20 minutes later we arrive at the station. Still no Harry. "Where's Harry?" Hermione asks when we walk into the hall. "He's probably already on the platform. Come on." Ron replies and pulls her towards the door, I take one quick look down the hall to see if he didn't show up in that second, but he didn't so I walk follow the other two out onto the platform. I look towards the front of the train and see Draco walk out, in a bit of a hurry. But I ignore it and follow Hermione and Ron towards teh carriages. "He isn't here either. Where could he be?" Hermione asks. "He will turn up, let's go before all the carriages are gone." Ron replies and keeps walking. We walk into a gate, where Aurors are standing searching students, for Berlin knows what. We get in line and soon we are being searched. We get through with no problem. I turn around and see Draco walking to Snape. I am to far away to hear what they are saying. I see Draco look at me, I smile at him. He doesn't return it. "Hey, how was your Summer?" Neville asks scaring me a little, I giggle. "Great! How about yours?" I ask, turning my focus on him instead of Draco. "Mine was good too thanks!" "Good, I am glad." "Come on you two! The carriage is almost leaving." Hermione says and I realize we stopped walking. I laugh and walk towards the carriage that Ron and Hermione are sitting in. "Where is Harry?" Neville asks. I shrug. "We don't know, he left about 25 minutes ago to use the bathroom, but never returned. We reckoned he would be on the platform." Ron says. "He will turn up." Neville says, we all agree, then the carriage starts moving towards the castle. It is dark outside, so the castle is gorgeously lid up. So stunning. It amazes me everytime I get back here how big and beautiful the castle actaully is. A 10 minute carriage ride later we arrive at Hogwarts. God how I have missed this place. It has become my second home, in the two years I have been here. How fast things go. Only two years ago I walked into this castle not knowing what was waiting for me. We walk into the Great Hall, where already so many students are sitting, chatting about their Summers. We take a seat at the Gryffindor table and Ron starts eating immediately. "Don't worry. He'll be here in a minute." Ron says stuffing his face with pudding. Hermione gives him a discusting look. But I look away and see Draco walk into the Hall. He looks so good in that suit, like wow. Hermione starts hitting Ron with the book she is holding, making me look at them again. "Will you stop eating?" she asks hitting him still. "Your best friend is missing." she says slamming the book down on the table. "Oi." Ron exclaims. I see someone walk into the Great Hall in the corner of my eyes, I turn my head, it is Harry. "Turn around, you lunatic." Ron says nodging his head towards where I was looking. Hermione does as he says. Harry and Luna walk towards us. Harry dapping a white piece of cloth under his nose. "He is covered in blood again." Ginny states. "Why is it he's always covered in blood?" I say rolling my eyes at my best friend "Looks like it's his own this time." Ron says. "Where have you been?" Hermione asks leaning over the table as Harry sits down next to me. "What happened to your face?" she adds when he doesn't respond. "Later. What've I missed?" Harry says, a little out off breath. "Sorting Hat urged us all to be brave and strong in these troubled times." Ron fills him in. "Easy for it to say, huh? It's a hat, isn't it?" I hear creacking coming from the stand in front of the Hall, the owl on it spreads his wings. Dumbledore steps up behind it. "Very best of evenings to you all." he starts getting everyone's attention. "First off, let me introduce the newest member of our staff Horace Slughorn." Dumbledore motions his arm to reveal professor Slughorn, students applaud. "Professor Slughorn, I'm happy to say, has agreed to resume his old post as Potions Master. Meanwhile, the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts will be taken my professor Snape." "He finally gets his way." I whisper. Ron chuckles. The Slytherin table is the only table to applaud for him. The rest is just confused. I look over at Draco, who isn't even paying attention. He even looks somewhat sad, what is on his mind? I want to go over to him, I hate seeing him like this, is this about Borgin and Burkes? "Now, as you know, each and everyone of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight. And you have the right to know why. Once there was a young man, who, like you, sat in this very Hall, walked this castle's corridores, slept under this roof. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name? Tom Riddle." Dumbledore speaks, after he said Tom Riddle whispers break out. I fix my eyes back on Draco, who still doesn't look like he is paying attention to anything that is happening around him at all. "Today, of course, he's known all over the world by another name. Which is why, as I stand looking out upon you all tonight I'm reminded of a sobering fact. Every day, every hour, this very minute, perhaps, dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls. But in the end, their greatest weapon is you. Just something to think about. Now, off to bed. Pip-pip." Dumbledore speaks louder. "That was cheerful." Ron says. Still looking at Draco, who now notices that everyone is leaving moves. "Talk to him." Hermione whispers nodging my arm with her elbow. I look at her. "Go." she says. I stay seated. "I will go to him when he leaves. You go, don't worry about me. I will be up in a few." I tell them. They all leave and Draco sees mee sitting. He stands up. I do the same. He looks at me and stalkes out of the Great Hall. "Draco wait!" I yell. I run after him. "Babe. Please. Talk to me." I say trying to catch up to him.

I Know You Fancy Me ||D.M.||
FanfictionOlivia Soulton, an Italian girl, moved with her mom to England and got excepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What will happen when she meets a particular boy, with blonde, almost white hair. Will she be able to resist him? We wil...