Part 125

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I walk back to the cottage, tears streaming down my face. "He left?" Fleur asks once I walk in. I nod. She walks over to me and hugs me. "Like he said, you will be all right. I hear from Ron that you two always find your way back to each other." Bill says petting me on my head. I giggle. Knowing he is right. We always do. "Now, go pack your stuff so we can leave for Hogwarts soon." Fleur let's go of me and I walk back upstairs and start packing. I walk in my room and see that there is a note on the bed: 

Baby girl, you know I love you. And I know I always will. You really are the love of my life, and I can't immagine a life without you. I am glad I met you. I am glad I let you in. I am glad you let me in. I promise you this: we WILL see each other again, and we will start a family together, there is no one else I want to start a family with other than you. Good luck at Hogwarts, good luck with everything you have to do there. I know you will be great. I cannot fight against the Dark Lord myself. But I know you and the others will do just fine on your own. I love you, with all my heart.


He wants to start a family with me? We never talked about this. But I know I feel the same way. I want no one else. He is the one and only for me. He always will be. With tears in my eyes I start to pack. Put the note in my trunk as well. To make sure I don't loose it. After packing I head downstairs to see that Fleur has made dinner. "Come sit. Eat something then we are off to Hogwarts." Bill says and takes my trunk from me so I can walk down the stairs with ease. I take a seat at the table and start eating. "Ready?" Luna asks me once we are standing outside the cottage, waiting for Bill to lock the cottage and ready to leave. I nod. "As ready as I'll ever be." she grabs my hand. "We will be all right." she squeezes it. "Come on, let's go." Fleur says and takes my other hand, and Bill takes her other one. In a second we are standing in a village. "Here lives Aberforth Dumbledore, the brother of Albus. He has a way to get you to Hogwarts. Just knock on that door over there..." Bill says, pointing at a door a couple of feet away from us "and he will let you in and get you to Hogwarts. We need to get back. Good luck." he finishes and then he and Fleur apparate again. I look at Luna, she nods and we walk to the door Bill pointed at. I knock. "Who is there?" A voice sounds. It is an old man. "It is Olivia Soulton, and Luna Lovegood. We just got here-" I say then he opens the door and pulls us in. "Don't talk to loud, you never know who might be eavesdropping." "Fleur and Bill Weasley brought us here and told us you had a way to get to Hogwarts." I say. He nods and walks to a painting of a younger girl. "Get him." he tells her and the girl nods and walks away. "Get who?" "Just wait you will see." After a few minutes the girl returns, but she is not alone. A boy is walking behind her. It is Neville. Then the painting opens, behind it there is a long hallway. And Neville is standing in the opening. "Neville!" I exclaim. "Olivia! Luna! Come on let's go." he says. "Thank you Aberforth. Take care." I say and follow Luna, who is climbing into the hallway. "You too." he says and right after I get in the hallway the painting closes again. "I never knew this was here." I tell Neville. "It never was, this is the only way in and out of Hogwarts now." he explains. "Are Harry, Hermione and Ron already there?" I ask. "No, not yet." "I reckon they will be here shortly, Olivia." Luna says. We walk throught the hallway a little longer than we get to another door. Neville opens it and it reveals a room. A lot of students are sitting on the floor. There are sheets hanging on the pillars, I assume they are beds. "Hey, lot, look who made it here." Neville says and steps away, to reveal us to everyone. "Luna! Olivia! Good to see you!" Ginny says. The three of us climb down the ladder and I hug Giinny. "What is going on here?" I ask her. "The Carrows." she says, I give her a look of confussion. "Oh right, the Carrows are brother and sister, they are rulling the school." "But Snape is the headmaster right?" "Bloody coward." Neville tells me. I take a seat next to Ginny on the floor. We talk for a while then it is time for bed. We get ready for bed and everyone gets in bed. I lay in one of the hangbeds, they are not really comfortable. But better than nothing. I stare at the ceilling. Not abble to sleep. There has to be something we can do to make the school right again. To save everyone in this hell hole. This isn't right. And what is Draco going through now? How are his parents treating him? How is Voldemort treating him? I can't seem to focus on sleeping, my head is full with questions, about Draco, but also about the school and Hermione, Ron and Harry. What are they up to? Are they safe? Are they even alive? They could've been killed by the Goblin's. Merlin knows what those creatures can do once they find out that it isn't really Bellatrix getting into her vault. After a lot of tossing and turning, I finally fall asleep. But not for long.

I Know You Fancy Me ||D.M.||Where stories live. Discover now