To Protect You

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Jess's pov......

I flitter my eyes open at the sound of a door opening and closing. I turned my body to the bedroom door and almost screamed at the colors around the room.

"It's time to wake up Jess, we have a long ride back home." Adam says as he walks over to my dark blue bean bag. He sits down on it and gives a look of being uncomfortable. I chuckle at him and he gives me a boyish grin.

My room seems a bit childish compared to the room given to me by Adam. I get up from under my covers and slide off the bed. I had to do my daily routine and I raised an eyebrow at Adam.

"I'll be downstairs with your father." He says getting up and I nod my head and make my way to my bathroom. I did my daily routine and showered until all my memories from yesterday hit me and I frowned at the wall.

How could he kiss me knowing he held information like that from me? I'm not mad that he left. I'm grateful he did because I can't imagine him not wanting me the way he does now.

I can't believe I didn't pick up on all of the clues. He basically dropped hints like knowing me and remembering things he couldn't possibly remember if he never knew me. I'm angry that he didn't trust me enough to tell me the truth. How could I ever expect him to tell the truth to me?

Ignoring him yesterday was a bad move. I can tell he'll want to talk to me about it and god knows what will be said in the car. I wrap a towel around me and exit the bathroom, I nearly drop my towel as my eyes meet Adam's eyes.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask and he ignores me and sits down on my bed without taking his eyes off of mine. I gulp and make my way to my closet to pull out some clothes.

I managed to put on an oversized shirt and baggy sweatpants. This is Austin's shirt.... I try to walk out of the room but I'm pulled into a rock hard chest, Adam's rock hard chest. His lips graze my ear and I shiver in his arms.

"What an interesting choice in clothing." He whispers and I gasp at the feeling of his hard penis on my ass. I slowly turned away to face him and he held a look of lust and anger.

"You ignored me yesterday." He says raising a hand up and caressing my lips with his thumb. I felt so hypnotized by his movements that I said nothing until he smacked my ass. He covers my mouth before I yelped and gently pushes me onto the bed.

"It drove me crazy Jess. You had no clue how bad I wanted to pull you over that table and fuck you." He growls over me and I think I need therapy again because I'm horny with those words. He takes his hand away from my mouth and I lick my lips.

I can't let go of the fact that he held so many secrets from me. I fight through my  lust and glare at him. He groans and hops off of me. I hate to admit this but.... I'm even more pissed he removed his body from mine.

"Why didn't you tell me the truth? Why hide the fact that you raised me when my father was in prison? I literally saw you kill a guy Adam.... You telling me our history wouldn't be a fucking deal breaker." I say to him and he shoots me a warning look. 

I shut my mouth and turned away from him like a four year old would if they were upset they couldn't watch more TV. Adam runs a hand through his hair before letting out a low groan.

"Everything we did was to protect you Jess. I wanted to tell you but I couldn't, I have no right to tell you the sins your dad has done. And I will never do that, he has done so much for me and I'm already in violation of loyalty." He whispers the last part and I knew what he meant.

It's selfish of me to think but.... I don't care if my dad gets upset about us, I want and need Adam more than anything and I refuse to let him go. I can take any consequence my dad throws my way for it; Adam didn't kiss me first, I kissed him.

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