My toddler

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Adam's POV....

It has been forever since that last call I had with Chris. And it bothers me that Chris isn't here to see his daughter turn five today. I pull the blankets up to my face as I sink more into my bed, Jess thinks that I am her dad and it makes me upset because I will never be as good as the man that is her father.

I hear little feet pat in the hallway and all of a sudden they stop and the sound of my door opening made me mentally groan, time for Jess's daily jump in my bed routine.

"Daddy, get up daddy, today is my birthday daddy!" She yelled and I am uneasy by her calling me daddy. "Jess my love, can you please let me sleep for five more minutes?" I ask and I raise my eyebrows when I feel her crawl to the bottom of the bed and wiggle herself to the top where her little glowing face met my probably crappy one.

"Okay Daddy." She giggled and she snuggled into me making my chin tickle at the feeling of her hair. I feel bad because she only has two hairstyles which is it up in a bun or wild. It's a bitch trying to tame her hair, I have to grease her scalp, oil it, keep it moisturized, wrap it up with silk bonnets, and for her hair she doesn't have to wash it everyday which is a blessing because combing and brushing her hair after a wash and dry is a bitch.

"Close your eyes and sleep daddy, we don't have much time!" She yelled and  this time I groaned out loud and she giggled. "Get out of my room Jess." I sternly say and she stopped giggling and frowned at me. "If I get out, I will not talk to you anymore." She warned but those words were heaven in my ears.

"Good, get out." I said and I turned away from her. A minute went by before I felt her little body wiggle down to the foot of my bed and the pitter patter of her feet against the wooden floors. I smile at the sound of my door slamming shut and I close my eyes and take in the silence, peaceful.

                     ~3 hours later~

I open my eyes to the sound of music and people yelling. What the fuck? I shot up and moved the blankets from me and ran downstairs to see what was going on. My eyes widen at the scene before me, there were teenagers grinding, smoking, drinking, kissing and some down there having sex!

"Hey ugly, wanna dance?" Some red headed bitch asked and I hope she noticed that she just called me 'ugly'. "Ugly? Fuck outta my house hoe." I angrily say and she laughed and flipped me off, "yeah, get your ugly ass in that kitchen so we can destroy them nice ass cabinets." She said motioning me with her index finger to follow her.

I give her a disgusted look and walk deeper into the party. How in the fuck did they get in? Who in the fuck invited them? And where is-  "fuck!" I yell at the realization of a missing five year old among these drunk and high college students. I start to run into people and going under legs to find the little toddler.

"Jess, Jess come out right now!" I yell but the music drowned my voice along with the laughter and shouting. Fuck my fucking life! I run back up the stairs to see if she was in her room and once I got in there I froze at the sight.

Jess's POV......

"He left me for that blonde girl with big boobs and blue eyes, he doesn't even know that she slept with his cousin and little brother!" The poor brown haired girl cried and I pat her head and gave her hug to make her feel better.

"He no deserve you, you are very pretty, he just stupid, yep girl, he stupid." I say trying to sound like those talking ladies on the shows me and daddy watched. She smiled and I let go and continue to do her hair. I put the pretty glitter in her hair that matched her glittery nails.

"You look so pretty, all them boys gonna want you, yep girl, they will!" I squeal and she squealed with me making me giggle. All of a sudden my door was slammed open and my daddy stood there in shock. "Jess, what is going on, where did all of these people come from?" Daddy asked and I look down because daddy is gonna scold me for not following his rules.

"Jessica." He said and I knew I was in big trouble because he didn't call me any of my play names or the short one for my name. I put my finger in my mouth and moved my body side to side, I told him that I wasn't gonna talk to him but he ain't listening.

"Daddy, I told you I not gonna talk to you no more, and you did not mind." I said and I stared at my floor and daddy's big feet came to view. "I am not going to play games with you, WHERE. DID .ALL .OF .THESE .PEOPLE .COME. FROM?" With each word he came down to where I am and he lifted my chin and gave me a mean look. I give him a sad face but he didn't let go of his mean face, I better tell him.

Adam's POV.....

I glare at her and she sighed before opening her mouth up. "Well daddy, you haven't woken up and I was all alone so I decided to go outside, I had to go through the doggy door because the handle was slippery." I watch as she slowly does the movements to her actions and I wanted to smile but she is in trouble.

"And I got outside and saw Amber outside crying so I invited her to my party and some dude came up to me and asked if he could throw the party for me and I told him that I would love for him to do that but he no get me nothing daddy, he just brought more people so me and Amber stayed in my room." She said and I look at the now glittered brunette and she gave me an awkward smile.

"Amber may I ask you to come into my room to discuss more about this situation?" I ask looking at her and she wasn't an ugly girl at all she had pretty straight brown hair and her pale skin made her green eyes pop. I'll smash and take her home, that's the least she can do since she invaded my property and hung out with a fucking five year old.

"O-okay." She stuttered a little bit but I can tell it was because she was scared but once she catches on when we are in that room she will get confident again I am sure of it. "Oh, Amber you have to call him daddy, that's his name." Jess said and that made Amber's cheek become a dark red and I smirk, "yeah, you may address me as 'daddy'." I say and she nods her head.

Time to kick out these drunk assholes so I can get to know Amber.

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