Part 31

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"Wow, are you ok?" Draco says holding me tight making sure I don't fall. "Uh, yeah, I think so. A wave of nausea just came over me. But I am fine." I say trying to stand on my own again. Which I can do. But Draco is still holding me. "Are you sure?" I just nod. "Let's go to class before we are late. Don't want an angry Umbridge on my first class from her." I say. "Ok, let's go. Are you good to walk on your own?" It is so sweet how he is so concerned "Yeah, I will be fine." As we make our way to class I feel another wave of nausea come over me, so I stop walking. "Come on lets get back to the hospital, you need to lay down." "No, no I am good. To class we go!" I say determand to get to class. "No Olivia, you need to lay down." I look at him. "No Draco, I want to get to class, now lets go!" I say some what irritated. "Ok, sorry geez." he says holding my waist to steady me still. "Good, you two made it, take a seat, you are late." Umbridge says as we walk through the door. "But professor, I had to pick Olivia up from the hospital." Draco says. "I don't care sit down and don't interrupt me again." she says sternly, but with a smile on her face. What a weird woman she is. As Draco and I walk to our seats I notice a burned paper bird lie on the first table. What in Merlin's Bloody Beard happened there? "Good morning, childeren." Umbridge starts as Draco and I sit down. "Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination." she says writing it on the chalkboard with her wand as she makes her way toward the front of the class. "O-W-L's. More commonly known as OWLs. Study hard, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe." she says in her high pitch voice smiling still. She flicks her wand to her side and the books that are stacked up on each other start to float. Floating to every student. "Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven. But you'll be pleased to know from now on, you will be following a carefully structured Ministry-approved course of defensive magic." she says, Hermione raises her hand "Yes." Umbridge says allowing Hermione to speak. "There's nothing in here about using defensive spells." she states. "Using spells?" Umbridge says chuckling after. "Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom." she says walking towards Hermione, with still that evil little smile on her face. "We're not going to use magic?" Ron then asks. "You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure risk-free way." Umbridge replies. "Well, what use is that, if we're going to be attacked it won't be risk-free." Harry says. "Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class." she says walking back to the front of the class. "It is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical knowledge would be sufficient to get you through your examinations which, after all, is what school is about." "And how 's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there." Harry says irritated. I know full well he means Voldemort. And I have to agree with him. "There is nothing out there, dear." Umbridge replies. "Who do you imagine want to attack children like yourself?" "Voldemort." Draco states. I slab his arm. "Draco!" I say. Harry turns around. "No he is right." causing silence to fill the classroom. "Now, let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This is a lie." "It is not a lie! I saw him! I fought him!" Harry defenses himself. "Detention, Mr. Potter!" Umbridge yells causing me to jump. Draco takes my hand in his, I look at him. "You are ok." he whispers. And yet again I feel a wave of nausea come over me. This time I feel like I might puke. I get up and run out of the classroom to the nearest bathroom. "Detention for you too Miss Soulton!" I hear her yell me after. But I don't care I need to get to a bathroom. I get to one and open a stall. I sit on the ground and puking into the toilet. I then feel someone grab my hair and take it out of my face. "Are you alright, baby girl?" Draco says rubbing his other hand over my back. Gosh, why does he have to be here? And see me like this.  I sit up straight again. "No, my nose hurts really bad and I am not feeling good." I say, he grabs me and pulls me into him holding me tight. "I am sorry, you have to see me like this." I say trying to hide my face from him, feeling like there is puke all over my face. "Don't be, if I didn't want to see you, well, like this I wouldn't have come after you." He says, "So you want to see me like this?" I say giggling. "Well I rather not, but I mean-" "I am just messing with you." I say leaning into him, it feels so good being in his arms again. We sit there for a while before I stand up to wash my face. He takes of his robe and hands it to me. "Here use this to clean your face." he says. "But it is your robe I say." "I know that is why I am handing it to you." he says chuckling. I grab my wand to spell a glass to drink some water to get the bad taste out of my mouth before I have to puke again. I smile at him. How did we go from enemies to lovers to fighters to friends? How is that possible? And can we go back to lovers? I think as I look into his eyes, it feels like they are getting closer. And to my shock they are, he grabs me and kisses me. I break the kiss. "Draco I just-" I start but he cuts me off by kissing me again. "I don't care." he says against my lips. I put my arm around his neck and kiss him back. God how I've missed this.

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