Part 84

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We get out off the classroom, and Draco runs off again. Merlin knows where. I walk through the halls, free period, not knowing what to do. Walking behind Ron and Harry, overhearing their conversation. "Look, I can't help it if she's got her knickers in a twist. What Lav and I have, well, let's just say, there's no stopping it. It's chemical. Will it last? Who knows? Point is, I'm a free agent." Ron says, probably talking about why Hermione was acting weird earlier. Since when does Ron like Lavender? I thought he always had a thing for Hermione too, how did this happen? They walk away, I fasten my walk to get beside them. "Hey, you two." I say "Hey, what are you up to?" Ron asks. "Why do you think I am up to something? I have a free period and saw the two of you walking here. So I thought I'd join you. Whatever you are doing." I admit. "Well, we weren't really going to do anything. Go hang in the common room I think." Harry says. "Well let's go than." I say, and we walk back towards the common room. "Have you seen Hermione?" I ask. "No why would I? I am dating Lav." Ron says, a little annoyed. "Geez, sorry, I just haven't seen her either so I thought you might have." "My Won-Won, there you are!" Lavender says walking towards us, and kissing Ron. I look at Harry, he seems to be happy for Ron. I am too, don't get me wrong, but I think Ron and Hermione should get together, I don't like Lavender. "Oh, you again." Lavender says, breaking away from Ron, looking at me. I roll my eyes, and walk away, continueing to walk to the common room. I get inside and see Hermione sit on the sofa, reading. "Hey, there you are, where did you go after class?" "Well, you didn't leave class so I thought I would wait for you here. You and Draco fighting again?" she asks looking up from her book. I look at the ground, we fight a lot, don't we? "No, just a disagrement, we are good again. Don't worry. Why weren't you with Ron and Harry?" "Didn't want to see him and Lavender snogging. It disgusts me." she replies. I nod my head, then Harry walks in. "Where is Ron? You were together just now?" I say looking behind him to see if Ron was behind him, but he isn't. "Lavender." he just says. I look at Hermione, it really hurts her, I wish there is something I can do for her. "Let's go to the library." I say, knowing she loves it there. They agree, Harry and I start walking towards the door when Hermione stops us. "I need to grab some books, I need to return, I will be right back." she says and walks to our room. A few minutes later she walks back into the common room with a couple of books. "Ready?" I ask she nods and we walk to the library. "He's at perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes." Hermione says as we walk through the library, her putting the books back on the shelves. "I really couldn't care less." Harry just mentioned that Hermione couldn't ask Ron to the Christmas party anymore, since Lavender won't let him, so I nudged him to shut up, Hermione noticed and started rambling. "Was I under the impression he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party together?" "I just thought, seeing as neither of us can go with who we'd really like to, we should go together, as friends." "Why didn't I think of that?" "Who are you going with then?" I ask her. "Um, it's a surprise. Anyway, it's you, Harry, we've got to worry about. You can't just take anyone." Hermione says, "See that girl over there?" she walks to stand with her back to a girl sitting by a window, to make it less noticable that Harry would be looking at her. "That's Romilda Vane. Apparently she's trying to smuggle you a love potion." "Really?" Harry says, now staring at Romilda, Hermione snaps her fingers to get his attention again. "Hey! She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the Chosen One." "But I am the Chosen One." Harry replies, Hermione smacks his head with a book. "Okay, sorry. Um, kidding. I'll ask someone I like. Someone cool." He then turns to me. "Olivia, would you come to the party with me?" "I would love too." I giggle. Hermione gets a couple new books then we get back to the common room. "I just don't have anything to wear." I admit. "It isn't in two days, we can go to Hogsmeade tomorrow, I don't have anything either." Hermione suggests. "Sounds good." I say. "Maybe Ginny would like to come too?" I suggest. "We can ask." Hermione says as we walk into the commone room. Ginny is sitting on the sofa, with Dean. I see Harry walk straight to his room, not wanting to see her and Dean snog. "Hey Ginny, Olivia were wondering, do you want to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow? Dress shopping for Slughorn's Christmas party?" "Are you going too? With who?" Ginny asks me, "Harry asked me to go with him, as friends of course." I tell her, "So nice of him. But, I would love to go shopping together." she says. "Okay, we will leave in the morning, classes are later tomorrow, so we have the morning. Right after breakfast." Hermione tells us. We agree. "Then we will see you tomorrow! Good night!" I say, and start walking towards my room. "How are you feeling?" "Fine, please, can we not talk about this right now?" Hermione replies, while getting ready for bed. "Sorry." "It's fine. Can you tell me, are you and Draco okay? You seem to fight a lot. It is not that I care about Draco, I care that you are doing good." "Draco and I are doing great, I promise." I say not looking at her. "If you say so, good night." she says, turning of the light and getting in bed. She is right, we figt a lot, but everyone fights in a relationship right?  I fall asleep, shopping tomorrow, will take a lot of energy.

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