Part 69

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I walk through the train to see if I can find Draco. I wanted to say hey at the station, but I couldn't find him. I look into every compartment I walk by, but no sign of him. I get to the last coupé and see him sitting with Pansy and Blaise. I hate those two. "What is she doing here?" I hear Pansy say, with a disgusted look on her face, as I make my way over to them. Draco turns around to see who she was talking about. A smile creeps on his face when he sees me. "Baby girl." he says and gets up quickly to walk over to me, I give him a smile. "Hey you. I have been looking for you." I tell him. "I have been here, ever since the train left." he says. "Can we talk? Like in private?" I say looking past him to Blaise and Pansy, who is still giving me a dirty look. I roll my eyes and look back at Draco, who now looks concerned. "Yes of course." he says grabbing my hand and walking to a compartment. "Get out." he says to the kids who are sitting in it. "But-" "Did I stutter?" Draco asks, I squeeze his hand, "You can get back in later, we just need to talk for a second." I tell them. "Talk." the kid says, airquoting when he says it. I roll my eyes. "Get-" Draco starts, I pull on his hand to make him stop talking. "Fine, I give you ten minutes." the kid says and the four kids walk past us out into the crowded hall of the train. Draco walks in, I walk in after him and close the door behind myself. I turn and see Draco still standing and smirking at me. "What?" I ask giggling, "Nothing, you are just gorgeous." he says. Butterflies rush into my stomach, I feel my cheecks turn red, so I look at the ground and play with my ring. "Shy now are we?" he asks chuckling. He steps closer and puts his hand under my chin, he lifts my head up then leans in and kisses me. His lips are as soft as ever, I taste a hint of green apple. He then pulls away. "So what did you want to talk about?" he asks sitting down onto the couch. I take a seat on the other one. "Well, I, uh, I saw you at Borgin and Burkes yesterday..." I start, I look at him, to see any reaction, but there isn't really one, so I continue. "And, I was wondering what you were doing there." "I, I can't tell you." he says, "What do you mean you can't tell me?" I say, making sure to keep my voice somewhat low. "I mean, I can't tell you, baby girl. I wish I could, but I have sworn to keep my mouth shut. If I don't-" he says, fear filling his eyes. "If you don't what?" I repeat him "If I don't, there will be severe consequenses." I see his eyes become a little glossy. "I am sorry." I say, getting up to sit next to him. I put my arms around him and he leans into me. "Sorry, I really wish I could tell you. I don't want to keep secrets, I don't want to lie to you. I swear." he says a shake in his voice. "Sh, babe, I believe you. It is okay." I say rubbing my hand over his arm. "I love you, did you know that?" he says, I giggle. "I know, I mean who wouldn't?" I joke. He sits back up straight, a playful look in his eyes. "What?" I say again. He smirks at me and closes the gap between our faces again. Pushing me down onto the couch. He kisses me hard, I kiss him back, just as eager. After a couple of minutes there is a knock on the window and I push him off of me. "You call that talking?" the kid who we just kicked out off here speaks up, after opening the door for himself. "I-" I start. "We were just leaving. Compartment is yours again." Draco says before I can say anything else. He holds out his hand and I take it, he pulls me up. "Thanks for lending us the compartment for a couple of minutes." I say, still a little out of breath. Oopsies. "Yeah sure, not like we had a choice." another kid says glaring at Draco, who ignores his comment. "Thanks for understanding." Draco says before kissing me, he then walks back to his seat. I walk back to Ron, Hermione and Harry. "Hey." I say. "Hey, did he tell you anything?" Harry asks, "I don't think they really talked." Ron says "Look at what a mess she is." he says, my cheeks burn once again. "We did!" I exclaim before closing the door and sitting down next to Hermione, trying to straighten my shirt. Hermione giggles. "Well what did he say then?" Harry asks, impatiently. "Well, I asked him about what he was doing at Borgin and Burkes, but he said he couldn't tell me. And that if he did there would be severe consequenses." I tell them, Ron doesn't seem to buy it. "And you believe him?" "Ron stop, I do. He seemed to honest. I do believe him. I don't care if you don't. But I am not going to fight you over it again." I state. "I believe him, well I believe you. If you believe him I do too." Hermione says supportive, I throw her a smile then look at Harry, who seems to be into deep thoughts. "Harry, what are you thinking?" he snaps out of it and looks me straight into my eyes. "Oh, nothing." he says casually. I know he is up to something but let it go. After a couple of minutes he gets up. "Where are you going?" I ask. "Toilet." he says and walks out. I shrug my shoulders and let it go. We are almost at the station anyway, he wouldn't do anything stupid now.

I Know You Fancy Me ||D.M.||Where stories live. Discover now