out and sent this man to hit me? My heart starts to beat abnormally fast at that thought because this man is fucking huge.

"P-please don't hit me... I just wanted to get some fresh air." I plead and Don looks confused by my plea. He shakes his head and lowers himself to my height. He holds my hand gently and places his other hand on top of it.

"I will never hit you. Hm, how about we meet in the afternoon tomorrow to go out and get some fresh air together?" He looks at me with a genuine smile placed on his lips. I nod hesitantly and he nods confidently back.

"Good. Now go off to sleep, you'll need it." He says letting go of my hand. I back up slowly to the direction of the stairs. As much as I hate to say this.... I trust him, I barely met him but I trust that he is telling the truth.

"Thank you Don, I'll see you in the afternoon." I whisper before running to the stairs and tip toeing to my room. The night started with blood in my mashed potatoes to a promised adventure tomorrow.

"Adam should be nice like Don." I whisper before my head hit the pillow.

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