"Olive, are you almost done packing? I want to leave in 5 minutes!" mom yells from downstairs. "Yes mom! Almost done!" I yell back. Today me and Draco go back to Hogwarts, I can't wait. I am curious about the break from the others, I haven't heard anything from them. "Babe, come on, do you need help?" Draco asks, leaning against the doorframe. "No baby, I told you, I don't need help. I am almost done, you just go downstairs and put your stuff in the car so we can leave once I am done." I reply smilling at him. "Fine, but hurry. Tell me when you are done so I can help you bring your stuff downstairs." he replies, walks into my room. "This isn't the way to downstairs, you know that right?" I giggle. He chukles and picks me up from the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist. "I know, I wasn't heading downstairs anyway." he replies then he kisses me. "I love you." he whispers against my lips. "Stop, I need to pack." "Yes Draco, she needs to pack, other wise you will be late for the train." mom says, now standing in the doorway. I giggle as Draco puts me back down. "Now Olive, hurry up please. You are taking to bloody long." mom says a little irritated. "Sorry mom." I say, Draco kisses me once more then walks with mom downstairs. I finish packing. When I am done I grab my stuff and walk down the stairs. "Baby, I told you to tell me when you are done." "And I decided to not listen to that. I am a big girl, I can do it myself thank you very much." Draco huffs "Yeah right." he says. I giggle and walk out to the car with my stuff. "Ok, both of you, do you have everything? Where are your owls?" "Inside. I will get them." Draco says, and walks back into the house. A few seconds later he walks out with our owls. "Good, ready to go?" Mom asks again. I look at Draco who nods to her, then I nod aswell. We get in the car and mom drives us to the station. 15 minutes later we get to the station, in 30 minutes the train leaves. "Need some breakfast?" mom asks. "No, I am good, not that hungry." I say immediately. "I am good too thank you." Draco says politely. Mom nods and we make our way to Platform 9 3/4. "I am going to say goodbye here. I will see you in the Summer honey." mom says when we stand before the wall between platform 9 and 10. "That is okay mom. I will see you in the Summer. I had so much fun this break. I love you!" "I love you too. Now hurry before the two of you are late." mom says, I hug her and Draco hugs her after. Then we say one last goodbye and Draco and I walk through the wall. Once again, the platform looks gorgeous in the early morning sun. It is magical, I fall further in love with Hogwarts each time I get here. "I am going to go to my compartment ok? I will see you at the castle." Draco says, I nod he kisses me and walks away. I stay where I am, looking around the Platform for Hermione, Ron and Harry. But they are no where to be found. I decide to get in the train, maybe they are already in there. I walk through the train, looking in every compartment. "Hey, how was your break?" I hear kids say all over the train, and a lot of chattering. But still none of my friends anywhere to be found. Where in the bloody hell are they? "Hey Olivia!" I hear a familiar voice say, then I see a head come out of a compartment. I smile, Hermione. She does not look to happy, when I walk closer I see Ron and Harry sit with her. Both of them don't look to pleased either. "Hey, what is wrong?" "The Burrow..." Ron starts. Tears fill his eyes, I can tell that something went horrible wrong this break. "What?" I say as I close the door and sit down on the couch beside Hermione. I look from her to Harry to Ron and back to Hermione. Neither of them says anything else. "What happened to the Burrow?" I ask again. I can hear the three of them trying to swallow a lump in their throats. I sigh, fear filling my head. "It is burned down to the ground." Harry finally says, a crack in his voice. "Oh my god! What happened?!" I ask. "Death Eaters." Hermione says. My heart stops, Death Eaters. Draco is one of them. Did he know? My head is spinning. "I am so sorry Ron." I say after a couple of minutes. "Bloody, I am so so sorry." I say again. "Why do you keep saying that?" he asks, finally locking his eyes with mine. Sadness is the only thing I see in them. I get up from the couch to sit next to him and hug him. He lets me. "Because-" I start, I almost want to tell them that Draco is one of them, but I can't, I know I shouldn't. "it is your home, and I feel bad." I say quickly. "But it is not your fault. Is it?" he replies. I shake my head. I get back up from the couch and sit back down next to Hermione. The three of them start to talk again, about Merling knows what. My mind is somewhere else. Did Draco know? Did he know they were planning on destroing the Burrow? Is that the reason he stayed with me? To keep me from knowing? "Olivia, are you ok?" Hermione then asks. "Huh? What? Oh, yes I am fine." I say quickly. "Are you sure? You were all shaking." "You seem pale as well." Harry adds. "I am fine, thanks." "If you say so." Hermione says and turns her attention back to Harry and Ron, mostly to Ron. She still is in love with him isn't she?

I Know You Fancy Me ||D.M.||
FanfictionOlivia Soulton, an Italian girl, moved with her mom to England and got excepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What will happen when she meets a particular boy, with blonde, almost white hair. Will she be able to resist him? We wil...